The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
Monday, March 10, 1C35 Daily Ncbrnskan Page 11 I "COLLC-n TnAVZL unir rrD choup" Friday, March 32 be at K-Mart oMSth 4 Vint at 2 00 om to meet ,t1 bueat. Daytona Prh hart wa jomeiil Call If- ny queiitlone Pam 484-?C34, Karen 431-6589. Jaaua lovi you) CPEM A'JCtTIOKSI Actor i and aoirassai naadat) for a.ecial tomer at Proluctiona Virioispy proincta, Auditioni will ba held THUriSOAV, MAACH 21 trom 2-1 p.m., Km. til C2A. All Studantt ara welcome. CoUco of Aria ail JWencei tssr;!'. v.." j Tf ACH'.jJ A." I Vtk.t AWARD Tha Arti and Science! tuda:it Aovuory Board innojncaa t modtsft aifapt at ealutlng that or. an over-looked atait mmt-r tha teaching assiat nt Wt ara or.'rinp a t 0 cash award to Ua ntch. mnis.!irj'-t'?"1 w u"1-;"-) wt") tost ei'w Ha outatandlng teaching a.lity at detlnad by tha following enuna: performance on atudent ev. luatlont, knowiedaa of tna field, contrlbutione to curncular development, pror. charactcnttica contributing to teaching eftctivenea, arid a ceeiibiMy by tre an'tSansa. FACULTY AND 8 WC-NTS: If you would lll9 lo nominate a T.A., cMain a form from tha DrVa offica, fill H out, and rat jm It by AprM 1, ic3. Ftcuny mambai and metrnctora ara ineligible for thia award. URANTIA BOOK STUDIES 477-1C4 435 630S Tuition due? Window-ahop for part-time employ ment on tha Job Board at tha Job Locii'.are. Financial Aid O'ifica, 112 Admlnlitra'lcn B jilding. There art many joba avaiiatia. One la uat right tor you. Ccnytu!iWon fo tha winners of tha USC Afc"ATyj MiTD COfiTE.fS Winning photoe will ta displayed Sn tho of tha City Union all week, CamlB (ADPI), Lyle Donna 0. CongruiulaOona for being eotected aa tha Alpha How could I aver forgat about youl You ara my ona Happy Birthday!) Gamma Sma Sweetheart! They couldn't hava maoa and onlyl P.S. You'rt not that ugiyl batter choice, Lova A Kiesee, Nevermommie Lova & Loyally ytnir ;-' Tarnmy M. Congratulation on your ASUN win Kim. Shelly, Tara.a. Happy Sirihday (luit a Httla lata) to tha bait reaaon I Sua, Bnd K)rn, w, r, proud 0, you. Mat you at Sandys Wadnaaday Nightl Intaratiad? know to celebrate St. Patrick a Day. Love, Your A-Phl Sietera FUipond 'a D.N. J0 7.WW r i AZT-CCA: ,r-wis-i i.uu Pacotdad live In Cufc SpccirJ One-time cly broadcast K20f29AY 5CI-5T 11 ra .2Ur-.1 RAC60 S9.3-C9.3-C9.1 Ciib! Singla or aubscriptiona av.liaoia at M!star Cookie 1-4. Barry, 8ince St. Patrick'! Day I wanted to remind you . , . of joking and talisSng. looking lor the btj d ppr, I siHsi you out i it fur real, but you k'iaed me ft. . Sjn.ati, Tom's placa. aaroblca. that kind too moonlight ete:U9a.m., Ploonv Parh'a N sture Trail, too bad we didn't hava a biankaL You're my bastait buddy, And my favorite bear, (don't tell Pate) Moat of all remember ... Someone In Santa Fa lorn you mostest . . , Lena A 3d S-rd.5:CO90P.M.- fcsr tsd FREE HTCIIER 0? HE1 F01 EVES? 2 KOrLE. 20 In in IH'.' I ' . 