The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1985, Page Page 10, Image 10
Pcga 10 Daily Nebrcsksn Monday, March 18, 1035 MM0B By Tcy Echajipsnsh Gnuc&tai Editor .,, r'n X K There is no need to trek across the country to places like New York or Chi cago to see the work of America's great artists. Just walk over to the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery. A new show, . J "L-J L-J LJ" L-T lf 1 1 1 2 2 i 1 '2 i - i, i J 3 r ? 2 v. Teas ni Buy one Deluxe Dimito end get a second Dduxe Burrsio for 25C with coupon get FiJ2 dp3 and zzZzz. 1311a 6T 311 N. Coiner I Coupon expires Have Ycu Checked our YES, mm sasaMem awaaataae aa 1 ! r-'j&SF $ '- '"J - M L. 1 FOOD 4 LESS is the food store that brought Sow food prices to Lincoln. You'll always spend less at Food 4 Less. OUH PJAF.1E SAYG 11 ALLS ! oun phises pnouE mi " , 1 fL 3 Convenient locations with hours that fit Your schedule! 48th & O St. 63rd & Havelock Ave. 43th h Pioneers Open 24 Hours Mon.-Sat. 7:00-10:00 Mon.-Sat. 7:33-10:00 Sun. 9:00-10:00 Sun. 9:03-10:00 APPLICATIONS FOE THE SUMEIEE HEBEASKAN The Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for the Mkwhg positions for the scmsier'1985 publication, Hie Summer Nebraskan. Deadline tor applications is 2 p.ra, O NewsEi'iitcr O. Associate News Editor- 'O Arts csd Entertainment Editor ' O Eprts Editor Y.Irs Editor ' ' . O Cs;7 Desk Supervisor ' O KV-t News Editor '- O Fhcto Chief ' O Arti.t Interviews wiU bs Mond March 3 X 7' - '1 inn J t Jr t .1 ti . i .li l . L- .'il I. j sip-up sneei is pestea a m urns Nefcrasksn. Apply st the Dsily Nebreslan oSce, Eoom 84, Nebraska Union. AppUcsats nust be students et the University cf Nebrsska-liscoln &ii the sasssr, have been students dari?4 ie fprkg '5 semester c-r are enrcHd for the fell '85 semester. "Africa Works cn Paper," which opened List Frid:y, contains drr.vir.-s and paintings on paper by al.-nost every msjor American artist of the pst century. The show coven tha pttX art neve r.cnt3 cf the psit ICQ years. The work kt.Z-3 from redistic trt cf the tun cf the century, to abstract expressionism, to the pop art cf the Sixties, to con temporary work. Whoever your tests in ah, you should find something to tickle your fancy at this show. lS "Lft-i" " Li L-i'"" . I t I r' I. r i i I 1 South 48ih & Lowell 3-24-85 J Food Prices Lstsfy? O 9 LESS I 4 MMtl 9 riiursdsj', March 21. 18 to Thursday, March 21. Tha j f : . - . . - i . . ' " if BsaBaasasssKKCTEasMaaisiaa' What made the chow Interesting that the drawings and watcrcolors cf many of these artists are seldom seen. Most art gdicries and books show only the artists' ell paintings or prints, giv ing their other works second-class status. However, the works In this show ere anything but second class. Wlnslow Homer, Georgia O'keeife. Jackson Pollock, Roy LichtcnstcSn. If these Rimes sound fsmillar, it is be er.: they helped shape American art. They and many other famous artists, 1 1 f RESH - COPENHAGEN, SKOAL 4 KEY Clitf't Smoka Shop 1203 "0" Strtet Car ttro-!n dash, amfm catatt, bulll In S-fcnd y?phic qu. Originally $U0, wilt laKt b0. Call 473-i.;3. Rani furnitura, T V.'t, appliancai, ttaraoa, VCR'i Blggasi tatacilon, low rain. AC RENT-TO-OWS 2429 "O" 1973 Buick LaSabra, graat running condition, rvaw radiala. l3olfef, 47Xi31. SXIS-200HEAO Complata with bindings, $2S. Sua 1012 bcota $20. MUST SELL Honda 550C8-K 1U7B. 6?00 oi.'m. $700crttoffr. Call 472-6112 batwaan 11.30-3:30. 473-290 btwen A- p.m. CfiUlt'SHiM M:Ria. HM.-W.OOO Carribaan, Hawaii, World. Call for Guida, Directory, Nawaiattar, 1-(918) 944-4444. AWtnaa Mrlrfl.$14$J3,3C01 Stawardaataa, Rarva tionistl Warid'Jal Call for Guiue, Olractory, Nawa lefar. 1-016) B44-4444. 1 MalJ-4 Ready for aummar. 1S7S Jeep CJ-S. 6!g tlraa. aterao, good condition. Waskdaya artor 9 477-6 2u9. '85 Honda CRX - Si, red. 4S3-78S4. VILLOVHAVEN CLOSi TO CAMPUS Naw. affordaWa. anargy-afficlen: apartmanta. Low utilities. 