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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1985)
Pago 14 Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, March 13, 1GC5 " R WILLOWllAVErJ CLCSi TO CAiaPUl New, affordable, enersy-t'licinnt apartmsntt. Low utilities 2 fcsd'OOi-ns. Full bathroom with thowor. All appliance Flrnplaca. Swimming pool. RESIDENT WAAGE;l Ht-tfJQ J-i.: rl E. ki.kH CO. 4.4-1bvJ CHERRY CHEWING TOBACCO Cliff Sr.oV Shop 1200 O' Jit SCHLOT2SXY 12!h & P Exc"ing, new restaurant downtownl Full and part time positions available. Baker, cooks, counter halp, apply In person, Monday thru Friday, 11-1 & 4-6. E.O.E. rr.a-c?.T ei.uii Met-tmq: Wed., Marcn 13 ' CO p.m. Union Topic: FlnBnrinl Aid Naw Members Welcome Wipeout Wang on Sloopy Z.oue, Z.ow9 Gora ?orn to be Wild Under' dog Red Neck Mother Elvira The Birthday Song My-Ding-A-Ling mm a C0iBi:m a c3sco8eta a p Have You Checked our Food Prices Lately? fr TJS f P rf if i"5 Ea3 t I, : a a a. YES, LESS FOOD 4 LESS is the food store that brought low food prices to Lincoln. You'll always spend less at Food 4 Less. WE ST!! f"li f f a ef k -i& ifcae if fJ Tr U W 'Wtf-' 6f W i 3 Convenient locations with hours that fit Your schedule! 48th & O St. 63rd & Havelock Ave. 3th & Pioneers m upsn Hours ivion.-jaT. s:uu-iu:uu ivion.-&ST. :u-iu:uu ' Sun. 9:00-10:00 Sun. 9:00-10:00 1 jdSsr 1 APPLICATIONS FOH THE SUMMER NEBRASKAN The Ddly Nebraskan is row taking applications far the following positions for the summer 1985 publication, The Sumner Nebraskan. Deadline for applications is 2 p.m. Thursday, March 21. News Editor Associate News Editor Arts and Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Fire Editor Copy Desk Supervisor Night News Editor Photo Chief Mist Editorial Columnist . Interviews will be Monday, March 18 to Thursday, March 21. The sign-up sheet is posted at the Daily Nebraskan. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan office, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Applicants must be students at lha University of Nebraska-Lincoln during the summer, have been students during the spring '85 semester or are enrolled for the fall '35 semester. O o Wa take tha hassla out of apartment hunting. Avail. April 1, 2 bdrm, firnpldce dishwasher, dispo aal. parking. Very nice. $325. 477-734. 1-Bdrm. $250 plua deposit. 535 N. 23rd. 423-3814, 468-4589. One bedroom apartment $235, utllitioa paid. Nice neighborhood; close to busline. Call 4? 1-633. Good, clean, springsummer home. One bedroom, furnished or unfurnished bxsement, total $123. Prefer grad ttudent. 474-2138 kesp calling. J IfW'!: QiMH'mt to form rotkcover band. Call Br ik 477-6S34. Three glria wanting to eublet an apartment or house for the lummor. Preferably cloets to campus. Cat! Lesley at 474-3233. HZZD CACH? Did Cheap buys used records and tapes. J i Seara need permanent part-time he'p. Morning maintenance, afternoon stock, evening maintenance, credit solictors, and othervarious part-time openings. Sears beneiits include discount privileges, pain vaca tion, paid holidays, and other beneiits. Apply at Personnel Office, 2nd floor. Seara Gateway. 