The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1985, Page Page 10, Image 10

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    Pcgo 10
Daily rebraskan
Friday, March 8,1985
, . . , . , f
1 VPk
Your prtgntncy should b;
ufe and hippy journey.
Call your March of Dim
chapter for a free hooklci
about good prenatal care.
Ci March of D?nms
i ; r lArvt a i
f-r 1 r u -
m v.jk- . x ;! h
. v cicTciii i oc con inn v .
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wers bv the stem or by
V"' J lite vuhwii, isiwyisp wti ui,n.niu
113 N. 14th 474-3732
Vto, Kfatter Chaw,
Diners-Cute Blanche
American Expreai
" "R 11 r
Ui i In. . ...
XI V7 1
2 U. U
11 l ;
March 8 an
Earn a guaranteed $3,000 for the summer. Midwest
Corporation has openings for the summer in the follow
ing communities:
Grand Island Fremont Alliance
Hastings Haitingtoit Norfolk
Bed Cloud Lincoln Ont&lia
Kearney Msdiscn Osceola '
Hcldregs Nebraska City SeiTsrd
Lexington York SkmxCiiy
McCcok Sidney St. Aaton
riortli Plstte SsottsMsIT Tekmah
Ogsllsla Chadron Tccozaseh
Auburn HysiSRls Wall?)
Beatrice Broken Bow Wcyne
BeUcvne Valentine 'West Point
Elsir CM
Cclsrabns Kiinb&U
Dsvid City Bridepoxt
GfnTAT . A Ta"STT123 Air ATT A 1ST Y?
it 1 .Mi iWMli' iiMJ
iCthaOSTHlET .
2 PII, 4 pn a 0 PII
Exercise Drosram, bii
should be individual choice
Doctors tcld us cholesterol Is a
nsjor contributor to hscrt dbsss, so
we cut down on eji and meat. They
told U3 sodium c!cvctc3 tlocd pressure,
so va took tha sh&ker c2 the table.
Uedth cr.c!i!3 told us snicking tlco
hcl, and dnr.23 v;:ra harmful to our
herith, so wo went to clinics tnd rcha
tliits,tioa And, cf course, wa
til kr.c-.y it's dir.:rou3 to be cut cf
h;?3 end evenvci.t. V.lrt did they far .that? Exercisa. It ia
supposed to ta tha physicd ar.d men
tal cura s.ll. Eat now they're Eucstin,?
thit exerciss b h:rr.ful to your hoth!
The Feb. 10, issua cf tha Sunday
Omaha Vorld-Hsrald included a 16
paga health and fitness section. It was
an informative and interesting seg
ment with topics ranging from stress
management to weightlifting, and from
pacemakers to statistics cn fitness in
the Midwest.
But on page 5 of the section, just
under an article encouraging the pur
chase of home gym equipment to pro
mote coed health, there ra3 an article
titled, "Kosearchcrs Say Exercisa May
be Ilarmfal to Ikslth." Ha short arti
cle explained that exercise can gener
ate bursts eclici:iicai3 related to cancer
and cing. It seems thesa chemicals
are net daiigercua unless they are in an
cver-abundanee in the body, which i3
what happens , during exercisa, tha
A peSor cf physiolc and anatomy
at tha University cf California at Eerke
' ley, Dr.' Lester Packer said, ."Exercise
may be good for shaping up the cardio
vascular system and trimming poten
tially deadly body fat but wa have
evidence it may afTed other patholo
gies, leading to cancer and ether
diseases." ' '-.
Research is still in progress to End
out tha extent cf danger athletes and
avid exercisers are in. The articla did
state, however, the immediate cell and
tissue damage observed in the research
was in rats and guinea pigs deficient in
certain vitamins.
It seemed strange to see an article
reporting negative aspects of exercise
should appear in the middle of other
articles reporting hundreds of positive
aspects. Perhaps it's only fair for the
public to be avare ef both sides. But if
we knew both side3 to everything, we
would really be in a quandry.
