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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1985)
,J : Daily Nebrasksn Wednesday, March 13, 1C35 T7 0 n 1 ; Something's AIivnya Special At 1(T! Mi 1 t.. The next McMh? Tr i i q fi p we i h A .. t M s i tt) ul fa M H tei - E-A FOODS of MEXICO and MORE Clean M-rpriLsi only 3 cnU cn St Pstrick'i Day. 17th & M 473-103 f9 1 i I j :,i I i) : V J O 1 n "-7" u-e : ",v a 'Prtno Rino foyino . "9 'roy.ngf-"' ai- Room t ta ii.-r5' 2-3375 C rHrs, S7, ' : ' , ,9 tr-U-jV Qm5? ..... I . I . . coy i S is 1 ' ""y i j vu I 'iff ! M ) l ' ' ' , I I j' s i 1 eiaHan In U . - Hut h. ir' "'"Posers, ' your your own on-F,i , , Music ?m ot. 'Pat's BjDcsls I ! Pm I I I A $7,CC0 grfr.t ha hdped lrWL's s'icr.c3 depirteer.t raws frcn tscf to pcilc research. Tha pir.t, from tha Nations! Perk Prodaccra Cc'jr.cll, hdps psy fcr a cur rcr.t pork prejget, cilhd "Esstractur Ir.j F.:rt Pork far Institutional Feed Roger Ksmdisa, professor of tsisisl science, sdd this prej jet ii sncthcr step in Icirair.j about rcntructurir.j ir.est products. "All the w ork until row hss been v4th stedes," hsreid. McDonf d's ?.!c?,:b is an exrjr.pla cf a restructured pro duct already cn tho raarket, he ssid, and many other patty, stcsk or nud products also are available. The current project applies restruc turing to pork roasts, he s?-id. Kestruc- 1. s&L,k, Bf Laisri Hoppl Representatives cf the Peace Corps now at UNL say they're here locking for agriculture students. Michael Kiimmerdieier, cne of the two corps representatives at UNL until Mday, said the corps needs people from all backgrounds. Rut because cf worsening conditions in manyJiloan countries, the corps nesd3 riois tA culture specialists thsn usual. The Peace Corps is & federal votes teer s-tney that aims to help in the development cf foroip countries. Volunteers receive a monthly living' sUcwssee upon completion dtwo-psrs cf ororsess work. Kammerdlensr said the Peace Corps Mewl ti turinj is "us!3 ntcUy cccurrir.j msX pttMm to help blind various pla ces cf mtX into a solid ctjjcct," di5 ssIA Only tzlt is added to the product, bcjnise it chjinges the pro tcln so it v.ill bind the msst. Eastructursd mesi is cenenknt for institutions, rssteuraiis and fcustoesecs thit serve msny cssls, ho sdd. When serving krga numbers cf meds, pro portions must be crfsfeliy controlled, he sxld. "SoKsthini as Innocent as hdf an cunco becomes slIScant over a period cft-r.o," he said. Extra portions add up to extra dollars these businesses can't afford to spend. - With restructuring, portions can be controlled because shape and she are exact. Businesses can be certain each portion is equal, he said. Institutions use many roast type products, he said. If the roasts work Coro's reDresentatives UNL agriculture majors begin the drive to find more agricul tnr workers about two months ago, when the director announced the AM- The initiative is desired to keep about 12 African countries frcm evil lr4 the kind cf famine that has taken ever Ethiopia, he sdd. These co'ontries todsy tiz at the stas that Ethiopia was & fr prs a,p, he sdd. . . Tue initiative would beii a lfryear prosa to increase sicaltunl woikers in those countries by 59 porcent, he sola. R i' r" c key Rauhm-sn said the Fsse Corps resulting drive also has fessn influenced by foreign coun tries' changing needs. Here coEntria need specialists, such as gel! scientists and crop extensloniats, I"au-hn:a.n said. Yew pregriv-y houi k s uft and luppy journey. Call your March of Dime c rawer tot free booklet ihout good prenatal cart. ufrt... ODfoteehcfDirms UMIVEESI1T HIEATEE 1 J 'by Jacfe & Cesey 4 s. en Hotrc!i tsg 7.8.0& 12-13 6 2-23-8 p Uznh C, 13 t 23 tt 3 63XGFF1CS 1?t Floor Tsmrfa -f's ! Fh: 472-2373 MOUHS: 12 5 pjm. M-F ssca 15.51 Hit 14 C3 ' " I successfully in the institution-! r.srkct, he said, then they cou'd be added to the retail "It is much easier to p into the market," KandSp seid. Retail businesses are concerned with such as p$s&s,$xi labels, recipes and Eestruetured products are already sold at restaurants and grocery stores and are cn many institutional menus, he ssid. Although the" McEib gained national attention, the military proba bly is the largest consumer cf restruc tured products, Handles said. The same advantages that exist for businesses make the products appeal ing to consumers. Restructured meat products are fast, convenient and in pre-controiied proportions, he said. "Everybody in such a big hurry," lanaiso s; dd. Kammerdiener said the Peace Corps also is looking for people in "scarce skill areas," such as math, science,1 elementary education, special educa tion, skill trades, engineering and peo ple with French end Spanish back grounds. Since tho African initiative was announced, more than 13,003 people have responded, Itonmei'dienor said, UNL'8 response has net been ts great. Raughmtit ssSd tfist m of Mond fosr srtcdtsirs students had signed up for irstervlers. Ther ere inter.le? openings d day Thsrsdr for aicd- t. - i..JA 1 1 J 1a 1T.1 inn lure bvuusjsw ia AgncuiburB nsii -on Eat Campus. Interviews 'on City Campus w Th'ursdsy and Friday at the Career Planning and Placement OSes, Neb raska Union 230. Openings still ax Last year, between 30 and 35 UNL students applied, Kammerdiener said. Among the six major universities in the Midwest's four-state area, that number "is right in the middle," he said. The area includes Nebraska, Mis souri, Kansas and leva. Nationally, about 15,000 people applied last year, Kammerdiener said. Cf these, the Peace Corps chese 3,000. "It is competitive," Eaihman said. , Baughmsn and Kammerdiener will show a film about the corps, "The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love" today a 4:80 at the East Union at Nebraska Union 225. tl i 9 Ccr.tir.:;I t;ar.i P?3 1 The t:;;::t clstacla is r.cHillty, Sullivan s:Id. For examp'e, robotic tractors would havo to be zV.z to com pensate for thirds Hi e pound hni- laxities, equipment raLunetl;:j and TJcls:sctsllsc!;cf C ; reline, U::r.r.lcts in c:::n lrat::s, v.: Jeh tend to te d isty c-.d carru-s, also veuli Is cr. r. e, C J' :.:n d. Ra-ais, like ar.ycthir de;:.:: J jf-Iee, err ate static electricity Ih'i ceuld i It? ealn dosttoer:!: 1 csali In Ceteter KZ a sheep-shearing rctct was failed end ueei r.;e root was ncch aloe? th:ji a c'-rp-shcarer, t.t c::.;:.;:d eherini Liter thj man vas exh: . Lv:n eaii Sullivan said r:lz::z 1-3 "s J- cf pet-'i-rrru jjeri eyciy i:y h--.::.::i .3. C.t tne tschr.ele 7 f;r C:--C-'- C kbi cf ma:::r,:s b j r 1 1 -rli. "fts