4 I-1 i U F 12 'i : 1228 sSSWORD PUZZLE ' ACECSS ; 1 Duke's castle,' ' e.g. 5 Guest's sojourn 10 Cleaner's concern 14 Olfactory stimulant , 15 Notched, as a leaf 13 Edible arum 17 Londtoner term for the plan 11 Field 2- "(Mscna Urn" 21 Oz's City 23 Swift creations 25 Angers 23 Burnett or Cha-nning 23 Idyllic Utopia S3 Card game 35 Russian rivet 33 British carbine 37 Cab. post 33 Emulate the Mayos 41 Peculiar 42 100 sen in Canibc-dJa' 44 Spire adc? 43 Likenera ens migtisc4its 4? here m-say visit tut few ' stay Vanish fcitfcy bit 51 Signs 52 Af p! ta 54 Ash; 57TVW ei "lh: CI Poet laureate: 1715 3 Growl 3 Earthly paradise 7 Loch in the nrs Ct Impudent O Merely O.K. 1 Kens preceil,er SBresiau's river pssitisn S Corruptible Dunne and - Rich . 7 Former Soho coin 8 What "video" means End It Tourists, often 11 Like fleas and. ticks 12 City cn the Oka 13 Warty amphibian , IS Theater . district UWorkurit 2-1 Proper job ter a supporter?. 23 Swiss -27 Teutonic god 13 Cheap spectacles . S3 Alias, for short SI Shelf SI Rocneyand Wiiiianis 24 Translitera- . tors' problems S3 Govt. ecoSesy office O Scratch cut 43 Ophelia's brctlier 3 Ferames "'43 Lea sound 43 Objects S3 Lciter S i Ideal home !er mcusers S3 S. African lily S3 Juan's grandma S3 Dead as a -13 Atal&nta's lover , 3 Less, in music ' C3 London donees' worda , ,4 .4 TF" " " " u " " "IT" I r ""' ii1 III jl- t. i f i ri. Is I " ems - cf read 2 Camp Fire Girls' activity i .'i r . I L i ai aa ?- - I.-. J - L?- i r !"nr " Tl Ml ! lT' J U4-- I f I ... iJiB .jmanm awa aw "H'nTT 1 "J 1 r rJ r J-r --4 --r- -j" iz itJ m A & i ii li. Si Wa f z. r : n U.hHJj ?c j - r ft ?f""7T?f Lena pj s i .ha I j LIuT, D:li.H' iky f ' ' "' " ' I I'Tiio "lT"!? ir- is v r . C; : ' kj I r e hJ- ' I U- '"LTJ l ' - - 1 ' - i I TlG CTo Cf t-T ''ITI 'ilTir. - , 1 I 8 R A i :TTtiliTlr .-JlJTfl Y (, 3-.. ox rU"IO M I o 1 s rj t r T lit. Ull, l i: 1 I ? w at u ill t ; j:? 7 5 i ;l;:';z. "" 'tit " ' 3 - ' t v.. Spend six weeks in beautiful Newport, R.I. with pay at the Naval Science Institute and come back next fall on track for a Navy officer commission. Exciting opportunities are available in Aviation, Surface Warfare, and Nuclear Power. Call Lt. Buss, 472-2475, or stop by the M&N Kdg. Room 105A Ask About scholarship opportunities. You owe it to yourself to find out. Don't delay, the deadline is April 1, 1985. J ., ,....:rr,u.,,;.Jf..:..,.-..--,.f ....rrrs' :- ''.;".'.'., ' ' '' n . - . . - ..."i- ;.'''' I ' x ' .- ! .'.. .. W ... ... i -Ij ' ' : l . . v ... : .;.'' 2i rz "I'Vxr r -'-ri 1 it H i i I . MM! i ! j i j I M . Un J I j J j 1 i I " ' is 'II M l - Hi! 7 M IM I J hlf f . ' . 7 J 7 Jij li J 1 s-7 Ml ! I Mi .7 I m 1 if 1 i - M n I I II II s,,. iJ L-.JL J Vv'' . LjL-J L- i i. ; An event you won't want to ' miss, As part cf this campus commumr pur partktpy ins Ford dealer wCI ta!k widi you ebout the special values gvallable on Ford's 1535 abM RaeC model ceifsad ocks. GET " OFF TO A GREAT TTHFO?J30NTIiE DATE(S) LISTED -EELOWl . "5. " ( 1 ief 'V-,- ilm :v. .- vvl- - 4 4 ti4 ..- '.9 . n r "1