The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
.Thursday, March 21, 1G35 Daily Nobraskan Pcgo 1 1 i t banawicn biiop a i Hy Dsve Wliitaker JefT Johnson, a UNL 1977 graduata cf will open a new restau rant la Lincoln sonatina In raid April, with a product he sold is "grpcr." Sehlotssky's, a s&ndwhlch shop, i3 a tanchsie front Austin, Texai The fret store opened in 1971, and byAust l34Schlotzsky'shad 173 stores h 15 etates. Th4. r-:r.e cf the restaurant c&ne from a word eor.-.ecr.a said 5 ajclce when testing the aandwlch. The n&rsa etuek, ar.d even when re s;rch:r3 tried to corr.e up with a new lc2'j they decided Schlctzskjrs a the Lest. Ths bread for sendwiches Is made dally from a secret recipe with a sourdough base. The orignai sir.d wich has ban, j7lced.tefcr.8st, salami and a blend cf melted moz- tarella,. ck 100 Ci 1 Mi U t sr and ramesaa enters, marinated cjrve?, 3 ths ori$nal, Schist-sky's 1 tr.d c tuiiey breast sandwiches. The stora also will havs a self-service counter ford&3, teaend cot's, piss soup. Wkccnrfn cheese is tha 8,t2jiet aad ether soups will b-s vried daily. Salad3 mil be individually pack aged to keep them fresh. .Johnson said he Li striving for a "healthy product; it won't bo greasy oridad, tsd the will csa lean meat. Ks eeid prices will be in the medium range and reasonable. A small orig inal auichdch will cost about $2. The atmosphere will ba "upscale," Johnson said, with a idea interior and seating for aboat 80 people. Johnson described Schlotzsky's as an "alternative to the fast-food can ba prepared in Urea minutes, Johnson add, tha restaurant will be Kon "reliie d.'1 Johnson edd ha' Is pkased with tha I2th tui ? streets Iccation, tha forzaer hosaa cf the Army 'Western store. Ha hJ to leee tha entire spsca, mi will rent h,i'.f to Cilu s Szoks Shop and Loosed Tha bak ery will be fcekisd tha ncrth-feefci . window, mi tha self-serve counter will ba near ths north door. if. .XWX -; - , !' I - it I I I 1 ' f 4 1 Jl ScMoteiys owner JsflTJfilansca stands to front oftne new sandwich ssop tSsst will epsa ct 12th ncd F etrsets . in ndd-Aprfi. - Johnson said he's glsd Schlotss ky's is a franchise and not "a group of investors However, ha ssid, . local people are involved, and deci sions m raada by tha cn-sits owners. They will hire about 17 entployees, with six cr eight full time, and tha rest pert time. ' - Johnson worked for a largeeorpo ration alter college. Ha mi Ms fam ily just moved here from Dallas becausa they had a desire to settle down, he sdd. They hsd been mov ing around a lot, pins they have two children, ha sail. Johnson ssid ha has wanted to ran his own business since ha was a child. ''Johnsoa is proud of Schlotzsky's sandwiches. Ha sap the acceptance rata cf it is "phenomenally high," in tha 90 percent rang. The combina tion of bcgrepie&ts gives it "a m. qua taste. It's tha Iittla extra steps that nsaka it that much better." G & AcccGooric for the discriminating gmtkntan WHEN THEY SEE YOUR TIE, they will sense your style. The necktie can do more than any other item of apparel to help define your look and when you coordinate that tie with a Hathaway shirt you will save 2Q on the shirt purchase. Lincoln's Icrpst selection of quality nsckwesr. East Park Plsza 464-1113 3 zz3 3axiaartz3acLJE3Ei3 f LA 1 Vfl a n Q u irnjEFEiJBsrn1 epecialistb inc. X SPECIALIZING IN VCIESWAGSN, AUDI, DAT5UN, HONDA, TOYOTA, SU2JASU n D HT JO TO-TUNE-UP QUI? a 1 i 'PI AT plus parts (reg. 51.30 plus parts) (vvitli this ad on cars listed above) Expires March 31, 1935 n y n u f'l TUNE-UP INCLUDES: , -Pull plugs & compression test "Valve adjustment Check points and timing. Replace point and plugs if necessary. Scope test on Sun diagnostic computer. -Adjust carburator or fuel injection. Check over entire car for problems. Q CO.!PLETE SERVICE AND PARTS DEPARTMENT.1 SAME LOCATION FOR 14 YEARS SEVEN CERTIFIED MECHANICS WITH OVER 1S30 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE. 1 n 33rd & Huntington '-2397 n Shorts nut i.'.i.- . '85 celebration this weekend with " entertdsseat tsdsdlng "Gslaef Stars '85," "Th Lfusk Man" and an ac claimed o&ths&dwsy play, "BreaMast with Lcs gr.d'Eess." "Gda cf Stars Zn tha sixth snassl public television salute to tha perform ing arts, presents tha finest in music, opera sad dimes, with Beverly Ellis hosting tha extravaganza and James Levin conducting The program airs Sunday at 7 p.m. "Tha l!us!e IIsa,M ona cfflollywocd's most popular and exuberant musicals, airs ;.tur.1:y it 8 p.m. Set in Fiver City, Iowa, in 1912, a fast-t&lldng con-no srrh'ss and ssts out to sell tha town the idea cf oranMni a boy's band. Ultimately ha charms his way Into the heart of tha local librarian (Shirley Jones) and tha lives cf the tswkpeepla. Lee Eakhefca's acciaistad 1S32 c& Broadway sUp play, Ere:fsst with Les and Bass," will ba telacast m Americsa Piajtousa Susdr at 2 pja. Th3S6-minuta production stars Dick Van Dva, Glons I.C2,c..Tr.'-i, Eaisuii Caseidey tr.d v;er,del Weldrum, and festurcs Hark Humphrey . and Ken Jarr.cs. no J -j IS u i.. - , rv, V" 4 r- " f"- r --7 f r::n er.i cn c:' c:: S (( V51 f) 1 v i K : - - - , I - M i i ' 1 C A Eecomo a plasma donor! $10 is paid per donation and you can donate twice weekly (trat please; wait 72 hours between donations). : That's up' to C95 a month! And that can buy a lot of gallons of Mas! - Call now for an appointment P lSon.,Tue3.?.Thurs.,Frl 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM Wed, Sat 0.00 AM to 6:00 PlI nnp'-i 4 r ? v1 F r-'rr D n y 0 ri lJ 0 a. 0 il Q 0 0 A I a I I rt munlca Li L-:r.t ci tie mere- phone.