The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 15, 1985, Page Page 15, Image 15

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    Pag3 15
Daily Nebraskan
P. McGill.
Oo you believe In Leprechaun's???
Git olp, let's paauty It's yauw EoHhdsyll
Your Roommle
Triangle Hoop-It players:
Your confident coechei
Snarl AKitny
Let 15 years of professional, personal experience
ouida you 10 ,ne r--:',T I00 W will counsel client In
interview do t Adonis, peritonei appearance, approp
riate cover letters, and create or update a raauma.
Check our low rates to serve students. Call 463-4736
0r 483-5249 after 5 30 p.m.. Monday-Friday or anytime'
on weekends.
Computer Type
Edne of Campus
1630 QueSt.
ass, 'a&J
4t- j ei,-lwm
Rick S. (Texan)
Happy 22nd Birthday. You're awesome.
Love, Sue
" p"3a sTiep nsi F"ss!f yS&
Friday, March 15, 1S35
Term papers, resumes, law briefs
423-7168 for G'JALITY
Cliffs Smoke Shop
1200 "O" St.
Send a balloon bouquet on Sf. Patrick's Day. Call
470-2009. Bouquets also available for any occasion.
Need ride to Northwest Arkansas for Spring Brack,
will help with gas. Call Chris, 472-0780.
Need a ride to South Padre? Call: 470-3245.
LOST: Tan cowboy hat (Resistol) on rack outside
the Georgian Suite, 2nd floor of the Nobraska Union,
Wednesday afternoon. Of preat sentimental value. If
found, please bring to the DN office or call 472-2538.
I -
Phi Psis.
Get excited for HOOP-IT! We'll show "em!
Love, your coaches Julie & JoElle
P.S. Opus says, It's good luck to piay with your own
I luv ya to pieces!! YOU an the bst!
Free throws, hot shots
Theta Xi's get all
We "move-out", dont
just play Basketball.
Girts often call us
"Ohh. so tall, sooo talll . . ."
Other teams hit the wail and fall.
Fast break we make once again
For old times sake
The chances we takel
No mistake
We're 1, piece of cake!
We're mean, lean
Basketball fiends
A winning machinel
Psyched tor Saturday,
the coliseum scene
Encounter it at 2:15.
Your charged AOPi coaches,
Maria & Naiieen
Char, Janet Terri, Josnte, Liz, Annette and Racine,
Show everyone Nebraska's the place to be! Take the
BIG EIGHT and we hope you make it to REGIONAL!!
Your Gymmees
Beta "C" team
Hope you are psyched for Saturday! Good Luck
we know you'll have fun!
Your "Hoop-it" coaches,
Liz and Deanna
D.U. B Team.
Get excited for HOOP-IT!
Your AOPI Coaches. Tricia ft Anne
Pi Kapp's and Kappa Deit's,
By golly Paul gat the band together for the Dave L.
party Saturday night and let's pet on with it shall we?
Duve L
Gerard K.. Rick G., Chris S.. and Jan M.,
Congratulations on your elections. We are proud of
Yosjr AGS brothers
To our true blue party monster. We love you!
Warn. Mawfci ft Mel-
Get ready to show 'em who's 1 at Hoop-ttt
Micheie & Robin
Come see the best womii Gymnasts in She midwest
Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Support the Lady
Ssmmy Allstars,
Get ready to show those other teams who's boss at
AOPi HOOP-ITI Fire up end knock 'em daad. Good
Ysfjr coaches
Gerard K. (AGS)
Congrats. We're proud of yo'j. We knew you'd come
out victorious.
AGS Little Slaters
To Target Senators and supporters:
Your time, effort, and support during the ASUN
campaign was oresily appreciated. Esch of you has
very s;acial pmm In c ir lives. We mtist now work
together to Insure an er&ctive student governmet at
UNL Thank you so vary ir ,K
Gerard Kettiog, Rod Parmer. Jeff Fishback
Rick & Miche'a.
do you have year HsrbVw. on?
We are going to do it.
Thanx for baing-ooMw o 1 s ' e "
twjrr .J, i'sfcsm
Mike (S!g Er)
Here's fe f-i--- I 4 (.re '
Julie and l , r .j yry,8 f,
Thanks for .t--t .1 :--
i Ycr. V';in.'e.
" o our formal!
KD. Thota, A ChiO. AOPI, Kappa, and AXID presidents.
e . fH, ?..m,uch ,or n8Pir-9 us celebrate Alpha
Spirit Wek. We're so glad you came.
Lov. A-Phi's
Fiji's (A).
Get psyched for tomorrow! You guys are the best!!!
