The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1985, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, March 18, 1G35
Dally Ncbrcskan
T'.;fl following incidents were reported to the
UNI police between 9:44 i.m. Thursday end 9:31
Pjr.. Saturday.
a.m. Wallet and rings reported stolen
from Cclbsun..
2.Z1 p.m. Four hubcaps reported stolen
from Parking Area 3 north of Karper-Sehremm-
Smith resldsnce hells.
SiS3 p.m. t;i:.''d reported lost or stole
froi.- Cmssura.
i;27 p.m. Parkin j permit reported stolen
from csr In Perkins Area 10 north o.'AbM Hall.
7C3 p.m. Hit-and-run accident reported
In Perking Area 3 north of Har Schnt-.m-Saslth
rjJucr.ce hells.
10:19 p.n. Driver cited for driving while
Intoxicated at ISih street bdween P and 0
U:S3 sun. PtrkSr3 pfralt reported
stolen from PuUng Aiea 19 west of Harper
Schramm -Smith re sidf.nca halls.
1:43 p.n. Hit end run accident reported
Tuesday's Women in Perspective
scries x.VA focus on "Prime-time Women:
New cad Improved by CE3." The series
will fee front 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the
Women's Resource Center, Nebraska
Union 117.
Barking dop, sirry animals, exotic
pets: Animal Centrci will discuss newly
enacted ordinances and hours tonight
at the Neighborhood Wetch Association
meeting, Auld Center at Antelope Park.
Water management Implementation
will be the tas cf the 14th annual
Nebraska Water at the UNL
Center for Continuing Education, 33rd
and lloldrege streets, Tuesday
The prcp-am was planned by the
Nebraska Water Conference Coimcil a
statewide group representing 90 public
and private agencies and groups in
terested in water-related Issues. :
, Registration fee is ICO before Tues
day and $85 at the doer. More in
formation and room reservations are
available from the Department of Con
ferences, Nebraska Center 2C5 or by
calling 402-472-2844
kre women o equally involved as
men in the classrooms at UNL? Who is
more likely to participate classroom
discussions a woman or a man? Are
instructors more apt to criticize the
contributions of women or men?
These and similar questions are
answered in the research findings of
Myra and David Sadker of American
University in Washington. The Sadkers
will share information on sex equality
in the classroom during a series of
workshops and informational presenta
tions at UNL today and Tuesday.
During their stay at UNL, the Sadkers
will conduct workshops for students
and faculty members. They also will
speak at meetings sponsored by the
College of Business Administration and
the College cf Agriculture. A schedule
O Today 2:30 to 4:80 pra Work
shop co-sponsored by the Chancellor's
Commission on the ZtsXm of Women
and the Women's Resource ' Center, ,
open to all students in the Nebraska
Usdon; 7:30 to 9 Present&ttaa co
gposscredrCCSWaadthePaEh'iledc .
Association in the Nebraska Union.
' O ' Teesday .7 to fcS3 Work-
' shep co-sponsored by CCS? and tk
department cf residential education at
i e v
i o
it ibU Ui O
J t
Where students are
special and roses aro
our specialty.
tO C.1"P'J3.
i 12170 Cl::;l
t u n r ii v. r ri m .:- 11 v- a
r i
5 t J
in PtrSdnj Arra I at l?th and R streets.
8:33 p.n. Gasoline reported stolen from
cm In Pas-klna Arts 6 west of Harpe r B 1
Smith rcs'dcnci hal's,
-7 Urcer.y rr;ortrd at Sar.duz
4:3 p.Ks. Cciolln reported ateien frsm In Psikinl Arts 6 west of i:-..-crSr.rz!73-Smith
residence hails.
6:10 p.ta. Cass of theft by dscoptlon
6:33 r.Ej. Fire alarm reported soundln j at
1115 St.
$M p.n. Ucen?59 plate reported stolen
from Parking Area 3 north of Ktrpar Schftnim
Stfilth rvsldence hal'.a.
a 1:3
or the discriminating gentleman
they will sense your style. The
necktie can do more than any
other item cf apparel to help
define your look and when you
coordinate that tie with a
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quality neckwear.
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after 5:00 P.M.
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Musi presei a vslid college sbgfent i.D. mi upon pmdssse. No ofter discoants
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