The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1985, Page Page 12, Image 12
Pag3 12 Thursday, March 21, 1035 Daily Nebrsskan WOO!) Area Pe-a 5 Thln3 Era net all and rc-:3 for Lincoln C&blcvtelon though. Th8 fed eral Eovcnsincitt hs3 dero'.itcd calls TV. Cities ara a!!r.vcd to set rutta with calls c:;ir.!c3 until 1C37. In respensa to tha daepktien, Cablevi den Is r: ?;!:ir.3 tr.d t!.3 ce::.;p:r.y is serins to add an additional 15 years to its contract that explrcj next yzzx, Jc3 Harden, a member of tha Cable vision Advi;"ry Ecard, sold the Lincoln City Ccur.cil i3 "not even considering" competitive fcida. Therefore, he sdi, gan Eiid. the council will net get tha best lid. Karlsan rid that in most cilice citizens hava tha option cf bying tha equipment necessary to receive cable instead of renting the service 3 Lin coln residents r.zA do. For example, ha sai d that in Omaha, i 7 ! '1 I sucsenbers pay a oisa-tlraa Im fee fbr a cilia hook-up, which liiep the basic cable channels into tha home. ISO and Showtime are net included in tM3 packass. I, - f- " c "Citizens deserve tha riri for cable at a reasonable cst end $10.25 per month i3 not a referable cost." Hani- , r mr-1 - -.m .x r ? W v-- is? f (l .... ir ' V ill ..ilk. OP 1 ) This course can train the ayerage person to read 7-20 times faster (1500 to 3000 WM) and with greatly improved comprehension. In addition, your cencontra j tion in all fields should bo improved profoundly. Your ability to remember months later will increase drama- ticallv. ) After nraduation. vou can read "Time." "Business V C IITU I . . . I . TV . II s . i I I ( novels in 12 hour, and huce books like "Shoaun" in 3 I ) to 5 hours. Students can read textbooks (technical) in V 14 the time previously required and comprehend, ( ( Mer& Hsiper end Ids eldsklcSt, felcw-Ep dall Anslla Alrfessd, put ca a tinrrs thizz? la tli-a . Usioa Crib Wedassdsy eflemoasu If 3 pkys ths galtsr, drcsaa csd evea a Q'nfcsl tir. a dresisllc& to tha end of M csStsr. A remember, analyze, and digest anyall information 10 (ten) urnes more effectively. - m V The first lesson is FREE... be sure to attend. At the -7j 'i I i! r ! ii ) i J I'll,1"! 'U I' i J y 1 1 "I. . I i o Ii..i.t.i ... hi i t 1 f1tll t , 0" 1 ' :jgj l n - ,ii , h' i! Jr.''-- i If 1 f wr " 1 1 : t 1.4 f FREE Lesson you can double your reading efficiency ) ) DrrD2rftd to enroll in th nntim nrnnram tn onshb a ji 1 r I " w . . ... w.ik.iw vj. will w WIIMVIV U lifetime of successful reading memory, concentration ) and comprehension. ' (i LWE ENTEETMNIIENT roe, todsy.ChsrUeBcrton&the Cutouts. 5:10. 7:15 and 6:20 n.n.: "A MfMnsra f All in attendance will receive a free booklet to help C&esterfleld, Bottorasley, & Friday &r.d Saturday. Cover charge b on Elm Street" 5:30, 7:35 and 0:40 p.m. ) improve immediately. There is no cost or obligation, ictfe234N-13thst- CockeyMon- $2. Cespsr Tfeeste, "The Killing v -irriiTrlTiiiM-rTiiii)iill)lilwiiiil--iirii'iv.i - 1 - wva v a, ilvavkw tutu t.