Love, your coaches.
Michelle & Dnlynn
Kappa Sigs:
Gat psychud tor Hoop It! We're gonna get 'em this
year. Good Luck.
Kim ft Suzy
Jurry (Acacia)
The Van Allen Belts were fantastic!
Tlie Girl who used to be lost in space
FarmHouse Hoop-It team,
Make room in your trophy case because we know
we re coaching a bunch of winners! See you Saturday!
Shelly and Steph
DU (A tos.n),
Get those dribbling hands ready! Good luck at
HOOP-IT we know you can do it!
Your AOPi Coaches
Sig Nu's,
You're 1 on the courts with us!
Coaches Dee & Mary
Larry B.
"Your kiss Is On My List"
Your Secret Admirer
Ag Men,
Bum up the courts at Hoop-It!
Love, Sara & Lesley
ATTENTION DU-DG's and dates.
Duck Hunting Season opens tomorrow.
Game Warden
Delta Tau Deita (3-2eam)
Jump, Dribble, Score a lot. The Detts B-team will be
really hot. Your coaches ara sure of a VICTORY, So
Good luck Saturday at the HOOP-IT toumeyi!
Sae ya tomorrow,
Diane ft Angie
Lit sis Hang in there it's almost over! Luv ya!
Delt "A" team
Get psyched for HOOP-IT '85 we are!
Your AOPi Coaches
Heidi & Lajra
Those Lucky AXiD dates, ........
It's dinner and dancing at ihe Cornhusker Saturday
night, so be prepared for a "formally" good time! Can't
Your partying AXiD dates.
Beta Sigs,
Good luck at HOOP-IT. Saturday will be a blast!!
Love Your AOPi Coaches,
Trad & Kelli
I miss you and think about you always. Hope things
work out soon!!
Love, ?
To a!l HOOP-IT teams:
Although Hoop-It will be fun for all.
The Sigma-Chi's will have a ball.
The victory will go to the "A" Sigma Chia,
Cause they ara the greatest group of guys!
Love, your coaches
Kristin & Kristin (AOPi)
Acrcia "A",
Bs ready to Hoop-'t up Saturday!! You'll wear out
the rims, so dust off the trophy shelf!
Love your coaches,
Cindy & Amy
K.D.H. (D.U.)
Junior is watching you! Have fun though.
Hope you have a great day. I've noticed you (font
come around to see me .nuch anymore. Do I have
Love, Barney
Angela (AXiD),
A big congratulaSions on being sa'octod Walporgis
nacht Chairperson! You'iS do a super loss!
Your proud sisters
Hey Everybody, come see:
Rscine the first black Nebraska gymnttst
Janet's radar lips
Joenie (but don't strain your eyes)
Char the swinging single on the bars
LiZ whose floor routine will make you dance in
your seats. , t
Renee (we didn't forget you) thanx fervour support
I? you weren't there competing with us physically you
were trmre with us mentally. Thanx for a great year
ouvs (if s not over yet). Do It tonight)!!
B 1 Wetoveya,
Your co-ceptains, Ter ft N
AKAK 'B' team
Dont not wanna win,
wanna will
Wanna win?
Lefs go for the trophy!
Your AOPI Coteries,
Michelle ft Peggy
"A TEAL!" (agr)
We pity the fools who have to play you guys, let's
win it . . .
Your Hoop-It coAShws,
'M&ryt. Susie
Robert ft other BMOC'a.
Meet at out pises!! Mon. p.m.. Gsmma PM.
Darcy, M.Iincia, BrenDse
t-.'t our nut,
' C:1 to California
To find sonte huZS
Look wnsi a great Job you did. You rs my favorite
5 ft 1 v Cf I I h hi
I i f? ) i
h i i m ) A i $
4. s L,
mm. 3
I'Vi"- 'rli , - --ft,,,
mm:, 'life....
j m
People used to chase leprechauns because when you
catch one, you'd win his (or her!) Pot O'Gold.
But people have learned whafs even better than gold ... I
and that's their health and the way they feel. Which should
make a membership at America's most advanced fitness
center cost even more than a leprechaun can afford. But
with our St. Patrick's Day Special, that's not so. Everyone
can afford a penny, and at 24 Hour Nautilus you'll get a
whole year of fitness for one cent when you buy a year at
our SPECIAL STUDENT RATE of $95.00. And you
can freeze your membership for the summer.
Now we expect the leprechauns to come into 24 Hour
Nautilus by the dozens when they see this offer. They're
smart. (How dp you think they saved all that gold?)
GFA type-
Love. TS
Cased on 1 year membership paid in fuB st registration, sscond year for 1C.