2 bodrooma. Full buthrocm with anowar. All appliartcaa. Firplc. Ewlmmlng pool. iSSOE?JT MAMASES 47S42S0 jmm mm co. 47-i APAnfMENT FEEDERS 43S-KS3 VVa taka tha hassle out of apartment hunting. 1-Bdrm. $250 plus deposit. 5S5 N. 23rd, 423-3814, 433-4569. Almost new 2 bedroom apartment. 2323 T. Air con ditioning. Available April 1. 435-6059 (or more info. Summer, coed living at Triangle Fraternity, rooms air conditioned & laundry facilities available. Rooms are available from May 1 2 until Aunust 1 7. Call Dave at 472-9443 or leave message at 472-1 1 34. Duplex-3 bedroom, Bassment Apartment. Stove, refrigerator, furnished. $250 plus lights. 464-47S4. SUB-LEASE Available now. Large 2 bedroom, 1 12 bath. Salt Valley Area. $300. 421-1678 evena. 474-1058 days. 13 Passenger Vana 23 Passenger Minibus 47 Passenger Motorcoach Goodlife Coaches 423-2500 If ' l ' - : j For tho length' you want in nails or a coating to j strengthen your own nails. Tho Clipper offers SOLAR NAILS. Wo want you to enjoy ... I Ui.hU I II UL-a.U..j.2-oiiiU..tU-ijhlLb . IVI Ui tM'WlllUltvlli rm such as Andrew V.'ycth and Alexander Caldon, to drop a fc;v names, have works cn paper in the show, done In a broad range cf media. Individually, the works are impres sive. One piece which, thoi'h not pre cisely American, is a study by Marcel Duchamp for his controversial paint ing "Nude Descending a Staircase," which turned the American art scene on its head. Dsyond its historical si a!f icance, it is a beautiful piece of art to lock at. PALACE Waiters A Wsitrtet naadad 11-2 30 wsekdava. Apply b',wan 1:30 4 2 30 at 1 jC9 L 6t. Part-time Supervisor Fxcellant opportunity fnr Univerjisy vwfont to learn manacemflnt. sales, service, S'd co'lecttons working with young people, prena, and customers as a city carrier route auparvisor. Must have good communica tion sk Ills and be available by 2 30 p.m. dmiy, 9 00 1. m. Saturdays, and some (iundty mornirgs. Requlrpa aok'oximat!y 35 hours per wk plus your own vahl ce with mileage expanses paid. Pleas call Personnel 473 7412 lor interna w anoolntment. Journal Suir Printing Co. FOLIC! crnciRC Trie City of Lincoln, Nsbraika is currently seeking vomoii nuti men l(i,sriiij in a cKt.liengirg afierna tive to a traditional career. The position of Police Officer offers unique Ofporiuity tc f!piy eierkonca, education end jucamont in ualirig with existing social probtoir.. The work la vand oompisx and dwnands Intoti ciit, ssnr.iiive Individuals who ran adjust to an eveuhanr;tng work environment. 'Hi-jh school graduate or equlva-eit At ieist 20 years of a;e (an or before June 10, 1805) No fwior.y ccnvtciions ' . 'Valid Nebraska driver's license ' 'And a statement of aided and unalM vision. Eye examination forma are available at the CityCounty frrplcymnit Ctfiue. FDA approved soft exacts are perml(ia!;a. Eye tmlntions most be within the lasi year. (Msreh 11, 1sa4 March 29, 1i5) Appllcttiits who successfully ni- minimum require ments listed above are scheduled tor a 2 hour written exam. Anpty at: CfTYCOUW fY f PlCvmXT CF. C2 S3 tOUl M Wm f fRBtT mc B113 Cloaing tiato for receipt ol applications and eye examination forma. 4:19 p.m. f&lsy, tasrefc 29, K2$ Equal Opportuniry Affirmative Action Employers ' Experienced farm h?ip wanted for cash grain opera tion. Part time now, full-time title summer. Ceil between 7-8 p.m.. 112-635-24S4, Csresco. NE. - USED CASH? - Dirt Cheap buys used records A taps. Heavy Metal band needs bassist real bad? Call 472 9819 (Troy) or 472-5819 (Merk or Doug). I'm looking for people that witnessed a motorcycle accident. It happened on Saturday Marsh 2nd between 1:30-2:00 a.m. at the Intersection of 27th and Vine. If you witnessed this accident please call Paul at 484 5229 and leave your name end phcr?e number. Male roorwnate to share 3-be6oom duplex. $109 plus 13 utilities. 474-ZiS08. 1444 Peach, large 2-Bdrm.. ditihwssherdisposal, AC, washarrir'er,Tow utilities. $350. 