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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1985)
r Wednesday, March 13, 1235 Daily Nebraskan Pag 3 13 1 j mm:b BB.V 4- . -,- It- i w-m-i i- I tf k.- LjcJ k iiuj lii tkuaj FREE Hot Wan or 9 j Ita could da thirds to raaks the creffam a "cc::.3, tut it's unlikely he would. The first, is to run. 0 li absolutely mandatory. The crowd it tha guides is falling asleep. Who could forget th brilliant offensive $zy In Izzt y:z.-'s 4133 Kan sas State victory against Nebraska? With a rur.rJr.3 zn, you cci draw a caliber cf plsycr above v. hit Nebraska has now. Ee willing ta :2st your thinking: Tail isn't the 1950s and this isn't Oklahoma A&M. Sometimes it seems that Iba is. trying to copy the style of hi3 dad, the !;;enday Hank Iba. Hank Iba coached before a lot cf things existed, such as high-jumping centers and 6-8 point guards. Moe has decided that he will uco a mui-to-msn defense. He has used a zcr.d defense some this year, but it's obvious his heart isn't in it. 0 Stop letting payers here the stcto to play basketball: I'm ret just t&uung Trotter and Kello I'm talking players like Alex Stlvrins,'Dmk Ssilors and Mike McGee. No r.-ttcrr.hat it takes, a team like Nebraska hss to be able to out-recruit ether schools for its in-state players. When a Trotter or Kellogg comes long, you have to know thtt the i player will give, your school considera tion. Neither or theso playor gave Ne braska much thought becarrj they left and went to other schools. 0 Establish a reputation as a place from where National EWt-hon acp elation players come. No former UNL players are currently in the N2A. Last ;aar the N3A drafted North Dakota State's Lance Beraald, who had trans ferred from Nebraska, and Dcar.e's Steve Bartek, who Nebraska had asked to walk-on but would not five a scho larship to. Kellogg looks like a certain early round NBA pick in 1835. McGcs was a first-round pick by the L03 Angeles Lakers a few years back. NU baseball team to play Wayne State m. - t i i .... im isoras;ca DaseDril teara gets ready for its annual spring trip with a double-header against Wayne State icaay ai buck iseltzsr Held. If Iba can't, cr won't, do these things, many other top coaches would. I realize these suggestions will fall on deaf ears. It's apparent that the administration 13 satblfed with 'medi ocrity. Satisfied with 15-13 and the N.I.T. In all other sports, Nebraska has tried, and in most cases succeeded, to build national power caliber teams. Track, gymnastics, all, volleyball you name it, but don't name basketball. Q $7 a Day Sid Mental with this ad new location: Dovn!cva,CO . 1-70 exit 234 40 miles West of Denver Look for the bright green s:gn North of the Conoco Station r- Nebraska Coach John SandM the games with Wayne State are the last chance the team will have for game experience before Friday's games with New Mexico at Albuquerque. The Corn huskers will play 18 game3 in 12 days. "We want to play so a Cy ball won't be a new experience for us in Albu querque," Sanders said. Sanders said the team r.sedi to play ss many games as possible before the Big Eight season begins. Sanders said Wayne State has played several games on a trip through tha south. "A fly ball won't be a now experience to them," Sanders said. 'They'll come in definitely jreay to play." The 5-1 Hushars own two wins against Kearney State and three wins and a loss at Oklahoma City. "Oklahoma City was a food oedo nent," Sanders said. "They'd played some good teams before we'd got down there." Roger Webb will start the nine inning game, which begins at 12:30 p.m. Jeff Mayes will pitch the nightcap. Summer jobs... players In Lincoln are the fast food restaurants and doiasselirg companies. U Luz, executive director cf Lin coin's Opportunity Industrialization Center, agreed that faslfood chains hire the most people during the sun nier but he said the detasseling jobs may decrease this summer because of the failing farm economy. A City Parks and Recreation Depart ment spokesperson said applications ' still are being accepted for summer positions as playground programs assistants, grounds workers and Wil derness Park day camp counselors. 0 0 0 Help us cover you. Daily NebraskaiVs A as CAU. 47S-Zm $2.50 minimum charge par day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2.00 minimum charge pe day on individual atutont and student organization ess. $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ada. All personal ads must be prtnid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED F03 MORS THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted km of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebrasken will net knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal opportunity employers. Two r-t tickets with Unit!. Llnccln-Newark -Lincoln. Leaving March 21, 2:45 p.m., return March 30th. Cheap. Cell 421-1411. CLASSICAL tl 100 s of LPs i tapes. Dirt Cheap it East Park Only. One round trip airline ticket. Omaha-San Francisco. March 24-April 1, m. Call 4S3-5379 or 483-0491. FRESH - COPENHAGEN. SKOAL & KEY Clin Smoke Shop 1200-0" Street ' c!'8 b00l:M In good condition - $15. Call 474 53i after 7 p.m. f Mademoiselle private membership for sale. Take jevw monthly payments. Call Julis. 4S4-17S3. " i Formal dresses, all worn once. Colors: dusty rose, swider, and blue. Sizes 5-12. Call 437t after 6:30 Carribean, Hawaii. World. Call for Guide. Directory, Newsletter 1-918) $44-4444 $14-$33,0iJ3j Stewardesses, Rs-ssrvsttonlstl WcrtdwKigl Call tor Guide, Directory, Nevsletter 1-(918) 944-4444 sill H? Fof5 Mustang, AMFM, 9.173 mi's. Car can Self "owwnent tmplovce's Credit Union, 330 ;i ' Mon--Fri- MoKe an o:r throuflh March 21. s" 1ery he right to reject any and sil oSars. S?5'2r umm-1575 jet cj-s. E'fl m m, - condition. Wwkdayt aar 5 - 4lfi39. i . i! J i r i J U ho J I H n F 5 'm, w n M o : o n n r A' AP " From ty 1 Peiper person per night The Overlook Hotel is offering a spring break special In Steomboot Springs, Colorado. Here's how It works Check in any Sunday or Monday and stay a minimum of 3 nights and the 4th night is free. OTHER DISCOUNTS apply to longer stays. CALL TOLL FREE for all the details' Indoor Pool Hot Tub Restaurant G Lounge Free Shuttle Service , i (yyy) Price is per person based on maximum occupancy four pecpie per room. The quoted price reflects four nights for the prio? of three. State and local taxes not included. 1 I 4 THE LONDON NOW AVAILABLE AT: 476r6119 " Hmri, . ft r -K St - j ti- - "A h 1 ie aw J ar Bh. o fa Tents Cicyclss 0 Sleeping 0 Tennis Racquets The UNL Office of Campus Recreation maintains the largest inventory of outdoor rental gear at the lowest cost in the local area. In addition, a wide range of sports equipment is available for FREE. All gear may be used by University students, faculty and staff on a first-come, first-served basis. For a complete listing, contact the Campus Rec office. ifflso of Campus Rccrcsllcn 1740 VInaStrcst D n a D D 0 D D '4 : i S i 't.!. -l .4" 15PA"" Tvi , S'SPA'-' 7P?:r :Ti -pi 23-2iOO La