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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1985)
Daily Ncbrasksn Wednesday, March 13, 1935 Summerjobs... the country they want to work In. Stu dents also roast plan on having at least 1300 with them v. hen they enter the country to Expert themselves until they fed a Job. The application process costs $72 for' idniai&stfa faea, Jcy said. It tries fcr up to six months: Britain, Ire land, Frir.cs, Germany and New Zealand. Althcu git GEE help3 operate groups that help U.S. students fend jobs and lcdng la the-3 cc-jr.t.lce, Jcy eaid finding a Job then is the eama u it ii here. Students reed to t?p!y tt a let cf places every day. Rod Marts, COG program cccrdina tor, said that If students are alert and at the right place tt the right tins, finding a job everrcas such as a diV washer Is net hard. , .' InSirraaticn fcr ether wc&-sbrcad programs availatb through the OOC include: O "Au pair" program in which stu dents live with European families tr:d work as tutors far the children ii; the household. Rierta called 'this program the "ideal job" overseas because it helps lan guage -skills mors than the ether pro grams and gives students a nice place . to live. At the end cf the stay, the host family may pay for the students travel home. The United States Student Travel Service is a program similar to CIEE. It requires limited speaking knowledge cf foreign languages. USSTS cf?ers pro grams up to six months long in Switzer land, Austria, France, Germany, Fin land, Norway and Australia. The program fee is about $75. A program of! ered by the Ncrwe gian Youth Council arranges fcr people between 18 and 30 to stay as working pests on Norwegian farms in exchange for board, lodging and pocket money. The German government labor agency also places students in unskilled summer jobs, such as kitchen helpers in hotels and restaurants., ,0 CIEE silo offers volunteer pro--grams that feature two- to three-week . projects repairing houses to be used as community centers. Landmark rtaova-' tion or agrteultufaJ wmk. The program costs $1C0 plus sir . far. Eoasi tr.d beard is fee. , Although the CEE program may net place students b spsdSc Jobs bcSbra they travel abroad, Ifcrta said, the groiip puts students b "pretty ecd shape" to find employment fast, many times within the first week after they arrhre. . - . The Au Pair program, on the other hand, places students with specific families before they leave, ilerta stres sed that the OOC dees not place stu dents In jobs overseas and crdy gets .students started la fkdh work abroad. Closer to hose, UNL job location ofScists say summer job opportunities in Lincoln and Nebraska abound. Uu coin employment agency represents- - j tives have a bleaker outlook. i Feggy assistant director in she was not sure cf the cumber cfjobs ' . rvMla 7U-? IWf 1 !vwiikp tisiViJt I'liS lllW I Location and Development Program, j nt i,. tO bC.rv3 Cf K 'J ".1 1 1 Q -, f?H Wlh jcb iiSilfi "I need to crdar a bigger job board," The job beards list employment cp- Mar.y of the ot-stle jobs are for summer cas.p counselors, she said, while employment opportunities in Lin coln Include clerical, .sales, food ser vice and manual labor positions. According to West, the job situation in Lincoln for this eummerwiil be the best for these people with flexible hours who will settle for 'Kkikusn wage. Most cf the positions avsllslle in Lincoln are fi fast f:::d re-tauraats and grocery ctcrcs, ? hich r litth pre vicas experiere and f ij I ti aa!aiic3. T'--n r--'1- t------ Youth F ; I z' e:i :r.tt3 i i Li.clr', died tho Ur.rc'.njLb r:t "ti" cltJ sa!i erly s;; :n ore!;; t caplrrrrs hive ir.rcd L.e crriicn about cpenp ..Ll:ra rstj-i!:: . A rl: g. l".:'-:n sd 173 r:.'. r: rp to 13 f :.;l3 to an TT " . Tf.f ! i I Kyi h1, rMi v S . f ' ' V I I - -; M ': j II 1 iCeiflra Jill ' - Gonz GOLDSTEIN FAGER CASPAKEIC ( ' UM : jjVj, A o CAGE CARES ABOUT ALL ST J i O t-r . -T-.jriiH- n i. -TBiiMi alia. 'nwniniiM iii mn THE 2015 METHOD of electing senators which would guarantee equal representation for residence hall, greek, and off-campus students, in addition to electing by college. CHANGE is the ONLY party with a candidate who has served on senate. ! dential candidate levin GoldoteiEi and executive sotn presi First Vice- Presidentiai candidate Jill Fager have been ASUN senators. Besides serving on senate, the CHANGE execs have experience" on Chancellor's committees, r It! !i I m I f.' if f- .- ei v "w t-r-8 j!-v ivvaa tr J r i" i 4 MbblbiciilL. k m r?. it i a pas res rj ssm m & si HANGE is the only party with exec candidates who have lived on campus, in residence halls, and reeic nouses. mrmm-. rf"j-sa w&rsx sukkkk. wvsi S3 fill tW : II If 91 :, h 4 j ! J I I i rrrrri ,-rcv ' 7 n 4 . , ... City Union East Union Nebraska Hall 8:00 a.m.-8:G0 p.m, 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.rn.-8:00 p.m. er; aj. J a:i F.t 13 j.