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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1985)
Thursday, March 14, 1935 I Peg 3 6 Daily Nobrcskan 1 0 QQ' a If Legal quiz By Shelley Ctdl C'.r-ffr.t Leol &m4cea Lawyer Just 21 the encraachlr.g reality cf r.Sdiera exams begins, what da v,e have here? A lr.v exam! Go ahead, test your consumer I.Q., tut remember, far the answer to a specifl leg:U prob lems, contact Student k?p Services or a private aitcmey. As!: Attorney Ceiisuzser Law Qsir 1. When you make a purchase on a "time payment" or other credit plan, the creditor must put in writing what the rate of interest is, and the total amount of interest you will be paying over the Ufa of the contract. a. True ' b. False 2. If your credit cards are stolen, you are liable for all purchases made before the time you notify the credit card company, even if the pruchases are net authorized by you. ... a. True b. False 3. If you are buying an item on a "time pay ment" plan (such as buying a washing machine or other from a department store), and you have paid half of what you owe and then miss one payment, the seller can require you to pay the entire balance that is due. If you cannot pay, the seller can take back the merchandise. a. True b. False 4. If a 1& year-old signs a contract for the purchase of records, and then fails to fulfill the contract, the parents will be responsible for making the payments. ir a T 1C1 P v-fTw r 11 ' 7 f4 U V. r: 31 1 a a. True b. False 5. If you ?pp!y for a brsk loan and your appli cation is turned down, the bank is required to tell you why if yoj r;c;ucst an explanation. 6. Tiua b. RJse 6. If a non-working married woman wants to epen her own bank account, the bix.k can legally require her husband to cosign the account. a. True b.Ft!; 7. If you receive, and you m applying for credit, you must list the amount cf alimony &3 a part cf your income. a. True b. False 8. If you cosign a note for a friend, and the friend fails to repay the lean, you are responsible for repaying it. a. True . b. False 9. Which of the following cz: a collection agency do if your past-due bill has been turned over to it for collection? a. Call you at work if your employer doesn't want you to receive such calls? b. Call you at any time if you notiiy the agency that you have hired an attorney? c. Call you at home late in the evening or early in the morning? d. All of the above? e. None of the above? 10. You can go to jail for failure to pay your debts. a. True b. False 11. If you file for bankruptcy, which cf the following debts would usually be disch&rgsd?. a. Past-due child support payments b. Government-subsidized student loans c. Medical or dental bills d. All of the above 12. If you file bankruptcy, you will not be allowed to keep your car unless you need it to get to work. a. True b. False 13. How long does a bankruptcy remain on your credit history? a. Forever c. Six years b. Three years d. 10 years 14. Ifycu take your car In for repairs and are given an estimate by the repair person, you do net have to pay the excess if the final bill Is . above the estimate you were given, a. True b. False 1. (a) The seller must disclose in writing the extent of all charges and co3ts cf a credit pur chase. 2. (b) There are limits to your liability, even before you notify the credit card company. 3. (a) The selier retains rights in the property until it is paid for, if the buyer signs a paper giving the seller a '"security interest" in the property. 4. (b) Unless the minor child contracts for "necessities cf life," the parents are not respon sible for the contract. 5. (a) Creditor may not refuse to loan you money based on your age, sex, race, marital status, religion, national origin or receipt of pub lic assistance, and they may not loan you money on terms different from those granted another person in similar circumstances. 6. (b) A woman may open an account in her own name without her husband's signature, pro vided she can establish her own credit worthi ness. If she wants the husband's income to be taken into account in establishing credit, the bank may require the husband's signature. 7. (b) You may choose to list alimony, but it is not required. 8. (a) By cosigning a note, you are promising to pay if the other cosigner is unable to do so. Your willingness to cosign should be based on your own evaluation of the person's ability to pay the debt. 9. (e) Collection agencies are governed by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which has specific limits cn the types cf collection practi ces allowed. 10. (b) This is a rr.n misconception. While your creditors have many remedies against you, throwing you in Jill h net one cf them. An exception rr.lht be in the t:zz cf past-due child support. A person car. tejilcd for failing to pay ordered child support; hewever, the Jailing Is actually for being in cc-.irrpt cf court rather than for being in d:lt. 11. (c) The f.rt two listed m generally not dischargeable, and there are sevcril ether catego ries cf debts not dischargeable through bank ruptcy, such as taxes. 12. (b) You may cr net be able to keep your car, depending on the vduo cf the car and other assets, not depending cn ycur "need" to have a car. 13. (d) Bankruptcy nsy b talien only once in six years, and it remains cn ycur credit history for 10 years. 