Friday, M-rch 15, 1C35
Dally Ncbrcsk&n
4 O
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'.fx mr "rt- M
llj fcllcteg b a list cf UKL si
dsnts elected to the 1CCG3 ASUN'
senate, elisor boards and commit
tees, according to rendis cf election
vcLf g tsLlea relets! Thurtdj.
and Entomology Carolina Urka cf
Target (8).
Ths the advisory beard to tfca
Teachers College: Elementary Edacar
io tae advisory t-aid from the Col- Anu fij,wiM(1, T
Lcecr.aary Education Tom stobbs cf
Chge (120) and Shelly Meravck cf
Lock ( 1 15). Special Education Cherie
Keast cf Change (210) and Molly Warren
cf Lock (203). Speech Pathology
Stacy Williams of Target (182) and Kin
Eartel3 of Lock (165). Center for Busi
ness and Vocational Teacher Educa
tion Jan Ward cf Target (217) and
loci rt krio a- 4 P
Sciences Kciia Kisdnger cf Change
(243) and Marcla Langcnberg cfChanga
(243). Humanities Chris Cvans cf
Lock (03) cr.j Anthca Creels of Change
(237). Physical Science and Mstheraat
lcs Jans McCcrmick cf Change
(323) and Karla Largemcier of Change
(2o). Chemistry and Ufa Sciences:
rrvZ;;: ; rC.;;;r? ,VcTv . Jl11 wocas r Ij0cJc c). school tf
frSC"frPfS m f""1; Health, Physicd Education and Recrea-
?d.5? ft? ?Ci;f tion - Brad McClatachey of Target
Changs Ud) and Kim Nabity cf Tarf ot tows 9nA vi im t f u 1 1 r
iuiu ii"uj iik'jinw V liOtJ,
To the adisory beard from the Col
k (183).
To the ASUN senate cm the College
Abler cf Target (41) jy;d Teni Vdcn- ,V- h 5 -" i Tr
tine cf Tarset (83). Textiles, Clothing (2), Kimby Wood cf Target (238)
and Desi.d? - Mary Dcuda of Target F (229)' lIstt
Laueancn ana ta:
Susan Wampler of Tarj!
to of Easiness Administration: Socho- ma 1 em Svoboda of Look (&9).
1th of Target (30). "v".
r.:.;y Resource u usa Aiuw serie uom u;e ii'ee
et (41) end Beth Easiness Acministratic i: Laurie
li'ind of Lock (25). Feci and Katri- sMre or LccK (257), Todd Uiiffack
m Daa ESattke cf Tawct USS. 0i Target (23a), Jeff Hanson of Target
To the advisory board Zvti the Col- (223) Srad Matthaidess cf Target (223)
mere Daniel Hoffman of Target
(203) and Mark Chelbcrg of Change
(245). Juniors Bob Huber of Target
(323) and Sue Falconer cf Change
(212). Seniors Eryce Reimers of
Lock (255) and Scott Modica of Target
To the advisory board torn the Col
lege of Agriculture: Ag Economics
Eick Gestringcf Target (47). Ag Educa
tion, mechanized Ag and Ag Journalism
Jan Maahs of Target (21). Animal
Science Dirk Jone3 cf Target (33).
General Agronomy, Soil Science and
Plant Pathology Dgve Nielsen cf
Change (23). Pre-vct Christopher
Schnetie cf Charge (13). Ag Honors,
General Ag Clark Pickrel cf Target
(23). Forestry, Fisheries and Mdlife
Kirk Glsndt of Cnange (17). Food
Science zsii Technology, Borticulture
To the ASUN senate frcin the College
cf Engineering and Technology: Patty
Eckdik cf Chaise (133), GsryAunnd
cfChang3 (131), Kent V.'elb ofChartge
(133) and Anita Nichols cf Target
To the ASUN senate to the College
cf Agriculture: Heidi Eergmsycr of
Target (253), Kevin Ei.r.cltc:g of
Tr et (225) and Jerry F.eer.T cf Tcrjet
To ts.eASUN senate to the Teachers
College: Tracy Frccehciecr cf Target
(139), Christine Gundcrsen cf Target
(133), Mark Rise cf Change (124) and
Kim Kylescf Target (124).
To the ASUN senate from the College
of Architecture: Lcri Eruns cf Target
To the ASUN senate from the College
of Home Economics: Jill Mountford of
Target (79).
To the ASUN senate ftem the School
czjournaiism: Dan iiormeutftrcri hsn-?ft
To the ASUN senate from the College
of Nursing: Julie Hansen of Look (12).
To the ASUN senate Professions!:
Dallas Jones of Target (24).
To the ASUN senate Criminal Jus
tice: Curt White of Leak (12).
To the ASUN senate Graduates:
Seott Siemers of Change (91), Jerry
Eartek of Change (80), Joel Mendida
(mite in) (6) and Yu Feng Shu (write
in) (4).
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