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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1985)
Pago 10 5 n't' M Ts 4 w m sue w-- r ? J0 W y VP 1 1 I 'VwvlJ w'wJ v L.J 34D Cornbuskw Hwy. - -, , .,: J.! ' . .. w : ' 't'j, ,,, v 4 , .,j p ; : 'fe.- J . '. t ' t . ': .'' V i J p" . " if 1 fir I i fr i I 1 ! L; 1 L . ! l&) rr-r :pr check-ups. 1 1 w 4 j 'JSH Daily Ncbrcskan r EsSscst EbOs has t Ice j histoid ef coopsrsiica idth The 8?jfhqr crgsimsd in 12S 3 fe-ii'Jlt-v3 UvuMAWtM Uw-viitkW lit'- sfafcts rra t&iitsd to tha lathes tra, sdd ynphorey MaEtger Pit Stehke, ad stsdests fesr fhfti ta ir.po: ir.t rs's ia ths crcheslni rcr sir.c3. Prcrcr.tyf 17ULXfT-"i8 & under fjsiiite nssisic students pls.y ia the 7S-Reir.ber orchestra. TJia stu.icr.t3 cr faK-fledged mem Eiltr note: Ttis is He first epfssd cf & weeMy fiction We said our goodbyes the night before Lxme was in your eyes the night bqfore. Nmv today I find Yw kaw changed ym&rmind Trez rzs Hks you did Ike night before. (Bmtks, WSS) Tts fsy KG psillsd ever to the curb; i&et fM Itaa the dsk aid dssced ca fee hood. Bat it tlsp aleda ia Kha hsttm ia Jir wiry, and it cfida't sar prise Hilss Esaaa new. Net saew, sleet (Mi asd icy and wst. He rssssrabered whri his mother hi alwsys said, "Put on your gsiosh, Itiles. It's sleeting. No sen of mine will be seen shzSing along ia dwll jioes.n He locked fen at his fact. Each ccrdovsa wintipst no gslcshes. What mc&sr doesn't knew woat hast her, ssjnmiped czt into a slash end- to dode th3 fcetzkj dreps. Ee rsa his ccld water c!Tti3 crew cat Ea took c3 It m fee stad ccat tree. . - Eddls's Dinsr was a aeconJ heme to UNL, symphony John lood - 1 J i ecssSssts t limsla CjKpIiCy THfl bers cfths c:d:cstia. thdr p-rt cf tl's crdhentra, ss thsy are teid ia every sirfe s ctica &aa &3t vt?isA thrcKa bssss, jsd every trs esc- per&iEsd Klta ths crd wss a Ifcesfeasx Hu ssidi tfe aslary is nic for a tfcisri bsdet, bst il is ddirilts!y net t!i crJy rufolzja to' "It's tliQ bSt ElESlcd yea cm get ia Lteculn," Fcrtr:ey sdd, "sad (Tfie Lincoln Synrphcry) is a good trairing orchestra for thecs who wsr.t Miles and Ms Mends. Many times before he had come in to shelter him self from the deiixerts fern the weather aad ten life. To the cid booths with mroon vinyl seats, to the fonsica counter with green stools that span, to the faded tile floor with black heel sceS. TksX piak g5w of the neon "OPEN" was like Gatshy's mm harbor light - m ci ncpe Lilies EtnLisLtsssd his nsnr blssk tie tad walked cptothe oisnter. "Ei, Qlss gye tea kikhai crew Eddie Viacasts locked v$ frca the cssh icsScr. Ills teega ItaBan fsk'e est thrs2h the noise cf daan dishes. "Elp, lid Bow'd vaciea p?" "All mik and no play makes ISlcs a cd boy," he rtplkd Another boybh Cria SEsSaccd. "Oh, pa working for your pep still?" "Yep," Miles fhwmed. "He waats me to start fsll tiis?3 ia May when I RIHes' fiihar owned Libcxty Plastics ia Ikoeklyn, the nation's largsst snsra- lier of those clear magsdne covers fad in doctor's Sloss and waiting rooms. A comfortable life. "College boy graduating Seem like c-rdy yestcrdsy yea and Philip walk in here. Whsre h Slip?" m s sj?pcs8d to meet 1113 here at eleven. Gimms a bsrrsr. v pas And hold, fee crease." Eh endent Joke coiaa 851 masa old fcaas ssSe. Hilsa walked acrcsa fee diner to fee restrcaaa. "HAPPY ICT YSAS lSC was apdlad est in pink csnsustioa pr lsttca ever feed-ithex, still xs tiro t:::U tp. Edd!a lsi-d !.. 3 , f"" ,V 4 Ois rent i:.t3 the cea's rcrs ar.i stc: J tl::z t:!;r3 1:.3 rd.r. 'Ika-ja. 0 Ja h a a Thursday, Msrch 21, 1C25 5 'i Orchestra. 1m ties jSGi H ii .-.. 11 re to go cut Had F&fora cbewsT3.w cf llasic r-rs vttd to frs 17 y, ths crchcctra b cqm"y tepcrtir.t U ths SysaphoRy Conductor Rcbcrt Eila divides his tbae bdisea hh cH5g ticrj to ths crchsstra tr,i & L.c-lty portion ca csntpes. Ussy orchestra isembers also toe studioi in West brook Mode BsMa& where he e.sld thqr are issvdsatle as tesc&srs f app lied iessorj and c' rsis clsscx The next Iiaccia Spspliosy ptsfo? msnce will h& April 16, 8 p.m. ia the O'Doaneii Auditoriusa at Nebraska Weskyaa University. Tr.s proini mill festure reaoriiacd pisaist Misha Dichtx Mites Brann," he stated eooiy. The reflection' smiled. Miles was a James Bond freak, saw all of the movies repeatedly, always were a coit and tie, dreamed of being a secret agent. One thing was sure, he would much rather be romancing about in peri house apsitmsnts worldwide than gokg . to collsga to make plastic migraine binds kr the rest of his 11. Maybe that's why ha disliked the New Yost's season. It fcesred so m"ch ca "the fatnra," and feat cpsst kiza. lie' needn't worry. Ee wss. cppsrdsa, weHliked wtS-dnsi wsSksissnsssi weU-edseated, and cntll a week tlllss Erana was a ckanpisa cf b"ish innocence, yd he c:rt:r.L worried thcat fee fjtare, except when at fee d!f,er, it asemcd lie nibbed a dab of Erjteeem ferosga 'Ms hair, straightened his tie and walked cnt. A short stocky flpiro sat ia the comer booth, balancing a pack cf cigarettes on the salt shaker. Miles vstrcde over to him. "Flip!" Phillip IkgUesi had beea Miles' best friend since they net as freshmen. Flip was sincere, but often obnoxious. He belchedc&en to fee theme cf"Eawhide" ia fee libniy. "Yea gotta kr;c:v him like' ! do," miss used to exalaia to Ms cfesr fciends. Flip's sense ci hsaor bsxke sip fee mcsajteny cf life fbr ISilas. bpmm Ew va b:ri ol' bear Th Jaads dapped tchcr in m fina grfs Wsing. flip had many dsknamcs fcr lliks, ttit "Spa-ut" had a special msra i?4 to fesm. Whencf-r ISca wsdd drink milk, Flip wcsld make ajeke cr iunnyfaee, canaing l!ike to ku-h nittll hs conghed up the milk ttarh Ids Esse. Cross, yet anEis to witness. Eelca conld never step fcsj