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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1985)
Monday, March 18, 1035 Daily Nabrcskan Misinfbrnigrfclosi ...tti ft.ft ftft V .-. " .,' : f- , ufc ,. -L a & !. fc. ( . ft t; a & & a - Ta res!! surprised at how mush people don't resl'y kscar tbout tilth center said 1'zrj Leu Gcloa, a health center nurse find . teacher cfthe rises. "They've read ssd heard the at it til, but that's shout it." Wcntea make up the mriority cf tha closes, eftfred t?.1c ereh rtch. Put, Cdca said, more men also should attend. "It is a two-vy street," she said. "Why should the girl be there aler.e?" Fleisehli said students can attend the class just to find cut about tirth control. "They don't need to think they're commit ting themselves to a sexual situation just by . coming to the class, he said. ' " The health center also offers prepancy tad venereal disease counseling. Students can offcaaipas help, too. . Planned Parenthood of Lincoln offers gyneco logical cere and pregnancy testing for women tad sexuzl coi-aseling for beta isca arid wsssa, dinned Parenthood chsr-03 a inln fcoa! faa for some cervices, tut won't turn peo ple dax-n because they esa't pay, said Susaa ktkby, comsuidty educator for Planned Parenthood. On csnspia, the UNL Counseling Center e!T:T3 ccaSdcnilal sexual couaadlr. The cen ter, c!osg with the UNL Wencn's Pesoarce Center, also sponsors sex role disrusslcns, mtich run throng tprfag basic In the ses sions, students can expler and discuss sex rotes, ths problems people encounter to sex roles and ho.? to cops with a sex role. Students won't find many sex education . chases that they can taie for credit. Pichard Eiensiblcr ef the peycholcar department teaches human sexuality, ens cf the fow human sex education courses available at UNL. The 40O- to EGO-Livel class focuses not only cn physical details cf sex, but zlz on sexual compatibility, arousal cycles and ether psycho logical aspects cf sex. Dicnstbler said high school and college courses usually only dead with the physical aspects cf sex. "There aren't that many good sources avail able for human sexuality, Dknsibicr said. "We denite!y need soma Improvement. It's a shame that this class isn't available to other Uds." Letheby sf Planned Parenthced said society needj to upgrade its sex education. "I do think we need some Improvement," she said, "but at a lower level, starting with the parents and their presehcolera." vote cf one-third cfthe entire student body. With the new constitution, it will take tmthirds cf students who vote to pass the amendment rather than one-third of the entire student body. ' "It was almost unsmendable," Seudder said. According to Scudder, the revised censtita-. tiea will give students mere power.' . . "Now the students have snore coatrol over the destiny cf their own constitution," he said. "This tabes control and put3 it in the students' The constitution has not been amended since In other business, the regents: Voted to buy another parcel cf land for the proposed Lied Center. This section of land at 323 N. 12th St. will cost $130,00a O Decided to sell Terrac b Hall at 425 Univer sity Terrace. The building's small sire and loca tion and "state cf disrepair" made it so it could not be used effectively for university programs or as an extension or annex to university housing. A fraternity is considering buying the house. Problems Have You TIED DOWN? We stiwe (or confidential and equitable resolttions. v OMPJ 1T19.MAN 116 Lyman Hail 472-3633 11 11 'O. u 11 12 1.1 11 r ii ii cl V. c'i 11 ' '. 11 ' Tl 11 11 11 111 11 11 11 ? 11 f if 7 A . f J 4 1 s FREE PARKING NORTH OF BANK m awmzm urn cm ' ; V n f i 1 I City Cc 0 Trust Company of Lii 14ih End Ll Streets Llnci'n, Hibraska C25C3 Prism: 477-4431 f.,jrribsr F.D.I.C. i '"w' w w ftftftx-? JJ wrOpftW'Wl Jft ft 'J ft ft ft ftOft ft ft V W a' Ji 7T 71 ' -M H V " "H ens TP r1 fP Trll (? MpTllf TlWifi ..a ? f M Part-Time ewninp and weekend days l ' oil Vats Marketing Outbound is a subsidiary of American Express. We represent major U.S. companies for the purpose of selling their products and services over the phone. We make no cold calls, we call only established qualified leads. Guaranteed hourly wage. ft Advancement opportunities. ill. fd schedules. v T4 ' HIT Previous sales experience or telephone experience helpful but not necessary-strong communications skills a must. - . ' IBBAL PAET-TEIB JOB! : K ietcrotei call -.between 8 AIL & 5 P.M. Golds Galleria 1033 OStv Suite 25, Lincoln, NE 6SEC3 ; ' , (lower lave! N' St. Entrance) ' a u ii ii ii ii u ll ii ll ii ll ii ii i : ii u ii i: 11 12 11 IP. 12 p. 11 11 a ')