The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1985, Page Page 16, Image 16
Pago 16 Daily Ncbraskan Friday, March 8, 1085 ' i aj, L-S Special 5 Anfi A1 r a I t v. ftlafccovcr J (valued at $35) C I 117 Come see wzaf finding your K ! corner coors w7 Jo or f j f overa appearance in ( Jiflth Mini mirt J J vl International k Imago Consultant CI i CI What are you doing lor Soring Break? Go to Daytona with UPCI .iSfwSS"0 wcm Sin up ENGLISH CONVERSATION PROGRAM American, Foreign students can gain culture, lan guage understanding. 472-3264. U.S., 345 Nebraska Union. See II you have the ' Right Stuff" to be a commis sioned officer. Eligible students can attend Summer Leadership Training at NO OBLIGATION. Earn $672 and compete tor a 2 year scholarship. Go to Rm 1 10 M & N Bldg., or call 471-5562. a M mm a mmm nzcnEATion centeh All interested students and FS are cordially invited Design Projects lor the Proposed Student Recreation Uiua I C,.nl .... , senior. 7 Representation will be Friday, M UPC Foreign Films presents, DAMTON. 3 30 in ,h Nab Un'n. E Informedl french film deoictina th drama of thil Frirh ftovnlu. tion. Showing at the Sheldon Mar. 10; 3, 7 & 0:30 and Mar 11; 7 ft 9 30. $3.00 Gen. Adm. $2 50 Students OullyS Restaurant 14C8 "0" We are now open Irom 6 a m.-2 p.m Mon thru Sat. Serving Homemade Cresds and Cinnamon Rolls. Breakfast and Lunches art Irom scratch. close to campus roll trtriaw L 474-1572 or 457-1754 1 aeaeeVfce4eyeiaeei V rr?rr. rr? ........ ,,. y-,y. atomr 30 off all AKADELSIA Usnd reference, technical ana professional books. Now on sale NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE 1135 R ST. lO b! juason automotive DfiUCE SPRINGSTEEN (Yes, I thought that would get your attention) UPC Foreign Films presents the French Film D ANTON , Mar. 10; 3,74830. Mar. 11; 7 4.8 30 at the Sheldon. Hey LAURA I know you don't have date tonight so why don't you come and see DANTON, a French Film being shown by UPC Foreign Films Committee. Mar 11, 7 4 9:30 $3.00 Gen. Adm. $2.50 Students BUnn-FEDDE RESIDENTS UPC-East is still accepting applications for executive positions and committee chairs. Pick up an application and return to 300 Nebraska East Union before Wed., Mar, 13. SPRING BREAK SPECIALS SOUTH PADRE $08 CORPUS CHRISTI $79 STEAMBOAT WEEKENO $94 Call Kathy or Todd 475-0022 S E A. Meeting Tuesday, March 12 5 30 in the Union All education majors weicomel Lambda Chi Alpha Kappa Kappa Gamma present CASINO NIGHT prizes, floor show, games, grand prizes March 9th Union Centennial Ballroom proceeds to the Lincoln General Youth Treatment Center K2AD FCa TMJ KCUKTAiteEai Thurs., Mar. 14 at 7:30 p.m. In the Union, enjoy a narrated slide show teaturing various mounu.neartng expeditions by Fred Beckey. experienced moun taineer. For more information, call Mirk Ebel at 472-3487. i:ili;;a WYTKrr.s ia a WONDERFUL PERSONIII Thanks for your countless hours which made A & S Days possible! Fondly, The Arts 4 Sciences Student Advisory Board NU r.'.EDS EETiriG Wednesday, March 13, 7:00 p.m. Union. We will be discussing the riqora ol Medical School with three UNMC atudents. Bring questions. Also Information on scrub shirts and tour. factory trained foreign car specialists 7th & T Lincoln, Nebraska ALPHA ZETA SCHOURSHIPS Ag. College Sophomorea Forms available Monday, March 11th, In 101 Ag. Hall and CAP East. Due Friday, April 5th. "DAYTONA BEACH" SPRING BREAK W OVER 3 BUSES GOINGHI JOIN US ALL. PAM 464-7654, KAREN 435-5589. CALL Zme Hettl Feed 4:30-7:00 Sunday March 10 Lutheran Center All you can eat spaghetti, aal&d, garlic bread, and dessert. Ticket available at door (3.00) or at Lambda Chi lor 2 