It's true there are some real fanatics
in the world of exercise marathon
runners, body builders, English Chan
nel swimmers. We've always admired
those people, though. They seem to be
our heroes in this decade. Now we're
being told our heroes are harming
themselves with tha essence cf what
makes them heroes! It all seems so
hopeless sometimes, a3 if there isn't
anything you can do that doesn't harm
you cr causa cancer or something. It is
adding nourishment to tha all-too-pcpular
attitude cf, "Everything is bad
for you anyway, so I'm gonna do wha
tever I damn well please."
.Maybe the key is plain and siinpla
moderation ia everything wa do and eat
and drink. Maybe it's common sense.
You know your body better than anyone
else, so just do what feels right for you.
Find something that feels right and
stick with it until it doesn't seem right
anymore. Or maybe it's a combination
of the two. Maybe it's neither one.
Packer makes a good point, though.
"The more wa research, the more evi
dent it becomes that risk is present in
everything and that in the end, it will
come to a question of trade-offs."
w Scoreboard
(Scores from Wednesday)
Men's Basketball
BC Tournament
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 56 (3), EetaTheta
Pi 48 (3.7)
Abel 6 52 (3.6), Burr 2 West 35 (3.3)
Sellcck 7200 51 (3.6), Harper 8 34 (2.6)
Cather 12 52 (2.5), Schramm 4 49 (3)
John 3:16 48 (4), BT Express 34 (4)
Sweets II 48 (3.3), Lou's Leapers 40 (3)
Delta Tau Delta 50 (3.6), Alpha Gamma
Piio 49 (3.3)
Cather 10 53 (3.6), Abel 12 47 (3.3)
Schramm 2 68 (3.3), Abel 3 52 (3.6)
Harper 7B 48 (3), Harper 7C 27 (3.5)
Beast 57 (3.3), Gunner 44 (3.3)
Architcrtura I 55 (3.3), Otis Day and
the Knights 49 (3.6)
Sigma Chi 52 (4), Sigma Phi Epsilon 40
Cather 13 38 (4), Abel 10 3 (3.3)
Harper 9 43 (3), Abel 2 35 (2.6)
Droopy and the Dogs 49 (4), Bomb
Squad 19 (3.3)
Hosers 51 (2.6), Obulars 26 (3)
Marlboro Man 53 (2), Silver Bullet
Express 50 (2.3)
Potentials 59 (3.5), Varsity 44 (3.7)
Animal Science II 31 (4.7), Psychology
25 (4.5)
Pro Profs 51 (2.7), Animal Science 1 25
Sse&sH Fry
Average White Team 67 (3.2), Beta
ThetaPi 49 (2.7)
Hamski Kids 67 (3.8), Sigma Phi Epsilon
49 (3.8)
Alpha Tau Omega 57 (3.7), Sweets 43
Scum Of The Earth 248 (3), Short But
Slow 41 (3)
Iigktrccigkt '
Sweets 62 (4), Cather 6 50 (4)
Sigma Phi Epsilon 52 (4.3), Phi Gamma
Delta 49 (4.3)
Hosers 91 (4), Delta Upsilon 66 (3.6)
Temporary Heroes 57 (3.3), Burr 2 West
Alpha Chi OmegaSigma Nu 6, Theta Xi
.3 '
Delta GammaDelta Tau Delta 5, Theta
Alpha Tau Omega 9, Schramm 4 0
Delta GammaDelta Tau Delta 11, Phi
Gamma DeltaPhi Beta Phi 7
Stallone 3, Alpha Chi OmegaSigma Nu
at 1 WAa&
check-ups. I
IAfpFfiTifr : Mm 0 'in f
r-s-yf i lillier S
Make a Positive Lifestyle Choice
Aerobic Conditioning & Firmer
Classes are forming NOW!
Classes ran March 11 thru April 26
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12:00-1 :C0& 5:00-6:15 MWF Both Campuses
4:30-5:30 TTh City Campus Only
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2 dys a wek-$9.50
3 days. a week $14. CO '
5 dsys a W2sk-$22.C0
4 .1 I
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4 . 41 i ! mmm
1 f ? .ut f m ' m m
I " w- 1 1; -
tsrsl PkSi Li O
nb! 5
Sf&tmbn forms csn hst cteked m tho rvrm,ih.
i -'j- -- i u i iui ULy
Hzh Dept. in tlia Sd!xk Mtithpirooss Room.
in ore Information 472-5051