The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1985, Page Page 12, Image 12
Monday, March 4, 1E35 Da!!y Ncbrc-kan F7S) fi p ( 1 Bun'' ; n w f, 1 ! tar Ja CNtV few ipoti lot for Caiona w!!h UPCI! Sign up nowl pan Forum Discussion concemlra IN IS? I Farm D.ll and future agricultural policy will be N(d Wed nesday, March e it 7:03 p m. In the Nebrkesa feast Unnn Fsaured penal!-!- Rnn Frlh Hfi'-rlts y?tt Grower f-res'dent; Richard Gady ConAgra Vne fr9ldnl er ccnome Research; firyce tta tj Nebraska Farm Ejriu president: Aosf torero win Nebraska Livestock Fdr3 President. Moderator: Ted Hartung, dean ct the Coi!;e of Agricuitir. Sponsored by Alpha Zeta tnd tha UNL Young Firman and Ranch'. Thie ! tht wek UNL h ben waiting tor'll AT K3 $CtiCEa DAYS AM KJKa Join ua tor tht celebration of trt largest collo al UNL. Presentation, Speakers, Art, Muaic, PaneTp' culon. Computer All al !ha union and all ftii'& -onno,3d by the College of Arta A Science and bronchi to you by tha Siudent Advisory Board. Ajj Ccon Rf-bulnee CUii Tuftday, kiarch 5. 8 p.m., East Union. Program epeech contest, Chi Epsi'cn present tha 2nd of iu EIT Review "Strength of Materials'' with Prof. Pierce Tlma: 7:00 p.m., Mrch 4 Plica; fim. 241 WoEC Fea: 32 00 par sewion Important MCRTAR BOARD Waiting Tuesday 35 at 10 00 p.m. Concerted '.out tha farm pronrsn tf'-fifons In Wafhinr.ton? C-'"-- and ;;pae in Af F GftUM 't5 c"i v , .-). t ren at T.tJ o m. in liso fv 1 iti in L c of e5eo3ian will r.a tha tii j Farm fcal and Futura Afl'icunuial Foiicy. 4-y:3r i;ho'js''ilpa which pay tuliion, fcaa, morwy "f t.-'ka. and i" to I1CC0 par yviar ara availsWa. ! s a17-, 3, Ci?Aa&ova2.3canappiyatNO H klmti Go loRm 110 Military Ntval Scianca tr.yj. or CIII 471-6332, SPRINQ CREAK Msrch 24-2fi Prlca Incliir!! coch tranyportiition, lift (summit ps Avaitiibioi, HUCE condom niuind, tat,ii Esch unit h flr;jic. private aaono. hot tu on balcony. Go FliiiT CLASS For bud;t pdcull Ca.l 477 -iflCO'. Gama Gal-ry 14lh A O 475-525 Foottll Tournamant avary Friday. Step In lor dtaia. 3 Hot Don fortl OO . Brit?g irw Bag in tcr e Frea Tokon t f "A U;iRAl ARTS CICS"! . . . T.M a;a y u ff-g to a TKAT7" Dr. Howard riQ r. U. of lata at Autin will aoak on trc tciua a la al an and aclantaa e'-l'ira'lon raroar oprnrtunitma, Tu4ay fcrth S. 8 C3 p. In tha Conlnn(al Poon K,or Union, pworad by Art A Sciancaa i tudit Advlftory loi'ti. Earn IS72, compate for a 2-yr choliirhip. and urn collata cradit by completing Summ Li"dr,ihip Training. 1ip inca lha mllifiiry WITHOUr OBI i GATING VCUFiSCLF and If you have tha 'Fi.cM 8tnf r o b an uflicar. Go to Firn 1 10 M 4 N Bidg. or call 471-C5S2. 4 30 off all B aura to aaa an axwpt fr'm Thentaf Dep manf production of "GR&A5H" TOOAVat TOCal that Crib In tha Union. A'bo. aturjant Tim Burka ju?"'e at 11:30 In tha Crib. It' l pail of tha Ana And Science! Day caiabrallon. Treat Yourtait! H.evo a hiddnn taloni? Lai "Pioc In April" uncover It. AoJition b haid March 1 2. So pick up your Applicstlon m tha CAP o'iica. Spring Brain and UPC South Padra island ara only 13 day away! SWM-20'9. ai'icara, ek fmU for movie, dinnar and watching CAMPUS NETWORK'S National Collaga ToUvUion Network. Poible Fieiationship. Woman In Parapactlva prasanta Child Protective Sarvlca Women working on the Front Llnea Judy Gibson, a supurvisor with Child Protective Services, will explore atres on the or. Tuevdcy, March 5th. Sponaored by the Women Reaource center, Union Rm. 117, 12 30-1.30. Uaed reference, technical and professional book. Now on Mle P:E3RA2SA tSOOXSTORt 11.S N ST. The Publication Board will meet 4 p m, Tuonrfny in the Nebraska Union to select the iScft-CS saistanl marajar. The Pubiicationa Board will meet 4 p.m