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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1985)
Wednesday, March 13, 1985 "I U fF'S 1 3 e ) Irs : E Daily Nebraskan i 1 Ate 1 UNL, Believe Everything you FiMd? VOTE TARGET The Bst Jill M., Mary D., Beth E., Krlt S , Ang: 0.. Jn H E-obbi L , Julio W., &icy Ma, Patty B. (AXQ's): Good Luck today In A SUN elections!! We support you 153!t Love, Your Sisters X, j Vctfls .-.-J. FTrP Gift fits & 6 . W J)ll f; t! Hi !iNftll ill rvi 1 n 1 h H j i J h III) , . J I ' u Jf 7' v..- W It, .4. ,-.-f. V MAI1CH sTALS John, Trunks tar th month ol Rude Bsd Rockt Rattler, and SUa wbarry Staw. Thy weragraat and to ant you. Lova, Mo Good Luck to all thoM running In ASliN alactiona. Especially to those great A-Phi candidates Maris, Ann, Kim, Sholry, Kim and Sue. Love, Your Sisters Lambda Chl's, Had a Great time Saturdty night. Thanks for asking UQll Kappas AXID Sophies, You guys were Just F-U-N funl You can kidnap us anytime! Love. Joannle & Julie Gerard, Rod A Jeff (Target) You're on your way! You guys are the best) Love, Lynn Leigh, Congratulations on Burroughsl Success hopefully runs In the family! Me Dale Bear, You ere truly a dynamic big bro and 1 love of my II fo. Have a crest weekend and remember, I love you! Love, Kare Bear it WntedlrPiwi?ataly: . Very attractive, iarje bosomed, brown-eved (optional) female for short but meaningful rils tionship ith young stud monkey. Must love to be hjrKirutfi.d, r'hotcg'aphsd. and most of all, love SJfiiAH. My chamber of love Is wnltine. Come to me Een at World Famous ' P.O. F-EAHS TPFWRITERS RENTALS SALES SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4133 TYPil'IG Computer Type Ed'; of Campus teaOQueSt. . 4a-TYPE it'vrsT m vcc-.rrir, mo mnn Want a new career' Lea n to flyl Payment plans AvaiUbl. ClKnn Forrest 475 6301. Formal. Wettings, or everyday, have long natural looking fingernails. Low prices. Day or evening. 4C7-3M0. LINCOLN mm UE3!AI3Cr CSS4T23 tOi'3 "O" St. Suits i'i Cold's 6s!ktia 475-1-31 ' TYPING BY'LAYME. FAST, EXPERT SERVICE, DISSERTAflON EXPEHHiNCE. r5STAMDARC PAGC. 4C3-C j.3. TYPING $1.25psge including proofreading. 466 KS51, 8a.m. 8 p.m. 7 days a week. L.D.'s TYPING SERVICE Term papert, resumes, law briefs 42 J-71&J-for QUALITY CLOVE CIAF(ETTES Cliff's Smoke Shop ma "O" st. Stilt "1 J EXPERT TYPIST. Let my flncerj Co the work!! Fas! Accurate. firatA It Bivf B rtH IcH C Respoct. Honesty, Commitment, and Leadership Reasonable rates. 48S-3430 after 5:00 p.m. ars q:ialiSies unique io you and the TARGET Party. you nave my vote ana an my support! APFiL 4 - ft'1, I TARGET: You have earned UNL's support! Good Luck tomor row! TODOI. (FH) Lambda Chi's Casino Night was great! Ycu are all wonderful!! Ksppas S ' $J& 4'.. . i Dance lessons starting March 20 for six weeks. $30 Klmby W. per person. Includes admission to our Wednesday niflht dance. Call 475-4030 Tuesday through Friday 8:30-3:30. TYPING Term Papers, Resumes, Letter, R sports, etc. MY OFFICE 304 S. 13th 474-645 Across from the Cornhusker Hotel Persons to share rioe from Omaha to Lincoln M-W-F during April. Will shara expenses. Ca'l Maria at 472-9220. Wanted: Piders to Scottsbluff ires. .V20orX"21.Csl Sue at 474-1GW) or 475-8819. FOUND- Ladies reo nvlon bil'luld In C trum on Sun Jay, 47-6316. 1 ,fsf -'J t ,7 ' flv fta .Ur t .'1 r i I iii'n y yr n ' 1 "' . 1 M'cO AAA is i''-9 f wxv i "-'x.. mk , -. min.TnwgWWJtaWA .WWeflte-,. WMMutawai0sit.'ide:, J I f'h riv"' , l' v'fe ' i . T!!!rf tsi,ii (WMk art m( m :mm iS. fVf-'v A mri w ikW .im " bjiI HwesrilrSU " aaoiMbmHiCwinM,k( ' a ft t pUffhpfcij!ijii.ftpAiN aiutaHtiMnniMii fcwiMtu.anwrflabnaaMM4 rfJikirfaMmNwIkMSi'iiMSM Mat. mi 1YSL13I I f. TV1 $3t. VIXNAitwtiyrasMs KtM. sRffiOTji(.ijif.!, anslklMik..5t3,wikte MuHaMjUjitw. v t" at a ss m m m T CS2S2I Jus! rtar th msgasns codes belcw (.g, Mtl). Circle "R" I you're renewinp or cnclxc If rsrvt mart ttan one mcrgozkuL pbos indiccf wrOdt bb! i$ which, En..!.-;- J $ El ms O (poyaUe Jo R1Slv P?cst Sign Ker - Visa O. fVlaiferCed (letbcss NuirKar . ; ' Card " ; . ,: . Ocod im , f'4Ar4 . PHONE ( Off ScSvsel tv-r6 , ki-fim gngi tW mitth t edunton oflly. Aiow 4-12 weeki for new mbscripiom te skrt fvL- (tiers' . STATE .ZiP Grod. i 1 5 r v. Vj x-. a '?. r - r 1 -) SI V W S W i is l 1 i VJ 6 i ;l t l r ...... V.. ..;;: c..., .--' :,...... vJ t.. ):.: J! .3 : o 7 1 J ... a . ) t.i-i -.y aLd FREE PARKING NORTH OF DAfrrt r .IT ; 5 t v., Cily 0rri!c a True! Ccr ?.::-T.l;rF.D..C. p ) Ai ut)l fa change. Rafes ars ift US. $ ond ort good only in U.S. ' ) MAS! CmmU IOi PMSi 500TtwdAvw; Sean!, WA 98119 J e. e - e S - s s