-ssj Unli me swHcn, oaiuraay. ujver cnarge is 7:40 and 8:40 p.m.; "Into the Night, "r"ww iiiii.iuuiaiciy. micio id IIU UUdl Ul UUIiyctliUIl, y y so be sure to attend. However, be prepared to enroll in (( r f o iuviik uyiiaiiuu piuyiain ill in LUIUUIil UI6S 111 ; years. Get on the winning team. Be a speed reader. ) that is less than one-third of similar courses. Most l uuier prugrams oo noi nave tne AQvancea cassette V section tor continued improvement. I ( Your instructors have over 50 years (collectively) of speed reading, behavioral modification and classroom (( experience. J These FREE 3 hour lectures will be held in the U Assembly Executive Room of the Hilton Inn, 141 N. i 9th. Lincoln. Nfihrnskn nn W&rtrwsciav MrtrrhOH and 1 again Thursday, March 21 . Both lectures will be at 7:35 1 mi VV J A I oL 1 7 1 GriiFrg.l010PSt. 5:15. 7:25 end 0:S5 D.m.: "Nisht PatroL" Exciter, 5:30, 7:30 and e:S0 p.m sharp until 10:35. Those under 16 should be accom panied oy a parent. 0 J. Ii B JAi ,Jf 1.1 .1.1. Il 1. i I. I.. ,.J I I " iiiiir iuioi" IIU i fiiilU ecbSht in VV 3 Complete Sound and Lighting Systems Available Each Evening. Our prices will net be beat! MUSIC EXPHESS PO Box 80714 Lincoln Ul 60501 today tlirough Saturday. No cover Esst Psrk .1, "The Last Dragon,' cMrfe. 0 Ave. 5:20. 7:20 and fl;20 n.m MPHf!.w tM Misty Italiano, 6232 Havdock 13th, Part 5," 5:30, 7:30 End 0:SO p.m.; Luxe dievenson, raaay and "Msveriy Kills Cop," 5:40, 7:40 sM 0:40 p.m. Jayo Theatre, "Mrs. ScfTd," 7:30 Pla-ILIor Bzllroora, 6D0 . 0 St. g v.w..wwa, Wftksinnij 8:30 to 12:30 a.ra. Admission is Plasa 4, "Witness, 5:15, 7:30 md j I PITCHER COUPOH i i ri;i i it i b ii JkJ B 1 i I Vi K. 1 W O ILai K ineHiE'couioij Kmg-Ea's, Fndsy md Saturday. Cover 5:10, 7:20 tsd 0:30 p,m the Volcano, S&turdzy and Ssmday st Ealderdash, Friday aid Saturday. No 3, 7 and 9 p.m. cbdsrge is 99 cents. Eivcra's Lcrro, 1920 W. 0 St. Eeyzl Grove, 340 W. Comhuslipr Hv.y. Bocss Ercs. P.stos, today. Ccvcr chcr?.a is $3. Th Nice Erothem. FV5 uEturdgy. No cover charge. 1 cjsscssy, 3233vi S. 13th St. Li in U I brandy, today throush Saturday. No "HvFi is TLestr. "Fttdsv the 12th. Put 5," 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 p.ra. end 0:40 p.m. I f .1 ( cover charge. I Tcclzcr Iss, 3235 S. 13th St. I Freeride, todr through Sunder. Ccvcr i chanfs h 12. drink f- I Bit, 135 N. 14th It. Th pffsffpn pfsmfiVT JS&tcrs, today through Saturday. IIOVIE3 'ever," todgytl T I SAT. 323 TO SAT. 330 to 1 4. 8 i : . . . a . .. . . . . . . . I SAT. 323 TO SAT. 330 . - SAT. 323 TO SAT. 333 l SAT. 123 TO SAT. 330 I MineSMfBi MiVfliV iBM 4MB WV Ml Hi MM MtNHItfN flHMi MHB M S1HI MM 4MB W N MBMISI jBB ULW MM MM MM MB MM MM) MW HM M -.1 II f -v - ! j .V rls cn rJ.Vl "ZA & 7 11 .4 4. . w ( I ! t 1 1 3 (e1 , f i 1 f f f I ,.J L J i ! I i ! J i )i u 1 1 i if If i , J ! "1 P5 if 3 T 4 f J