Tuesdey In tho Nebrai,a Union to aelect the Summer Editor. BE A STAR . . . JOIN UPC! UW3?SITY AK3r-E03 F'CteSAa Applications due TOO AY at 4. CO In the A SUN office. Campus Network, a nationwide student network ha come to NebrafU. To find out more stop by the Campus NetworK booth, Tuesday, March 5th. URANT'A BOOK STUDICS 477-1043 435-tSoOa CHEhRY CHtUViNG TOBACCO CI! ft s Srroke Shop 1230 "O" Street c 7 a-4 rA Ahoy there Greeks. Sat yourselves for March 8th, 7:00, at the Nebr. City Union tor the cruiae ol a lifetime. wr F M M "CAYTONA BEACH" SPRING BREAK -SS' OVER 3 BUSES GOIMGH JOIN US ALL. CALLPAM 484-7634. KAREN 435-5iO. KAn ycu tz.rz-:zzzo m Hair The music sensation of the SO Wednesday. March 6, 8 p.m. Commonplace, 3i3 N. 14 UF-C American Filma Adm-:aion $1,50 SIGN UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATEIII GO TO DAYTCNA BEACH, FLA. CALL FOR INFO. PAM 464 7ci4. KAREfi 425-6i23 ANYTIME. Dr. John Janovy (peaks today at 3.30 on the Cedar Poing Biloglcai Station in Nebraska. Held in the Union, frea end open to e vary one who wants to leern. Just one more part of Arts & Sciences Days. Mark H. (ATO) Can't wait to sea you today at tha Cedar Point presentation by Dr. John Lanovy at 3:30 In the Union. It will be great! And it s all part of Arts 4 Sciences Days!!! Maggie (AXO) ENGLISH CONVERSATION PROCSAM American, Foreign eiudwits can 05in culture, Ifirv 0iMS understanding. 472-1H I.E.S., 345 Nefenaka Union. Acacia Fraternity la having f telr annual Spfina Blood Urive, March 7, in the Unioti 6tllreom from to 3 00. EE A STAR) UPC applicatlona are due THIS VEONECOAY. Ma xh 6th. Apply to be an executive 'X chairperson for the lses-68 tchooi year President 1t Vice President 2nd Vice President American Film Concerts & Coffeehout Arts Special Events Women's Resource Center Free University Video Foreign Films Modrt United Nations Tik A Topics Publicity Walpurgisnacht Pick up your application TODAY In the CAP office, room 200 City Union. Go for itl o i., ., jrf Vii ; Jtt u A 4- ?; Ai m ..VWaVaV.OVV0?a.VaCaVVw c2 c t ( ) Xjj A a r fr i A -A.l 0 j 1 tlj j U.M i i TT 7T A' Tco 0 i I o i XE a C ! v mil n it".t o u m. t . FREE PARKING NORTH OF 0 ANK '4 -V to c - CROSSVORD PUZZLE .EUi by EUGENE T. MALE'IL1 , , HZ ACROSS 5 lWida divergence 6 Wrong 11 Khomeini, for ens 12 Sets of a sort 14 Seafood item 1? Hoarfrosts 15 Trucker's rig 13U.S.S.R. 2) Site cf first Olympics 21 'c:zzr.cz3 22 Prsfixwith vifa 23 Pisa for help -MCwfttes 23 Miners! contaijiins sodium carfecsitta 43 Aunt Sally's scamp 2 Continuing story S3 Domestictticn 1 Prized far ESGrowifigcUt POwN 1 Short slip 2 Takes on 3 Affectations 4 Porker's pad 5 Kouss and lasds, legally C OL'actery EtiESlii 7 Cr:d -0 Ch?m!c&l Under tha weather ID Wise man 11 Battlasits: Apr. lO 13 Brackish ' 14 Cockatoo feature 15 Vc:!L:r IS -a wet hen 21 Kind cf tar 21 Ls.urcl end Musial Dap,"lS10 - sons II Cfcaue 23 SJsttsra 91 1 .- i 21 Not tab's d'hftte SJGst droughty cr- 21 Gii:r,c.3 3 Virginia Wcclf S7 New parents' cons id :itiOi OEfeyor Haywanl 43 Stsadst - 43 Ccrrdce .3 Pcl.psity II Soutciika 27 . . dr'afa with 1tlT.'ilt.'Ut t. . .1 T'n.'-y'rsct S3Cl!,iaa 1 ) . n Tr !3 ! i s I A A y 1 1 I 1 "1 bus ? J t :r F.I3J.C. "i. c 4jTr3fucd 3 Ad award 47 Sa,r!ett's milieu 43 Thomas ' . Cs rev's teloved ZT te e e i e.ek ..- tf,iAif- .. ee . : -' j w a v' a Wf a w a w'tw'i a w e .' '-i' e we -4.:' I jj j jiiTl j j jia ( li iTTru mi i" rfTTi - !M UM I j . S .1 III' -II -.-..aaajniwiHswaww ' ' ' - , jHmBWpr.L j.jawij -aeaga' ' - u! I s f" L I Tl I I AA r MX1 "I i M i ..ilLJ UlLLL , ! i I f I f I vwawawnia sMne faBy tpB?sc & " j.-sspj ' --jvv-..; LLI !" i " l I i r I I ill I M" I r I I I i :LLUJ M M M i L- - a.caaaJL i 1 t ' I