477-7370. Non-smoking female fir ad student or upper class man to share duplex. Call tvertings. 483-634. Female Roommate, nonsmoking, $137.50 plus 12 elec. 477-4347. "1 ? j f 'it t 8 s i i ? a t s t CHERRY CHEWING TOBACCO Cliff'a Smoke Shop 1200 "O" St. 5 Just as impressive is a watered or by Winshw Homer. It shows lienor at his best, capturing the elemental forces cf nature and man with a view that makes the commonplace monumental. An artist whose work is usually monumen tal in size, Jackson Pollock, has a small but well done work in enamel cn paper. "American Works cn p;:r" rur.s through Sunday, April 21. This ahow h a must for anyone who U at til Inter ested in Amencan art of the psst century. F'l LAtI2A THSTA Important MeSlng. New, old, and prospective membrs are welcome to Officer Elections, Tuesday, March 1 9, 8 00, City Union! Entries for the UPC Photo Contest may be picked up in the CAP ofllce. Thanks to everyone for entering. STUDENT FOUNDATION Applications due lomoirow C(3V3 Many other Im;xr1d clearer oe. Hfs Befil Hf-hr Eaal i-erk a OUTSTANDIN3 FRESHMAN SCHOLARSHIPS The Innocenta Society, the Ciiancellor's eerMnr honorary, Is now accepting sopllcstions for their I-"- S Outstandino Freshman Scholarship Awarcfs. Two t3 and four scholtrships will be awadad. Applica tions are available in both CAP oific and ie A SUN office and are due April 2. Winner will b honored at ivy Duy. Be a p1 of itMl STUDENT FOUNDATIONS Appiicationa are o-jtl Due tomorrow. Gat yours In ASUN office. ACACSA AIID ??? Applications Due Tuesday STUDENT FOUNDATION Pick up an application In She ASUN office or at our Union Booths! SSM. JOHM m CAKPI Sen. DeCsmp will sneak 8:00 p.m., Tuesday In the City Campua Union. Sponsored by College Repub lican OUTSTANDiMQ SENIOR AWARDS The Innocents Society, the Cftsrasnlitw's senior honorary, is now accepting applications for their 1 &S5 Outstanding Senior Awaids. Ajp?:cn?!on are availa ble in both CAP offices and the ASUN offict end are due April 3. Winners will be honored et ivy Day. Ben wondering about those STUDENT FOUNDA TION epps?? Stop by our booth totiay or tomorrow at either union and find out how you can become Ir.volvod you'll be glad you didl A forum ddrcsslg the current cresSi A Wilctag ertuaVsn Ir kttsttit. Tues., Mar. 10th, 8 p.m., East Union. Spcskers include Kerry Phillppi a bank examiner. Phil Pankonin Rural Bankr from Looisvtlte Mike Jacobsen National Bank of Commerce A representative from a fedora! land bank. ... Sponsored by tha Agriculture Econ-Agri-business club. FJELODDALIA 1S23 ACACIA AfID ??? '. Congratulations to the winners of the UPC Photo Contest: Kevin Dvgan Patrice Northam Kar! Stsi.hen j Tony Wong Do you think you're fiifiny? Be e part of the LITE BEER CAMPUS COMEDY NIGHT! Applica tions for comedy acts will be availabia March 20I CAP efficsf UPC Special Events. Have you ever wanted to be a Master o! wrawoniea? Wsll now ia your chancll Applications fw for am LITE EEER CAMPUS COMEDY NIGHT will bs available March 20 at the CAS office! UPC Special Events. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Important mmting Tuesday. 6:00 p.rsi., City Campus Union. Sn. John DaCamp will bn our e.seater. Nomina ia your favorite Seniors for th Outstanding Senior Awsrds. Pick up 80pS!cafiois tt-Js Uoxy in CAPE&it CAPA3UN. Oue: April S3j Ta t9 m-nounc-d during SAA's Senior Weekl Eligible stutlervts with two years ratrtsinlng at UNL can attend wnimr c!tsa to qualify for traiwiraj that can lead to an Officer Commtaaion. fen csstt hours. Go to Rm 110 M a N Esdg. or caM 471-SS2. More than a part-time aumnw Joto rwftofc, advsntuns end cnaHsaaja wfiiia you aam mm p?9 for a achoiarsnip, and earn coWskhi cmsit HQ O&LIQATIONS. but succsssful ccmp!-iiw Gi ROYC Summr Laaciwship Training could UmS to a mmrti Ing career. Go t Rm 1 10 M 4 N 65tJg. or c!l 4 71 ffsm aa ca rj ' :M ffl 5 ' "4? i The Cest I Buy one card, gst 1 tacond one 12 price. 1 Atriasa-Skyiirk Sav&l f Wo limit to coupon "