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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1985)
Dm I ga12 Daily Nebrsskan Wednesday, March 13, 1985 PAID ADVERTISEMENT A. inLi'ir&ATiS J "' f 11""-'' Mn-tiMifn i Sponsored by Student Alumni Associat Fundraiser for Financial Aid Foundation Scholarships INSTBUCTIONS: 1. Ans wer all questions below. 2. Fill oat name, male or female, and phone number. 3. Bring answer sheet to SAA Booth in the City Union Mar ch 13, 14,15. 4. Once completed you will receive a computer print-out of the 10 most compatible people at UNL. The print-out can be picked up at the Vidro Dance, sponsored by SAA cad UPC, cn Thursday, April 4th frGEi 7:00-11:00 p.m. or Friday, April 5th ci the SAA booth in the union. The cost of the print-out is $2.CD and the Video Dance is free to these who participate in "Find a NU Date." 2. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. TIONS: At a dance, I prefer to: s. Dance faat b. Dance slow. c. Darce most dances. d. Stand around and talk. Kissing on the first date is a. Unheard of. b. All right. c. Depends on the person. d. Expected. I prefer to date: a. Males. b. Females. c. Either. Does it bother you when others smoke? a. Yes. b. No. t c. Sometimes. Your bedroom is: a. Neat and liveable. b. Cluttered, but clean. c. A mess. - d. Spotless. Is it okay for a woman to ask a man out? a. Yes. b. No. c. Not sure. My best asset is my: a. Looks. b. Jitte'Jigeincc. c. Sense of humor. d. Athletic ability. e. Determination. What do you do with your spare time? a. WatchT.V. b. Read. c. Listen to music. d. Visit friends. e. Sleep. What kind of student are you? ' a. Excellent b. Average. c. Good. d. Poor. Do you find yourself: a Leading? b. Following? c. Getting out of the way? What kind of music do you like? a. Rock. b. Pop. , c. Soul. d. Country. e. Punk. What are you more concerned about? a. Nuclear war. . b. Pollution. c. Being dateless or. a Saturday night d. Increase la crime. What is your favorite season? a. Spring. b. Summer. c. Fall , d Winter. Would you vote for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)? a. Yea. b. No. c. Not. sure. What would you rather have? a. Money. b. Health. c. Fame. d. Happiness. What section of the newspaper do you read first? a. Front page. b. Sports. c. Comics. d. Ann LandersDear Afcby. e. I do not read newspapers. 17. What characteristic do you took for most in a friend? a. Loyalty. b. Generosity. c. Sense of humor. d. Sensitivity. . 18. What are most of your decisions ba.d cn? & Logic. b. Intuition. c. Friend's advice. d. Other. 1 9. My favorite kind of restaurant Is? a. Fast and greasy. b. Cozy and intimate. c. Fancy end formal. 20. I think low U a. Just an exaggerated emotion. b. Beautiful and sweet. c. The answer to my troubles. 21. How do you let someone know you like them? a. Tell himher directly. b. Tell himher friends. c. Flirt d. Tell your friends. . e. Too shy to do anything. 22. Are you: a. Oldest child. b. Middle child. c. Youngest child. d. Only child. 23. How do your friends Influence you? a. Entirely. b. Somewhat c. Not at all 24. What is your favorite field of study? a. Social Sciences. b. Agriculture. c. TechnicalSciences. d. Home Economics. e. Teaching. - T 25. How often do you go to church synagogue? a. Weekly. b. Once or twice 8 month. c. A few times a year. d. Weddings and funerals only. 26. Who are you most comfortable with? a. Average people. b. The "in" group. c. Intellectuals. d. Bums. 27. I think money is a Very important b. The root of all evil c. Not important d. Useful . - 28. What is your favorite holiday? a Christmas. b. Thanksgiving. c. New Years. d. Spring Break, 23. When you think about kissing, you get: a Really excited. b. Interested. c. Sick. d. Bored. 30. If I could have the experience for one day, I'd like to be: a The President of the U.S. b. A top reck star. c. An Olympic athlete. d. A Nobel Prize scientist 31. On a first date are you: a Uncomfortable? b. Self-confident? c. Scared to death? d. Not concerned? 