50. Presented by Lambda Chi Little Sisters ebv you haw heard ahxt tfmt. Fm'te seat them m the $&eet. sm, mac cmrv. UPC TALENT SHOW ft -fr Our SPECIAL THANKS EXTENDED TO AMY NELSON for designing the A A S Logo for the College of Arts ana Sciences. Thanks Amy! DO -BIZ iricii-trtiifer'tftriftrtitr-fffr-trkirtctrtciiir v. r J Jl Art U.V.A;Tanning m KU Horn AN y Tans pa M DON'T SETTLE FOR 2nd BEST j f V SUITE 216 IV K, i,l zna LiCvei uclda GaUarU A V Ati.K V-. (Thn ts'ent show that pays big bucks) Apply at either CAP office. Deadline extended to March 13. Tslen; show Is March 21. Hoop-It '85 Sat., March 16th in the Coliseum UNL Seniors . , . Senior Week '83 Is coming YOUR weyf Answer to yesisrday'a question; A personal In the Daily Nebarkonl Hey Chris, Get ready for some great basketball action at AOII's 2nd annual Hoop-It. Be there Tracy Ita happening tonight! 7:00 in the Student Union: "Cruise Into the Hea'l of tahamas" Party, philanthropy sponsored by Theta Chi and Delta Gamma. Proceeds going to the Ameri can Heart Association. Remember Wear some thing tropical. Tickets lor dates will be $2.50 at the door. aJt i A RN 1' JJlS2) MJ) 16 J iA A I Inl Ml") j u Li LvJj uvj UPC-Cast will continue to accept applications until Wed , March 13. lor: President Vice-President Publicity Coordinator Sights and Sounds Chair Visual Arta Chair Kaleidescope Chair D.-nces A Cornstock Chair Pick up applications at the CAP office 300 Nebraska East Union. IClHl lC''GlBjAlTE" i I 0 EH A TtfTt' R 'SATt F ;.li R WL E RlTlgjiTtA W 6js pun?A L TjO " ; stTlliili fcOjOTi jiMAir CROSSWORD PUZZI Effitea by EUGENE T. RIALESIIA TT fT A r7 D '5 ?') Vk r g. r r Mi i f c5 I. ( ) h r y P. ' V" ) 14 BATfO PnESeOMSm FREE PARKING NORTH OF BANK CI 6 biciso onum C7 HIE CTUBEOT IMOH! i 3 J, r. n i 1 C ' itvtW V City Dcr.k & Tryst Compsoy of Lincoln KShcrtd U Ctrccta Phofts: 477-4431 Liii6Csiiij fa-to-rciAS C'wC3 fTnfer f" D I C r . C e C 5 ( ? f i e (.. e f e, ACROSS 1 A son of Juno 5 Bewildered 10 Part ofh.c.l. 14 Baseball family name 15 All by oneself 16 Texan's stewpot 17 Dish named for its sounds on the stove 20 Scarlett's rival 21 Eisenhower's "Crusade in 22" -Old Cowhand" 23 Young herring 24 Cleaned a briar 27 Walked like a two-year-old 31 Composer for Broadway's "St. Louis Woman" 32 First-rate 33 Coleridge product SI Epithet for Anthony Wayne 33 Seafood fritters, Japanese style 38 Group for a G.P. 33 Pre-owned 41 Liberty or America 42 Kind of box or joint 44 Calmness 43 Be elee mosynary 47 Red beast in a Steinbeck tale 43 Appear 42 Femrns f stale's forte redisr.t of 17 Across S3 Ingredients 17 Across 53" Me Disappear," 1969 play 53 Foreign minister under Mussolini 63 Innisfail.toa Gael 61 Bankers' Washingtons 62 Railroad safety rail 63 Phoebe or C. P. DOWN 1 Mythical sovereign 2 An astringent 3 Post-shower garb 4 Exalted 5 Bacchante (JM.Lesage 7 Frigid, e.g. 8 Sake 9 Rat 10 Swain 11 Oil, in Olot 12 Masher's comeuppance 13 Shot on a set 18 Jeremiad 19 Discontinue 23 Boss's largess 24 Neural branch 25 Clean the slate 23 Wood used for piling 27 Stowe's "limb of mischief" 23 Lariat 23 Robert Sherwood 33 Mary , Innes ship 32 Peace 33 Hill 37 It multiplies by fission 43 Appoints as one's agent 43 Bridewell occupants 45 Jiggs and Maggie's daughter 43 I.o.u. giver 43 Rhone feeder 43 Material for materiel, in short 53 Spare 51 Dead Sea, for one 52 Nos. men 53" Out of My Head," 1866 hi! 54 Saarinen 3 Through: Prefix 57 Emulate Dorcas Z2 In tscf i I I I 1 7 Ya j " 1 j-r ' Hit - it - : a -Mr- J 24 25 23 j ' p 2?1 " U" T ji I n2rr Hrj--" - - i I it- 34 55 is f 1 h""""l S I I j nUTT l,af"""""T ll!lllJl r"iMTll" t4 5 ! " il "j -a i ' " Ti o p I I ' 1 f I