The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1985, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Monday, Msrch 18, 1CC3
S3 6
Dally Ncbrcsksn
I i
1 f
a i-1 s J f tut- f0
A Glorious Piece de Resistance
to an already fabulous season.
One of Americas Exceptional Ballet Companies.
m W
Ben Stevenson, Artistic Director , s
with the World's Most Beloved Ballet ' '
,rHTvrwrrA t rr rr
A lavishly enchanting
evening your family
won't want to miss.
April 25
April 26
i t
C.. '
t v,,:
1 TT rTT9
to the soaring Music
of Tschaikovsky
with live orchestra
A Mid-America Arts
Alliance Program
7 4 ' r; a-,
k XX X -
'- s .. .
I,:- " - X -
$18, $14, $10
$12, $8, $3 (TPP)
Note: All main floor seats will be on sloping
risers beginning with the second row , and side
seating will be limited to seats with acceptable
sight lines.
Student ticket prices for Swan Lake only
pertain to all students and children.
Tickets available at Pershing Auditorium
beginning March 18. Call 471-7500
, .i i
: i
Election complaint...
Co&tlnued frora Page 1 ' the voting sites, said she didn't think
People who vote more than once the sites were sufficiently staffed to
eould be charged with class four felo- hold an election.
nies if they would testify.They also In response to Golstein's allegations,
would face expulsion from the univer- she said that "human error is possible."
sity, a fine and a possible prison term. In the decision, issued by director
The electoral commission follows state David Spencer, the commission said
electoral rules. that "thumb-inkir.g" i3 a "matter of
Burke and Tatro, who voted together request made to the poll workers, not
when the polls were officially sche- part of election commission rules."
- duled to open at 8 a.m., said the polls in Those who did net vets in the voting
. the Nebraska Union opened 40 minutes booth did not violate election regula
ble. They told the commission they tions. Spencer said that the commis
were handed the "wrong balloting sion consulted the Nebraska Secretary
card3," and gave the wrong cards back, of State, the Lancaster County Corn
Other people who testified on Gold- missioner and the General Counsel of
stein's behalf told the commission that the university before reaching its deci
their thumbs were not checked or sion.
stamped. Goldstein said Saturday he had not
Janice Buddecfthe League of Women decided whether he would appeal to
Voters, which is paid by ASUN to run AStIN to student court.
U dispute,
.J Luf i t.'
Cos&buwd fron Psgs I from Blair. "IVs heard the lesbian rum-
O programs and speakers on wo- ors about that group."
men's issues "ASUN has only locked at a portion
a referral service of our programs, md has based their
Deeds said her office acts as a refer- assumptions on this," Deeds said,
ral service for both the UNL community Ostom stid he thought about sug
and Lincoln. Women can call the cen- gesting all the center's funding be
ter to ask questions about current top- withdrawn, but decided against it be
ics effecting women. cause he did not want to cut the salar
Because of the lesbian "myth," the ies of these involved with the center.
WEC began an outreach program, aimed He said he decided to support an
at attracting all kinds of women to the operations funding cut because much
center's programs, Deeds said. The of that money goes toward buying "one
weekly event features speakers who sided" material about women's issues,
talk about women's issues. The center Davidson also said earlier that the
tries to bring in speakers who talk on center does net equally represent both
subjects of interest to many women, sides of issues that affect women. He
she said. said women at the center stress their
But the words "Women's Resource own political views. For example, he
Center" scare some women av:ay, Deeds said, WEC women tend to preach a
said. pro-chcice stand on the issue of abor-
"I've always wanted to go to some of tion, and disregard the pro-life side,
the programs, but have always been But, Deeds said, although many wo-
afraid to because it was sponsored by men in the center are pro-choice sup-
the Women's Resource Center," said porters, they dso cater to women who
Sandy Gordon, a junior English mtjor support pro-life attitudes.
Osborns&id the center needs to get
t ... . V
' ?v " ' X 1
:); 'sir, j. vt
V3 era dssg cur IssX ts gst every cna cf cur customers tu cpsa en feidhsdual RsSremcm Account . Frankly, wa dan't know of
a men sesura Rvsncnt givinj you eiKnota tax edvantasas KOW end such tonic rstonast fcsncflts fetor!
,Ths tZm atakftis hc!;i3 is got o IHA mca icrcss. Ka'a i3 ei a cst fci'fcf o era f-htj
rr'e Jcp T3r ta to ' a irJi tstassa i:ss5i IIi eri 221 21st.
Ycii con psoa fekots (ariy $2X3 freni eny cf cur tors cr. cf cctss, et the Jsyo Thosr. Hara's the achod-Ja:
Ad don't fs-got your d, tfis cs!i b tr3 d a c2.CJ reiTst!
1 far S&ia, ts!m
some new blood" into it to help make it
more effective sad "approachable" to
more women.
r",JjHNX ii ,M
i 5
v j A
Pi'zmlum Ice Crzzm
fQlwinQ Mix-Ins,
Czny-oitt and more.
312 N. IZh