Pago 10 Daily Nebraskan Tue;dsy, fsrch 19, 125 r? V m KH f ,1.4 C n Fcnvrd JsSia-llatak raaaiias for a ratonrd against CcrJ e!3 last Wednesday. TLa Hikers osca UCIA in a eacciad Huslfers meet Bruins hi second- By Bob Assisissen Gathering information about ths Ms- to beat Nebraska, a team has to stop braaka basketball tears has been no Dave Hopper.. Haasard said he has not easy task for UCLA Coach Walt Hazzard. seen Eoppen play bat he said he has The Dndns entertain the Ccmhuekers heard many things about ths junior tonight at Pauley Paviliion in second- center. round action of the National Invitation "He shot 65 percent from the field in Tournament. Tip-ofI is set for 9:33 Cen- the Eig Eight which is tremendous," tral Time. Hazzard said. "I hear lie's ens helluva Hazzard had hoped to get a video- ball player." tape cf the Huskcrs front Evensvills but Hazzard sdd he had also heed of was unable to. He then tried Santa Brian Carr, Curtis Moore and MI Jack Clara but had no luck with them either, man. He said he knows the Maskers "We've tried to talk to as many pee- have a good team from the way they pie that we could that have played played lats in ths season, in two leeses them," Hazzard said. "I'm familiar with to Kansas and a three-point less to the coaching of Henry Iba and Don Oklahoma. Haskens who Nebraska Coach Moe Ifea assisted at University of Texas-El Paso Centinsed era Ft S3 11 ft APPLICATIOHO 7" -:: v u -. TEE SUM Tlie Daily Nebraskaa is now taking applications for ths following positions for the summer 1SS5 pubHcatloa, The Smmer Nebraskaa, Deadline for applicatioas is 2 pm. Thursday, Blarch 21. . . O News Editor 0 Associate News Editor ' ' Arts and Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Wire Editor . Copy Desk Supervisor Night News Editor Fhcto Chief O Artist ktcrviews win ts ilzztrj, L'reh 13 to Thured:?, Harch 21. Ths iup sheet h p::t:d a ths Ediy N:hrr:han. Ap;!y rt tha Edly Neinrlian c.Ie?, E::n Ci, !l;h:aek. Urien. A;:Uear.4s r.r...t Is st-j ::r. at the Ud.clry cf i::h"":cd3. d'rg "ths z: bars beenatuirri d-idrg C s f-:L g 'C3 t:::t:r ci a,s v-zlzl f..r V A J and there are some certain tendencies there." One thins Haasard does know b that .1 rounds IT Husker team finishes third; players prepare for 13 -game trip EyJeffApsl Nebraska soUbsll coach Wfayse Dal- $e never takes a to lightly. Hilt's probably why Daig!e, who co&ched to Houston Stats University to ths NAIA national chsmpiarisMp In 1C21 M ths Division II championship in 1582, appeared so dissatisfied after his-Buskers finished third cut cf 24 teams in ths Sooner Invitational, a tournament hs hid des cribed 3 "ths strongest in ths Mid West." "Finishing third wasn't at all whit I ted expected," he said. "I expected us to win it a!!" Fcr ths first four games cf the Invitational, Nebraska was in conten tion fcr ths title. The strcrg pitching cf senior Hori Emmons and fookmen Donna Deardcrf? end led Sippsl, as well as ths dutch hitting cf secssd fcssessn Led Elchlns, shortstop Denis Eckert, cad cutSelder Wenty Turner' ' urn tiff svwMsiii s j'luvwayi earns snot in Baseball ByJcHEcxbsii A Kassiae projsd dsae for self- satisfketioa has already esntsd a life- time, pass to the BassMl Hdl cf Fasts in Coopertowa, Ohio, for a former UNL student. Ihe project may fesee also- opened the doors to a job. Erent Cobb, a UNL troadcastisj major, put together a lSO-ps&sJRaii-. tlous magazine for the popular bass-' ball game, Stratcmatic, in his spare tiias. Stratbmatic is a baseball game designed for one or two players. The game contains charts, dice and base ball cards and rosters of raejor I basebdl teams. The object of the gams is to pit two teams agdnst each other and deter- mme the cutcoms of the garae from the dice and ths charts. A new set of base bdl cards are produced each year with each players' perfGnaance recorded from ths previous year. Cobb said ths gam can. pit years sssinst cs isams frcm diereiit eh other. While doing research for his maga- zine, bo met director cf the Have You Checked r IT" 0-. 4 1 1 ' FOOD 4 LESS is th food oft t?ut Ycu'H etways tptnd W aH a i ..jjs.-.J 3 Convenient lecot'ens v.'kh hurs th-t f.t Y-" jcdj's! 4"ih a 0 St. Z2.SLV, rJc . A. 3. "5 p;Cr r-n Orsn 24 Hcjrs f. :n.