10-5, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Equal Opportunity Employer Ttte College of Arts and Sciences ie seeking studenta in the College with Junior standing by Fail 1H35 to be an Advising Assistant summur andor Stixient-to-Studant Advisers and Advising Assistants during 1 935-83 Applications available in 1 223 Oldfather Hall. Deadline: April 5, 1985. POLICE OFFICERS The City of Lincoln, Nebraska is currently staking women and men interested in a challenging alternative to a traditional career. The position of Folice Officer offers a unique opportunity to apply experience, education and Judgment in dealing with existing social problems. Trie wo;k ia varied, complex arid demands inteHirmt, sensitive individuals who can adjust to an evercharajng work environment. KMmtHM i5?jfw(wit for 8Hea0Mi &nt - 'High echoot gm.iusii or equivalent "A( leasi 20 years of age (on or before J una 10, 1235) 'Ho felony convictions 'Valid Nebraska driver's license 'And a statement of aidsd and unaiwd vision, f ye examination forma are available at the CityCounty Employment Of fice. FDA approved toft contacts are permissible. Eye examination must be within the last year. (March 11, 1984-March 29, 18S5). Applicants who successfully meet minimuvn require ments listed above are scheduled for a 2 hour written xam. APPLY AT: . CtTYCOUMTY EftSSH.0V6"ES(T OFFICE S53 SOUTH 10TH ST.ST LINCOLN, K5 VZZ4 4'32-4?1-7SS Closing date for receipt of appiicationa and eye examinadofi forms: 'M p.m. Friday, KskM 'ii, nt Equal OpportunityAK irmstiw Action Employer ameicoi 7 V Uailv n UNL does not discriminate in its rdcmic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. IVesp with fl I 1 127 So. ITJiSl 47S-CCU Si if 1 1 . 1" Tai. if - ,iijMwm,').t' i tiK i wunmwmikT rnmmmimtmmmmmmmma,tisHivS I Jj fcilOTi J lLr..Jj L-.,.l.i LuaaaJ li.. i s-J L J U..J .inj t- -I L,-.- J ", Li I 1 Ht K tw Fl ? $ h ) ; tS- fi . Vote TODAY at theoe IcsatiosiD f sroina J 8:00 a.ia; to 8:00 ..... T 1 '13 T f " - 1 - r if if, V J v t ? i mon NOTE!!! CURRENT STUDENT LD. NEEDED TO VOTE. IF FOE ANY REASON YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUE I.D., YOU L1UST COME TO THE ASUN OFFICE IN ORDER TO VOT 115 NEBRASKA UNION. Part-time he!p nooded, Maurices Atrium. Call 475-1131 for appointment. Ask for Paula or Becky. The Daily Nebraskan la now diking applications for summer editing positions. To sign up for an interview and pick up an application come to Nebraska Union, Room 34. GAE LITTLE GiGTEHS Met ng Thurs. at 6:30. TalentGong Show to follow at 7:00. Gtt your act together and come show us what you'ya got. TARGET i Maggie Piers Kim Nabily - Arts A Sciences Advisory Board You're in business with TARGET Eujin;; Senate Business Advisory Board Jeff Hanson Dan Hoffman Todd Dutfack Ed Martin Brad Mattnaidess till Jordan Me Sate Bob Huhar Ju'i Tucker Scott Modica Brad Ke'kwarf AM3 New Officer Elections 6:00 PM Union RODEO CLU3 7:00 Exec. 7:30 Reg. Note time change. East Union Wed., March 13 ATTtMTIO AEULT STUDSOTS Back-tc-School Week activities for youl ' G?EX HOUSZ Visit the non-traditional student resource unit, room 160, NE Center (East Campus). 4-6 p.m., Thurs., March 14. Video tao on math anxiety will be featured. MCi&L AIDS S3(ON Room ISO, N&Centar, &-8 p.m., Mttrch 14. Find out ways returning adult students can finance their educa tion. Call the Division of Continuing Studies, 472-1 392 for information. TARGET F.!EANS Senate 1 Advisory Board THI0S.03V FOa LiZi'CA "What Feminist Theologians are Saying" - ThunKey, March 14 1 1 :30-1 :00 p.m. NE Union Brown Bag Lunch PILAifc-IDATKfTA Officer Eioc.'ons Tuesday, March t 6:00 City Union Come hear Rotert Ma this, National Secretary of the American Society for Personnel Administration, apeak about issues concerning all business students. Thurs.. March 14th, 4:00 p m. in the Union. Everyone welcome. PHI E2TA LAIuSOA Meeting March 13, 5:30 p.m. in Nebraska Union. Manrtatory meeting for everyone planning to attend State Conference in April. Bring your checkbooks. UNL. It's time for us all to mm a My oatei Register at City Union Booth today! SAA Bruce D. tJFC) Spread