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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1985)
Wednesday, March 13, 1835 Pago 6 Daily Ncbraskan Events to aid adult students entering UNL . , . . ,f v tM if n Coffee Is available in aa- ships and Financial Aids will answer This week is Dack to-School Week at cation 160. toee u vcut it3 crv1cc3 !U Aer UNI, designed I to help people jito wnt centugg n nThmd2yfrcm O Hie Nosi-Tmdilicasl Sta te re-enter collega The week is spon- O ef;ditional students dent Asscnrlation will meet at th sored by the Division of Continuing 4 to 6 p m. fo tr d UNL NebraGka Ur.icn fro:a ll:8oTrn to Studies and the Ofllee of Student J'Sited p.m. Friday tcshmcampfsexp r t lrs' ,tu , , t , , wUhtheSccsavailable through the ces. The NTSA will have a social hour Some of the week's events include:. wthwesemctsiTO wtin- r'-J nil T O Saturday morning stusy -i,- annoJr.ced at the earlier Tn. uc h CI O 1 O v I ; WW i vi i - 4', . v;1 SATURDAY MARCH 1&U65 :00 PM. NEBRASKA UNION 14 R UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN S3.0O-UNL STUDENTS (WITH UNL I D.) S3.50-NON STUDENTS FASHIONS MOVIDtO its CVinVfSFASK CASUAL CORNER . (RAUN-Sf ASHWNS .PiECUAET aiZA!CT SLINCF.!E HOI WAY RENT A-TUX bat fk PUu, CatunMi 234 N UA RRASS BltTKLE Lam Cut llu AND OniEJl Af'EA STORES THtBS WU U A DANCI COUOWW3 THE FASHION SHOW IN Till NEtRASKA UNHJN fOR fURIHER IMTORMATION COHTACTi VAUCHN X AKTltONY 471-i1 WENWZENON , 3 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM COUNCIL TRI-Ct'LTURE UNL CULTURE CENTER- UNL Culture Center 16th & Y Streets 472-2454 JJ1 KJU M TTH US! 9 I -Quiet study space -Electric typewriters Monday-Thursday 4:30-10:30 p.m. I -11 S ! . 4 . . t ' , ... - r. J x it 16th & Y Street M -I'll i 11 nil; ill - 1 T1 tilii v n i M fit 5 1 f ' ' f i c-7 t i .0 r -'!" . V i i ) V 1 r1 .Qpprpt. talks.. rT 4, . - , npirance at a crowded press confer- nesslike -discussion of the issues." S"LTdef Saia thenrst'acqunted; Be VashinStn lacr a?olo lurneu a& ue uy rnc invnVPA serious and busi- that he was bound to secrecv. but a nampeiman, in a nve-ininuie T, his main purpose was to talk to f ' .V '.. , ' " . .'1-. ..- j Soviet Union. I am afraid .1 must decline to answer your questions." he told innr. nalists who had been promised earlier I that hp wnnlH ancwor at lnoct f... ? questions on the negotiations. The official Soviet new3 agencv Tass, in a report from Geneva, said genuine progress in halting the arms race would be possible if correct steps were taken at the talks, in line with a broad agreement reached by Secretary of Stats George Shultz and Soviet For eign Minister Andrei Gromyko in January. While reluctant to assess Gorba . che's likely impact, senior Western diplomats said his elevation to the Soviet leadership Monday, less than 24 hours after Cherncnko's death, could mean a mere pragmatic "new begin ning" in East-Vst relations. Passage of bills could boost UNL's educational quality If outstanding professors and stu dents from ether states are listening, UNL with a little help from the Legislature i3 billing to remove a gag from its budget in hopes of calling out to them. At an Eduction Committee hearing Tuesday, UNL officials said the univer sity will spend money on two programs designed to upgrade educational Qual ity if the Legislature parses two bills jj that would prcide extra cash for those programs LB248 and LBS41. LB24S would reauire the state to I match $1 for every $2 postsecondary institutions cm raise to lure professors to Nebraska, After identifying areas for improvement and targeting professors, colleges and universities would raise a certain amount of money through donations, which would combine vath state fiisds to draw quality professors. A I35,CC0 expropriation matched with prfosta fmds could be enough r;; to gszztCTS to three nationally pretest professors, said John Yost, essocixie to the chancellor. He said incnsy csli also be used to boost the salaries cttn sdltyprcfessors already at MIhL trip, Anyriiere Tliis spring brea!, if you and your friends are thinking about heading to the slopes, the beach or just Sionie for a visit, Greyhound can take you there. For only $99 or less, round trip. Just show us your college student I.D. card when )m purchase your Greyhound ticket. Your ticket wifl then be good for trawl for 15 days from the dateof purchase. lis sonnsJDreaK. ppt a rrci hrp- fin re urevnound tos Fnr R0Q w vm W J WB - For more infnrmnf inn rftrtrtbrA 2-S545.()ScrlifiiiSedN()lw!idinCada :a Ecr.ccls currently nave do t foUy-cndcd prcicsscrs. Texas schools f "It's UrA rf ur.urjd for a state to , fc-e eo fclbr-eRdsm'cd prefessors,w Yost i!i. "(Thry) csn bring about a dn- r.:.ib cl.:c;3 la o iratutioa adopting sfe v 7 m w P- n C . '-"9 nil ..c iu,.m. ft Mtft?;!i market ior VJJ W W 1 I HILL . .4 mi win w L 1 I I ' 7 l(JH5 ( In-yhsiund Lines, if;. WJV w ii. - U11Y11IH til MS. eisinsnt prc acccrdins ta C;r.. Tcia Vlckers of Fa Eaia, spcREsr cf the till The bill would dlow Netrssit festltuUcas to let non residents csicll at resiisat tuition rates to tttracting more out stmilm itdoits 1M?4 outside M& raska. The dlffcsce between resiuent and non-resident tuition would not be compensated fey ths state. Al Ptpilt, director cf Admissions and Advisir.3, said tfef fecal impact ol LDSIl mvM fea lE3lpill8Stw KU would to sSjoct $40,000 in col hdzlh taitica tha first year of U prosra esd C'COD tha second ye. P!i! s died thct 'It csn't apps ... J L a a.