-r.t. 7:011 j f 7.-n.i. h:';eJ the liters pest three .;:; ghi ihr.teuts, by the scores cf 8-0, 7-0 cr 1 M, ever Wichita State, Illinois t::ts cad Texas Tech, u well as a 2-1 victcry c"cr ArLasa State. In tha er..igr.ab, 'ever, ths i:u.:.::3 vers d '::':d ty 11 3 L-'.t fh J r:::::;:i 5-1, th: ::::i: - their hepes fcr ths tc:rr.:r.::.i chrrplsr-klp. "I really don't know what happened in the Missouri gane," Dsiga said. "Up to that time, we had been playing pretty well." Ths Comhuskers will havs llttls tbte to absorb their lees as they must nor prepare fcr an eight-day, lS-gama trip, which will match them with soras cf ths ths tap tsxss in ths nation. Nebraska will open ths trip Kerch 23, platfEg both CalLrsiaFuUertoh tr.lUtchttFuilcrton. Utah Is 7-0, vhile Gsl-Fdlerton is "ranked second cr third" in the nation," Daresaid. Ths Buskers then will travel to flcr thridgs, Calif., far a doable-header with research daassrtecst cf ths HaU cf Fame. The Hall cf Faroe liked Cobb's publication sad aaked for copy. They sjso interviewed tin for Joa ia paMc relations cr rasesrch, but Ctfeb said no pcaiticss were cpen yet. Tte HaU c? Fams will plasa Cobb's Kajaaiae in its library and use' it as reftrenes raaterial Ths Eel! cf Faasa ctTarsd to pay Ccbb fcr his publishtej costs, but, Cabb said, ha had ro way to detcnains thaa. Fcr hk wcrk, the Hall cf Far.e cfTared !a a lifetime pass to the museum. Cobb's -iaasaaise contains articles, advertisements, player interviews and game analysis cf a fictional baseball learrae Cobb crested in 187a "i was getting bored with ths crdi- nary Stratcmatic schedils and I decided to pat together a mt Cebbsdd. "I had dons 20 pages and shewed it to a few people and they Eked it, so I dedded to go all out fcr cr.s." The articles in ths magazine ded with ths rep!ay cf the gaaes in Cobb's leagua, Cobb sd-i Each story covers a paper fashion, Cobb said. "Ths quotes I used fit the situar our Food Prices LatsSy? "1 eg a a brought low foo4 prices to LincoSn. tes t Food 4 Less. GA0 17 ALL! I k. 'a Jf L S I 1 CalrnliC::!;? V:::'. ;s, the v.h: ::s cf the r:. :.:r II r'.!::l ci ;-::': chip the 1;:. th." s j ::; j 1 1 a rc , :.! I; :i tiitt-':'; O LV..-.n to c: '.3hC3r: .:':.JU yl.v.' ticrd. "Hist (ths F'cuy h' b a trc!t"er tcueraer.t than ths Irvitatierd," Dda add. "It's ens cf ths tuc-heet tcta;ar.t3 In ths Ud ted States." rd!e7,ir,5 ths threo-day Perf Ir.d tatlcRal, ths Ccshueken will travel to Onnga, Calif., far a dacble-he&defwlth dipoan CcOesa, iacthar Division II peverhoas-s, befcrs wra?plr.3 up ths trip in Las Ve ji3 with a pdr cf denMs l;caders ajdsat Nevada-Las Vef is and CalifcrrJsrSh'ersida, anether Kviden II teein. MPeap!a hava to redlrs that, in Cdi farda, DMeien II sthtads are 3 p cast as gead as ths DMsioa I cahaals," DaJgJa sdi 'Thercfers, we're net geicg to have any breaks at dl ca the trip. It's pteg to be toah all tha way." - 1 bOj-ram 1 o3 tions," Cobb sdd. "People close to baseball may recogrdze seme cf them." "Cobb's league cc-stsins 24 teams from different years in majer laague baseball Els eldest team is the 1SS3 Chicago Cubs and his meat recent is tha 1877 New York Yankees. The league also ccntdns ths 1375 Clndaaati Ejsds, 1127 Yankees and tha ItU Cleveland Indians. "The 1227 Yariets are ccns-ldered to fee tha greatest team cf dl time, but they're not ddng so well in ray league," abb sdd. Cobb sdd his magssine is a "one time thing." "It was a lot of busy work at the end and it wis kind cf frustrating to do all the work to get the magadas done," he add. , Cobb sdd he spent two to three weeks in ths ssmme? working ca the magazine. Es worked ca it ss&rfesgSy in ths fall and finished it in January. He did a smaller issue about a yacr ago. The magssdse is black cad white and is filled with baseball pictures Cobb found while doteg lis research. "I did the best I cedd do with ths limited resources," he sdd. Softball entries due Estry desdlto for wesen's and co res slow pitch scSbdl cxd mas's and women's soccer are today at 5 p.m. in ths Carnrus E:cr:diaa I'ls ct 1743 1 3 a .-dj cf the til irJ-irdty tr-ketbdl tcrr:'jr.c-:t rrs tirll at 7:C0gtth3(Lll:: 1 3 A fi - O ( ."r-,. -:iS"'r i Ly cx- tk" -;. fw-e . service, 5-2 U.