The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1985, Page Page 7, Image 7

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the duVtisa tf cc.-. j I'v-bll:ar.j to
ths D;r.::::'.!3 r -I'. I bj a: J a r;a
siva CAir ; to t: 3 F r?i ty ft:.5
enp v,.;3 t ....:
tutir b f 3 e 'ecbleri cfC:. E.b Ker
rey In lb 3 , j c t
Thee: c:r:I; ':rj a. 3 c. J in
a rccr' y r ' -J t. i cf ib-a
they traly its lr.-! And,
vbi!a yeak party Indent!. :r3 ca the
Republican side were dcrsctlr, nib
I lii tsd Vfckh paint cut, "Kerrey wss
I titrable ta led ihs ablegate tf his
week party Identifiers Demo-
Govern: .-
Political Crimes Fr; t ci lb,L
Th3 r.;::t n r;:;;:od ly John
Hibbirj r-.l C- r. .l:h cf ths UI.'L
Political Ceienss topsrtmsat and la
baaed ca a cr.!. . !3 c f d ts obtained t y
UNL's Dure ucIC ::::!: cal F : .ash
a3 port c its eanuei n:L.::ha Annual
Social Irdi:a!crs Ecrvcy (HXZ1S) con
ducted h t.,-3 c:;b r.e;.b3 cf 1CC1
There's dorcie, cscerdlr to tr.3
report, : i net d:. i to r.:.::b.-3 direc
tions fro.i ths r::.'.j cfctabvsit repub
licans, c! vl.ra c: "y 13 :c::.t v;; j
for Ktrrr '. T;.t, C.;r; ; ::t I'cr.xy
won YrjJ tha ;...; :r v'.a .7
they us-'y "i-::r." Fnlllcn rr.d
a!?r&Gt U-vsf;u:.3 cf tl.:.:3 v '..o z:y
ir.U.I.13 erd V;!ch islcl "govem-
?i Li-t;:.3 cf tr.a he' dd:f"t: 3C-:c3:r,3cfth3c!3cti2n.
"Irll.-Li'li v,:.3 v,cra cniplcysd ty
t.) 1:1:3 cn.'.L
The: 3 Lit thtlr f cr:-r.rJ Cr.ia-
cld prc:;scts l:c!:s3 t!t:!j 'C4 not
Th9 GcvcrKser.t E::3h Iitstltcta
Explain! ths Outcome," Is Na. 8 in a
continuing ferlci cf repcrts. Thcca
interested in cttdnk ccr'.-3 cf the
report iho'Jild contact tfca Depsrtocnt
Help for students filing their fcdcrsl
cr K:tr:;is ir.ecr.a tax Lrr.s is tv;il
sll at both ths Nebraska asd East
Morrill Hall.
a mrjerity cf ths'r votes tot Ksrrsy."
Ths rcccchcrs sdd ths LrJt tctweea
the vote cf stita cstplcyscs and ths
policies cfnor8T733 "cbvioas, ca stats
6Ht,ivjfvc3 tnd ths peiw3 cf Thcns
'3 ' ObvlOSS) 3 Si-it fcISpl'Sy;23 ffcit
they vera tsicd to asssjst a (Ippc
yhe:t ths airpls wts vlercd mzi
hcvsr, ths rspcrt csld there W23 no
rekticcellp fccfeea pcrsordi ficaa-
(r m
CcstSSiir.ed firoa Pes 1
JCw-cvy rrid he thought the worst
teSdy cf clc:ir.3 ths museum v;cu!d
bs Ioslr.2 a biological history cf Ks-
tT- I plf Pint? A
w,-a fcjts vv 1 a4Aa
"Tha bdk cf ths fessib that-support
cur reputation ars typical cf this
recn," he sild.
"It sucsts ourwhe is society's vsias
system h&s turned cpside down if we
can't raise funds to support ths
E'f" A ' 1 P'-;-l ei fri!,l'f IKai
ary, will ts available ?.!:,reh 12 ar.d
April 4 and 9, ffossi 1 to 3 p.m. at bcth
Other volur.tcera Jl Is alatls at
Bennett Kartln Public Ulrtiy, Hlii
tr.d N streets, 1'erch 11 and 25, ar.d
April 8 ten 3 to 7 p.m. Hal? aboulll ba
avallabls at the Centrum shcpplr. 1 Uv w l V .i i'.uM V4i 1 U &ia mJ
and April 10, from 1 to 3 p.m. and 6;S0
to 7 p.R.
Mire Adam, a student ve'ar.teer,
cald pcop! saektej tas help ehcald
V-4 f.rr.e and l:.ttre:t
Adaras csld alters the volsstecn
will f.!l c et ths tax ferras If requested,
rscst peepis Jast ask quee t'erj.
Taxpayers;4; tax forras can get
thera at ths I?.3 cSes In ths Federal
Edldicg, ths Post Ofea, various banks
cr &cra ths voltecr staticaa.
Oilier irjarngtloa about tax forras
and VITA lechns is available from
Centred fiv3 FcC3 1
"We find saasose v&o needs see
thing developed and da it for thorn,"
SecUaeek said. "There are r.:any sraall
corapardes with aoiaethhsg they want
developed but they don't havs ths
finances. Ws'rs helping ths publi'; by
doing it at a modest iiweatraent."
Supreme Court
to decide cases
at East Campus
What exactly docs ths Nebraska
Supreme Court do?
Those interested in learning mere
about the court can attend its session
today at the UNL Collegs cf Law on East
Campos, bensifig at 9 a.m.
First-year 1st? students must attend'
the annual session as part cf the "moot
court prefers" -where students
prepare argumentative briefs and pre
sent them to a mock court, William
Lyons, UNL law prcfesee-r, said. How
ever, prs-law students cr students v.ho
are. just interested la the appellate
court process are welcome, he said.
"Law school is many times a very
theoretical experience," Lyons said.
And while it may sound trite, he said,
this experience allows the students "to
see the law in action"
Nebraska Supreme Court Judge D.
Nick Caporale said ths practice -of
holding seer,ior.3 at ths law csllegs
once a yes? is matoy beeSdal.
"Lawyers andjdes are part cf the
same proisealoi," he said, "and all cf
us need all ths reminders we can get
that we're all delivering ens pro
duct . . . justies."
Ths olclal session will be followed
by an informal reception, which will
allow students to minIe wit& the
judges and ask questions oa a more
personal basis.
In addition to dcveleplns a project,
Ssdlaeek said, students also find finsa
cb whet&c? it's cut cf their pocket cr
financed by an individual, company c?
lir.iverelty. -
Although senior projects are part cf
ths engineering technology curriculum
at various ce'dses throughout ths
country, "many are not as sophisti
cated as cull," he said.
In addition, because cf a developing
cooperative program with a West Cer
m,?Ji imkersity, Sedkcek said, . the
department's senior prefect program
may be Lnplemented cn an interna
tiorad bais.
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