32. Are you: a Male. b. Female. FIND A NU DATE- please print . . ( FIRST NAME : LAST NAME I AM A ED L1ALE AHSWEE SHEET FEMALE 5 PHONE NUMBER f (optional) J 12-3 i 18 17 IS 1 5 CT 7 8 9 lj HjI LJ LJ Li E3 A f 4 ij tJ .& . I 10 11 12 r vnt f ieii .J ( nnn answers 13 14 15 QUESTIONS r ir ir i L1L.IL msw 23 23 S3 QUESTIONS Softball team shuts out to begin season After a 23-5 fill season, Nebraska's women's softball team got c.T to a winning start by defeat ing ;rtcn Community College In four scrim games 11-0, 2-0, 7 0 and 4 0. Nebraska Coach Weyr.s Dalgle said he was lathiaed with his team's performance. He said pitching and defense were the ttronj points cf uJHa Tcr the C::s time cut, c.r C?.i f!:;-:J re!y t. :,' til 'e r.!2. "I IV. t3 l.rd r;:rk cv:r L 3 t. Lt:rr: "y L ; t ( : . b c: : J hs?s." Di is r: J Hi t it:I y L7L3 zt assticr LiitvlsbliLILlisi-J ' r:r.rjC: U r.::t Ir -,zi . I :cr n U. r:.' ' ! i r.iti cr. 3 cf lib ' . :::"..':3 f;r e.3 t:r. Lcri t:-: 'l'3 14 ttriLcc.ta la D.3 issisgs. Uzt fill, Sippd nssTizi 3 strfscats cad had an earned run average cf 0.29. Next weekend the Buskers v.111 travel to the Sooner Ir-vitstional In Kcrr.-n, Ql.lx Ddg'e tJi It will be the toughest tcurnanient for his teen this yesr. "Everybody at this tourr.rr.:r.t Is ate? twenty ten," Ds!g!e &dd. 'The girls are going to have . to pky redly well If we are to win It." Ecsides conference rivais Oklahoma and Ckli hoaa tate, other teams ph$r4 at Ne-nssa will be South Carolina, Arisena, Aslcna Etata tr4 laot yzzft Cclle3 World Scries nr.r.or-u?, Tests Last fall the Rtrkers loot only, two gaxes to conference terns, ens to Etata at the I!noi3 State Invitational and the c'.h:r one to OklshcRta at the P.C.D. tcuniOjnent in Clahema. Coralioskers' 'real' ba 1 scne' 1 questions ! By JcflApel The time has ccme for Nebraska's baseball team. Nebraska Coach John Sander3, who has watched his Huskers roll to a 5-1 record by defeating Oklahoma City and Kearney State, realizes that the Ccmhaskers "real" schedule begins after their bout with Wayne State today. "A lot of people like to look at those games (against Kearney State end Wayne State) as eesy games," Sanders said. "We feel just the opposite. We play them because we need to pky. If we jast practiced for a while and didn't play those games, then we wouldn't be as far along as we are." After today, Sanders won't have such luxuries, as his Huskers leave for a 18 game, 21 day top to the West Coast which will cover foir stales against Six opponents. The Comhaskers will open the trip March 15 with Ne.v Mexico in Albuquerque. . Following a four game series with the Lobos and a single game against Utah, Nebraska will travel to Tempo, Ariz, for a three game series with nationally ranked Arizona State. "Arizona State, along with San Diego State and U.N.L.V. (University cf Nevada-Las Vegas) are all going to be very competitive," Sanders said. "They'll each give us a taste cf what the Dig Ei;;ht is going to be like this year." The Huskers will play a three-game series with San Diego State March 22-24, followed by a three game series with U.N.L.V. Nebraska will finish the trip March 27 with a game against the Uni versity of Nevada. The second part cf the Ccmhuskers' schedule begins March 80-31, when they open the Big Eight season against Kansas State in Manhattan. Although the Wildcats weren't picked in any pre-season polls for an upper division firVsh; Sanders said they're stiil a formidable opponent. "I f eel any one cf the Eig Eight schools could win this year's race," Sanders said. "That shows how much balance there is ia ths year's league." ' Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Missouri and Nebraska were all picked for upper-division fin ishes in some pre-season polls, Kansas State, . however, was not picked for an upper division finish. The Sooners are the early favorites to win the Big Eight title. w 41 .W:0fi- f n l;uwciv? a rices good a!!' the time. . this is not a sals 220 No. 10th 237 So. 70th s i P.TA bos '&B0 i 1 H m It Is . 1 1 4v t 3 tut - f .3 ' 1 c ImVTHT a s A & COMPACT DISCS lb -'. nO if