14. (b) An estimate is that. To protect yourself you may want to put in writing that any additional costs must first bs authorized by you before the repair person can proceed. The Law Qui i3 a section of the Nebraska Law Quiz 1834, which w&s developed by the Nebraska State liar Association and reprinted her, with its permission. The Better Easiness Bureau cf Lincoln accid entally was overlooked in list week's column as a source of help in dealing with mail fraud prob lems. The EE3 processed mere than 400 com plaints regarding mail fraud kst year with 80 percent resolution of the complaints. The EBB, which can be contacted at 718 N. 48th St., or 487-5261, handles a variety of consumer complaints. No need to stand in line this summer ... JL1 HJiib JLlDUZd ST TT 151 AM.V T5T!?.a.STOT! TTTm MTTi NTf 'f TM MA1CM 18-AFEIL 5. Cl&sa Priority . ":" All students who register during the early registration period, March 18 -April 5, 1085, will receive class priority for the choice of courses if their registration worksheets and course request forms are completed and returned to the Office of Registrations and Records, Window 2, 203-209 Administration Building, according to the following schedule. 1. Graduate students and students of senior rank (89 or more credit hours on record at the end of the second semester 1984-85), by 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 20. 2. Students with 53 or more credit hours by 4 p.m. Friday, -Mareh22. " 3. Students with fewer than 53 credit hours by 3 p.m. -Friday, April' 5. Pre-session May20-June7 EiffM-weelx Session May 20-July 12 First Five-week Session June 10-July 12 second nive-weeis session July 15-August 16 Summer Sessions Class Schedules Ars available in 106 Tesch-srs CoUegs a 288-209 Administration ' . . UNL is an AfSnnstive ActbnEqusl Opportunity Educations! Institution. l Emily Tricksy assistant to the dean of the School of Journalism at UNL, has been named UNL's "Boss of the Year." Her selection was announc ed by UNL Chancellor Martin Ikssen gale at an Office Personnel Association luncheon. Trickey was cited for her leadership and skill in helping the School of Journalism become one of the top journalism become c?.e of the top journalism schools in the ration. As assistant to the del . she super-, vises seven staff members end several student employees. She joined the UNL staff in 1958. Before coming to UNL, she worked for. the Lincoln fouroal, the Daily Oki&hcnun and Tiir cs, the Uni versity of Oklahoma and the U.S. State Department. ' Sheila OriUki of Lincoln, who has a lengthy record of involvement in chic and cultural affairs, has joined the NU Foundation staff. Griffin was named special assistant to foundation Chairman DB. "Woody" Varner. She will coordinate fund-raising efforts for the $20 million -Lied Center for the Performing Arts, foundation President Bill Wenke said. Gov. Bob Kerrey recently appointed GrifSn to the Nebraska Coordinating Commission Tor Post-secondary Educa tion. She recently completed a term on the Governor's Citizens' .Commission , for the Study of Post-secondary Educa tion, where she led the task force on Governance and Coordination. lie new o5ces and committee chair persons for the UNL chapter of the American Association of University Pro fessors are: President-elect Sosaa Vekh, professor and chair of the pol itical science department; Secretary Ojsxless Dclmstel, associate pro fessor of community and regional plan ning; Treasurer ftlcrgaret Ed icts, associate professor in the school cf biological science and botony cura tor museum; Member-at-large Jaaes McSIi&ne, associate profes sor of English; Chairman Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee Eoyce Eoimirsg, professor of educa ticnaT psychology and social founda tions; Chairman of Women's Issues Committee The Ssr3erecr, professor of psychology. with three other outstanding Nebras kans, by the Nebraskaland Foundation. In 1855 he received an honorary docto rate degree from UNL and in the 1930s received a professional engineering degree. llsrd J, Ttimbsll, a 1025 UNL civil engineering alumnus who has made substantial contributions to wsler resource projects in Nebraska, recently received a Wagonmsster award in a special ceremony at the Capitol rotunda. TurabuH, now a consulting engineer inVicksbur, Miss., was honored, along Thirteen UNL juniors recently were selected for membership in the 1085-86 Innocents Society, the chancellor's sen ior honorary. ' The new members are: Joel Ita, a geologyanthropology major from Eric son; Lisa Eder.3, a speech pathology r.rjor from Karrisburg; Dsniel Loa a computer science major from Bellevue; Todd Ibacla, an agricultu ral honors mJor from Sumner, Jay Keasling, chemistrybiology major from Harvard; Bsfcti Lisbberstedt, a psychology msjor from Omaha; and Ellen Tosefestcn, a FrenchGer manpsychol and linguistics major from Hastings. . Other new members include Jehu Ussnercaaaa, an accounting major front Phillips; Am Presfiea, a speech coimunicatiens. mor from Randolph; Keimetli Es&jT5?sM, a finance nuy or from Oms!u Ttosra Kfts?, a jour nalism n:;cr from Bsssett; Heidi BsiMis.i, a political scienceeco nomics pre-kw mgjor from Clay Cen ter end Jo&n llssscy, a chemistr)' mcr from Lincoln. 1 Cm) Lincoln Gem and Mineral Club invites you to attend its 27th Annual m & Mineral Show ifaMi 16, 17, leas Agriculture Hall Nebraska State Fairgrounds Show Hours: Saturday, 9:00-8:00 Sunday, 9:00-5:00 Admission: AiMts $150 Stuaents vith I.D $1.00 Senior Citizens with ID ...... V.'. $l.QQ Children 59$ Under 6 fres with adult The UNL Nstional Residence Hall Honi?rary Chapter has announced its new members from 1SS5-85. Candidates for the honorary sre nominated by UNL's the residence hall gover ments and members of the UNL hous ing stsff. AH r.coiiecs must have dem-onstst-ed cutstodlng lssdership md service to the residence hills. The 1035-88 NEHH class includes T V-h ITt.l i210. Jc!ia Dijrtli, Amy Dltkzr&cn, Jalie Osthnass. Jeff Jasstlt Kcsaetli mt?f BsbM UUr$, oScsrs tketed ty the chapter for next Tftss m Jslb Gii&sssn, sec-rttszy-tesurcr; Kc.ia Eiir vice president; isi BzTe E -Swards,