the word, mmoft wesk i is coming in April) Shelly The dollar starts with the toil" FACTS A SPECIAL CABARET IN THE CRSB featuring DUOS TONITE at 8:00 PM In THE CHI3 STUDENTS $2 NON STUDENTS $3 Sponsored by UPC Concerts & Coffeehouses ItCATiriG - t..tti RSIOACIC A combination TARGETING your rwecs. MOUNTAIN fcMOlC Turn a dull evening Into a mountain adventure! Fred Bckey, famous mountaine'. will be sharing a nar rated slide show of North American Mountuln ad ventures, on Thursday, March 14th at 7.30 p.m. In the Union. Check the boaid for the proper room. Ques tions?! Call Mark Ebelat 472-3467. AIM for the best vote TARGET! A AS COLLEGE Seven Reasons to Vote Right on TARGET KlmbyW. MikP. Dave C. Sandy H. Doug W. Lynn D. Chris H. Patoot's Saloon & Old Bushmill s will be soon taring the 2nd Annual Worst Irish Tenor Commit Thursday night during Bad Comedy. The winner w-ll receive dinner and hot tub for two. PATOOT'S SALOON 808 "P" Street co rou cars tsvjx ismr We're SCUM and w certainly don't cfel Todi your chance to show the campus what you think about ASUN. Wriie In: Am JstesteiiKurt Klm&rtHi for PnttVH VP Jslt fc;!tf2nd W If you have 15 mlnjtrj free today. u it to mke a point and vote SCUM. Well meet you in tfts lobbies of your dorms and escort you to vote at tha following time. Harper 3:30 Catfier-Snileck 4:00 Schramm 4:00 Pound-Nsihardt 4:30 Smith 4:00 Abel 4:00 Sandox 4:30 Burr-Fedda: We'll sea you on campus outside the Union. URANTIA BOOK STUDIES 477-1048 435-6308 Tuition due? Window-shop for part-time employ ment on the Job Board at the Job Locators. Financial Aid Office, 112 Administration Building. There are many jobs available. One is just right for you. See if you have the "Right Stuff to be a cemmis sions4 officer. Eligible students can attend Summer Leadership Training at NO OBLIGATION. Earn $072 and compete for a 2 year scholarship. Go to Rm 1 10 M A N Bi5g.. or call 471-5562. Wednesday, March 13, 7:00 p.m. Union. Wa will be discussing the rigors of Medical School with three UNMC students. Bring questions. ASso information on scrub shirts and tour. Be the first on your RH floor to apply for the UPC Talent Show. Hurry the deadline is March 13 fffij- Ifof '-qJ IEUTEU VHSFEflS Wednesdays. 9 p m. Lutheran Csnt&r 633 N. 13 Try it and !f you iitie it NO OBLIGATION! Taiie four military scteice courses this fcay and earn 8 credit (tours. Qualified students who successfully com plete tfwise courses may choose to earn an OfSicer'a Cammisilon. Go to Ftm 110 MAN or call 471-562.. E a fjiinnw: STUDENT FOUNDATIONS pick up applications in ASUN office today) ' 3-year scholarship which pay tuition, fess, money for bocks, and up to $1,000 per yar are avAileh!. Students, age 17-22, GPA above 2.3 can apply at NO OBLIGATION. Go to Room 110 Military A Naval Science BSdg. or call 471-5562. Order your St. Pat's Day carnation 10a.m.-2p.m. toddy) Soth Union, Kappa Delta' annual chiil feed ia Sur.doy, Inarch 17, 5-7 p.m. All proceeds go So Prevention of Child Abuse. Ticket are on sale this wgk at the Union. Don't miss out get your tickets now) HEY UNL SENSORS! Graduation biuas got you down? Be on the tockoiit for PSrtn s?g?ir' si March 13. WetotssJay, 9 PM Ws!y Hot; UivlHS WELCOME U .i . at 8 fl R-B fa-""--" "i m m. va m m m w ' iiM i I. ff lr I Hie Daily Nebtaskan is accepting applications for Ysll mester editor ia chief until March 18. The editor in chief formulates cditorld policies, ovc ucw&ruuni operaiiom ancs aetermtnes editorfil ccKtert. Applicants most be UNL students and have st vac year isswspsptT experience. procMBM and abidei by H tedeznl wgulatioas psxtsMnt to 9.m: Rccm Z- r;hrc;ka Union l .1 1