The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1985, Image 1

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    t J A il C 3 I M 7 1
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V'oclhcr: It can't get much bstterl Sunny and
warm today with light southerly winds. Expect a
hl?ih nasr 70 t2C). Clear miin tonlaht with a low
of 27 (-3C). Slightly cooler cn Tuesday with a
high of 64(160).
American art at
rrra M M n m V m M
fcsqiiil Mae...Paqe 8
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disBiites AS UN dectsi
A decision last w-:ck by the ASUN Senate to
cut all operating f;rds from UNL's Women's
Kescuros Center left W?.C officials baffled, but
not worried.
Jan Deads, cester coordinator, said sha doubts
ti&t ths KUEocxd cf Regents will pas3 thaASUN
budget recommendation this spring bscasea the
dtci:ien Is, In her rdnd, "unrealistic."
Ore ssnaior testified at the meeting thst he
thinks the center dcas net serva all wor.en
equally. Clark Osborn said the VEC is usap
prossfeabla recssssa cfwhsi ha cailod "las
tctmuss" witfiia tea center.
The proposed cut would leave tha center with
no money to pay for phone bills, publicity fees,
library bocks and periodicals or office supplies.
"They (the ViT.C) staff would even have to
hing their own tape," Deeds said. "It was such a
cerapktsJy unrealistic decision, keeping staSf
but not giving them any tools," she said.
Should the regents approve the ASUN recom
mendation, Deeds sold, "Mends cf the center
would step la end help."
"It (the center) won't go av.r," she said.
At the ASUN Keetbs, Osbora dieted that
kshfcn teUvity wlthia the center made it unep
prcichsble for most UNL wensen.
"They kept Eyb& 'Yoa h-vc a bid Inif ge, you
hava a lad isasa,' " Deeds e?Jd. "Hs (Osborn)
kept stressing Internal orginizaticn problems. I
don't think that (the lesbian issue) is a descrip
tion of internal orgsnizatioa"
Osborn ssid he thinks the center can benefit
women but he decided to speak out Egiinst the
center because it serves only "about 1 percent cf
UNL women," that 1 percent being lesbians.
He gave extra evidence for his reasoning:
"Eeing in the ASUN cSice (next door to the
center), it's not hard to see the type of girls that
walk in and out of there," Osborn said. "You know
what I mean: no plain, normal-looking college
Doss Davidson, a member cf the UNL Commit
tee for Fees Allocation, said he has heard com
plaints about heterosexual women being
approached by lesbian women in the center.
But Deed3 denies that it happens. She said
the center has a duty to serve lesbians because
lesbians are women, and not serving them would
be discriminatory.
"Lesbians are not the only group we work
with," she said. "It's a -small part of all our
programming and services. We're here to serve
all students, and there are lesbian students,"
Deeds said the ViT.C serves about EGO students
per month through various services provided by
tha center. These include:
0 counseling
O a library with books on women's issues
CommiUes denies
ASUN candidate 's
electwn complaint
:r.3 Geirtrcp
Wednesday's ASUN election will not be an
nulled, the ASUN electoral commission decided
The commission said it found "Insufficient .
evidence" in & complaint filed last week by
fcn.::r ASUN presidential candidate Kevin"
Goldstein, who requested a new election. ;
Goldstein alleged that at the Nebraska Hall
voting site, students cast multiple ballots, "and
election-process officials gave out additional
ballots and did not check students' thumbs
before they voted. After voting, voters' thumbs
are stam ped with invisible ink, which show3 up
only under violet lighting.
At the Nebraska Union voting site, Target
Party members were seen near the site instruct
ing voters, Goldstein said. He also alleged that
the Target Party failed to file a financial form on
time and that the forms were not in order.
The commission, which conducted a special
2'2-hour meeting Friday to hear Goldstein's
complaint, listened to testimony from many
people, including former ASUN executive candi
dates Tim Burke, Eric Lane and Phil Tatro of the
Look Party; Doug Kasparek of Change; and ASUN
president-elect Gerard Keating of Target. -
Lane said he knew of someone who voted with
eight UNL student identification cards. He said
he saw the person vote twice and questioned him
after the second time. Lane would not say why he
didn't take the matter to the ASUN ofilee and
refused to give the commission the name of the
multiple voter.
Gas&taaed a Pass
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. Matt OavtsOtSty N$Ssri3kan
Ctolistela, U tsstifks befors t&a cesaakslsa 3 EccSss,' ssasstoelsct Eiraberly Wood (front row) listen. '
If 1 I I
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UNL neaim center on
r3 ron AO
iciais say
NU regents to buy
KJ!it Nw tior
Editor's ccts: Iis b t!i3 first
ertkls la a eerlts explsrlss
sessil is3S3 related to ccSsja
than their predeescrs IS arid 29
years K FMscktt idi, but there's
i 9 1
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t.3 available at UNL and
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r-f..M r.'.-! f'V.4f- ft
ivis, 1 ivva, Iv.i4 Uvv-y W
fca Umlti Ea Cctc?. Tai
ysfj tiilts fac r.:ro ttcit t:i ,
Students cm fill those voids cf
sexual ignoranee with sex education
. k J"
VI. i t?'':s. cc:'t:r cl'r.s a e:i el
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tirt cm r.l c '.'r.i. H . c :l.'.:r
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tf i " 3 r : 1 r.3 ; ' : .5 1 ': :h
. c;r ' rJ ;" - J 3. All v I o v.i
to f t ll'; t:.i.. i lis
M.t News Eiitsr
The NU Bcsrd of Regents voted
Saturday to buy three sections of
. land for additional parking on the
UNL campus. They also approved
construction bids f;r renovation cf
Architectural Kali and the Former
Law buildirg, ar.d accepted a revi
sirn to ASUN's Ccr.:t:lutien.
Tro" lail-an dcllrs worth cf bonds
vill La iued far ens r.v,i parldng
r:; s"th cf tho Fib Dcvar.r
V1 u - e- tota pi'ft"
:y frcn the
foa Ic..r.d F-
en l?,e ar.d H
rul H!ul dl tii3 !Tvm2T
f Vi-" "fv. w'l f-ffrl' pwg
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jects. Phase cne cf the project, ren
ovation of Former Law and construc
tion of an enclosed walkway between
Former Law and Architectural Hall,
will cost about $2.8 million.
Phase two cf the preset includes
renovation of Architectural Eal Doth
phases are designed to meet ths
specific needs cf the architecture
college, according to the regents'
& to nns& ft
The revests also approved a revi
sion cf UNL's ASUN Co-:t!tst!ca
Studs:;t regent iSm Tttaiz
A-UsaA C--i fc-v Ivva-vj. Vcft
qiumv r3 LwuvJ w 'v ! -I,. .ji
A c:fer chs?a ras rda b t!:-3
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