i II toil v i' S i r-: ! U s :3 n, ) I i -1 Friday, March 15, 1G35 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 84 No. 124 Vesiftcn Continued sunny and warm today, but windy vith a high of CO (1CC). Partly cloudy tonight with a low of 35 (2C). Slight chancs of rain on Saturday with a high of 54 (12C). Sunny on Sunday with a high of 53 (12C). m I!nienY...Page13 SiQCE: Ggu5il...Page13 ,-1 fill o ' """M f "'fwi MyT By Ger.3 Gentnip Staff Reporter "I wsr.t to install good communication and get a working relationship because it is going to be a diversified body," he said. "Beating the closest competition by that bit of a margin is great," he said. "I think it shows what people think of theTarget Party and what it stands fcr. It was a great campaign. The numbers gave me a good feeling knowing students are Keating, who said he was notified about 3 a.m. behind my beliefs." Thursday that he had won a narrow victory over A strong last-ir'?.ute campaign effort and a "higherthan usual" voter turnout on East Cam pus were key factors in Wednesday's ASUN elec tions, ASUH's new president-elect Gerard Keat ing ssid. Kevin Goldstein cf Change, said a lste Wednes day meeting with Target supporters proved to be effective in winning the election. "We told our senators at 4:30 to get out and campaign hard," Keating said. "Whether we won or lost would be determined in the next three hours." Keating said he thought Look had the early lead, but the afternoon meeting made the difference. But Keating said Target's work is not done. Continued on Psg 6 parties lie complaint By Gene Gentrup Senior Eepsrter "We were expecting the race to go either The Change and Look parties on Thursday way," he said. "We knew Target would win when filed a request to "annul" Wednesday's ASUN we went out late in the day." election results. Keating said he remained uncertain about .Kevin Goldstein of the Cbnge Party snd Eric winniits even sftsr the polls closed, but ssM hz Lane of the Look Party submitted a ccmpUdnt to X (if.. k , ..,.. J ASUN Prcs!dsEt-clsc$ Eesttes th to sftcr election fdn. , i? ' ,A , , , , , , site Wednesday, the reportstated, "multiple bai- ' The election results showed why he had rea- iotSwereissusd," "additional ballots were given son to worry. Keitog captured 40.3 percent of request," ar.d "thumbs were not checked." the vote and Goldstein 30 percent. If Keating had won by less than a 10 percent margin, he Goldstein said the Change and Look parties would have been forced into a "run off ' election were not making any accusations against the with Goldstein. electoral commission or the Target Party. In addressing Target's supporters after the "It's just a set of real unusual circumstances victory announcement, Keating said the victory that could change the election results," Gold- "wasn't just for myself. stein said. "The victory ms for the entire party and I ,ASUN president-elect Gerard Keying won couldn't have done it without their support," he Wednesday s election with 10.3 percent more said. "They'll always have a place in the party." votes than his closest competitor, Goldstein of the Change Party. A victory with less than a 10 Keating said his first duty as ASUN president percent margin would have forced a "run-off' will be to get "everybody in order to represent election. students in the most effective way." Continued cn Page 2 WRC loses $3,400 Six tmwerslMi organizations hit with ASUN ' budget cuts Earlier in the meeting, Boss David- eger, said the money had been ear- son, CFA committee member who pro- marked to cover the printing costs of posed all of the ether amendments to adding one extra page of news per The ASUN Senate approved the Urd- the UPFF proposal, said he opposed issue for the remainder of the spring versity Programs and Facilities Fees student fees going to the WRC because semester, and one additional page for the organization eld not equally cres- each issue or tne bummer Necr&sK&n. appropriation Wednesday, after cutting more than $12,000 from six student-, funded university agencies and totally eliminating one agency's operating The ASUM Ccmmi'ctee for Fees Allo cation originally had proposed a 1835 3 acsdemic year UPFF charge cf mora 'than $100 per student, per semester, irut citcr Wefeesdsy's revisions the UPFF charge will be $183 per stu dent, per semester a $4.18 increase The Women's Resource Center and the Daily Ksbraskan suffered the deepest cuts from the budgs review. s;r.'.t3v:tci to c-i 13,400 frcm the Ncbra:ha U::n hi vich gzz to tha V.;X, zV.-. l;:itirg C cf th? crrirJ- v.ho proposed the amendment to the sppro priatisn till, sdd alleged "lesbian activity" within the center made the cr-anization unapproac&abl3 Tor most Daily Msrssicsn m spnng. uaniei UNL women. Shattil, Daily Kcbraskan general man- er.t both sides cf issues dsaling with women. . Jan Deeds, coordinator cfthe WEC, said the orgmisitlon now has funds' only to pay salaries. She said the cut ting cf funds is an Ineffective wsy to attempt to caangs the WEC's policy, and it shows that "ths senators don't know how the WSC cpsrates." They want cur services to improve," Deeds said, "but they've taken away every means to do thst" ' Dec IjS'H f.u.3 !?'t krer v hrl t tut ni7 1 fis an clzczzslr course cf act;:?,, Vs r.C ? !:d l::t CO ten its -,, !mN - - CrA's r tD cM (3,CC3 to the Dally Nebraskan's initial 123,183 request Tim Clare, CFA chairman, said the additional money was proposed to make up for lest advertising by the cf Shattil said even without the money, the paper will try to increase news con tent, "as advertising permits". Other organizations that lost fund- UPC Executives- A ds $1S2, which leaves them with $2,023, a 3.5-percent increase from last yes?. .. Homecoming Committee A decrease of $440, which leaves the::, with $1,760, a 10-psrccr t increase from . last year. 0 Funds Allocation Committee ' A decrease cf $1,500, which haves them with $2,000, a 100-percsnt incrcce from list year. O Major Performing Arts Commit tee a $1,000 decrease, which leaves them with $28,000,- an 18.2-percent increass from last year. In ether action, the senate voted to recognize Farm Action Concerns Tomorrow's Society o an cScial stu dent organization at UNL .:-:.ru-;-:v:-:? - " -, : . f -V v w-i I - : 'i j..: - :' Depositors react to Nev7t Copple'o cIiaHcnue. Story on