The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1985, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Nebraskan
Pago 3
Liberal arts to be promoted
Tuesday, February 23, 1035
1 A A A A A
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ese Dians Arte. Hrafinr.fis n
Arts &nd Sciences Days, a five-day 'Hon of the musical "Grease."
celebrstlcn oflibersl arts and sciences
cdac2.ti.3a, will at UNL March 4
through March 8.
The prera, planned and fjcnscred
by the Cg!I23 cf Arts end Sciences'
Student Auir'ijiiiy DosxJ, will fe&lure
displays, speakers and a panel discus-"
don, as well as performances ty UNL
School cf Music ensembles and a pres
entation cf excerpts from the foster
arts department's upcoming produo-
"Arts tr.i Sciences D&ys," according
to Jay Kcivir president of the Art3
end Sciences Student Advisory Bcsrd,
"is dedicsted to promoting a libits!
crts tr.d sciences eductffca it UNL.
"A libend arts, ed'icrflan, despite
the attacks cf its critics, isn't elitist cr
a hxury," Kessling said. "It is essen
tial to understanding the world. Within
its disciplines, siuder ts fceoc.a in
formed about ns
dividuuls." '
urc, society and in-
Kessling said Arts and Sciences
Days is p lanned to show the variety and
scope of program cfTcred v.tiun the
College of Arts and Sciences. It also 1
will provide visitors an opportunity to
hear discussions on the values cf lib
eral arts and sciences education and
on the career opportunities available '
to graduates cf the college.
UNL Student for LI.F.E. will spon
sor an forum cn abortion Wednes
day r.t 7 p,n. in the Nebraska Union
Main Le;r-;. Eeprcsentatkes frrea Pro
life and Pro-Chclee groups will present
tl.cir s!-j:3 tr.d ar.s7.xr questions.
TSvj E:v. Evcret Sileven, minister cf
the Fdth CurSstkn Church cf Lousi-
vtlie, will epeak at the College of Law
125, t:
Nebraska Coalition For Women, an
advocacy group for vcn:en and fardrdst
crgsiiiraticns, will be today from 8 p.ra.
to midnight at the Zoo Ear, 133 N. 14th
Benefit artists include Dave Fowler
and the AMiptcr Strfcglknd, the Clas
sics, Gwsn Msister and Friends, Cindy
Zudy and T. Marni Vcs, comedienne.
The eiTiCee will be Lincoln actress Deb
vKnrrnnS Sua Scott, NCW 1st District
Lorn nocn to 1 p.m. The -h.tpmmmmn,.
rpecch is spoascrsd by the Christian
Lc-J Society as part cf a "Lunch and
Lecture scries.
chdrwoman, will be'the guest speaker.
There mill be a suggested donation cf
3 at the door.
sponsor a "Llincrity Womens' Eecogni-
tion Night cn Tuesdsy at 6 p.m. As
part cf the ceremony, a brief discussion
cn "The Eiack Female Self Concept"
will be sponsored, emphasising com
ir.urity input
For more information cn the event,
contact the Malone Center at 474-1 1 10.
,.-. iw ii A group supporting the concept of a
lmVJ V4.ilK Kill , I ii - - .
(V. IT-Ia-J Pi.i..
The Programs Acthiiies Committee
has developed a program to inform stu
dents about UNL organizations. PAC
has broken activities into 12 catego
ries: college departmental or profes
sional clubs, ethnic minority orgsika
tioES, gesvemfeg bodies, honor societies
and hencrarics, international student
groups, military crsnisations,' religious
organizations, service organizations,
political groups, sports, cultural groups
and publication groups.
PAC meetings, which give students
more information on UNL activities and
how to get involved, will be at 9 p.m. in
Selleck Quadrangle Mushroom loom.
The Women in Perspective Series
will feature a discussion on Central.
America today at 12:30 p.m. The dis
cussion will be in the Women's Resource
Center, Nebraska Union 117.
For more information call Jan Deeds
at 472-2457.
and the Soviet Union is being reaciiv
iated on UNL The first organizational
meeting will be today at 7 p.m. in the
Cather-PcunJ-MeiLtrdt Residence Com
plex Blue Room.
Those interested in finding out more
can call either Cathy Allen at 475-1CS8,
Doug Callahan at 672-8323, or the Lin
coin Freeze C3ce at 475-4258.
. Seventeen foreign exchange students
from UNL and various high schools will
be guests of the Downtown Rotary Club
at noon today at the 11th floor dining
room of NBC Center 'dswntowiu ..
.' ' .The event wl!! be part of the club's
obsorvsncd ofFebrusry as World Under
standing Month, as designed by the
board cf Rotary International. '
Ivan Volgps, a UNL professor cf pol
itical science will speak on "The Soviet
Succession Crisis: A Change cf Genera
tions?" at the Phi Beta Kappa Honorary
Society meeting. His lecture will be
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the East
Uni Wit.
Yoigyes' talk will be open to the
through Friday, to answer questions
and requests for publications. Anyone
calling the legislative hotline before 8
a.m. or after 5 p.ra. during the week, or
cn weekends and state holidays will
hear a tape-recorded message of the
next dry's rendx
Hotline numbers are (402) 471-2703
in Lincoln and (800) 742-745G to ether
Nebraska areas. ' '
The Omaha Federation cf Advertis
ing is again presenting its nationally
acclaimed "Meet the Pro3" seminar.
Use seminar, now in it3 23rd year, will
be March 1 at Omaha's Holiday Inn
Central, GCth and Grcver streets.
This event is for college students
from the Midwest who are considering
a career in advertising, marketing,
public relations, broadcasting cr the
graphic arts. It gives students a chance
to hear and meet professionals from all
of these fields.
This year's program also will feature
nationally syndicated radio talk show
host Bruce Williams. On his show,
"Talknet," Williams takes calls from
people all over the country. When the
toll-free telephone lines are open, the
phone rings 150,000 times an hour,
making 'Talknet" the nation's fastest
growing call-in talk show.
: The annual "Meet the Pros" seminar,
which draws students from a five-state
region, has been so successful it has
been used as a model by other advertis
ing associations around the country.
For more information and registra
tion details, call Charlie Wilson (402)
The Career Planning and Pla
OfSce will offer workshops on resume
writing cn the fallowing dys. .
Tod 10:C3 to 11:30 et the Cclkge
Ycdnssdsy: 3:30 to 5 p.ra. at Andrews
Ildl 143.
publishes rosters listing names, phone
numbers, committee assignments and
ether information about state senators.
Ths second annual benefit for the
The clerk's of2ce also provides weekbr
hearing schedules, the speaker's daify
agenda tnd daily worksheets indicat
ing each bill's progress. '
A tcll-feea hotline is available for
anyone wantfcg information on Mils. A
hotline operator will be available
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
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Estty Eoop in Japan, a Tes Aver travel
spoof and Bugs Bunny takes a trip.
30 min
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Pel 1 King Tut mania John Wayne dead.
DC-IO crash; worst disaster in U.s. aviation
lUStorv. Chinese in"frrf Vinfnwn ir
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5S -TV. "Mf1 . rL AAA
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Progressive1 music video at ;JfaOy3
its best Includes top ten w
a-1 M.Anl niaC V '' 4 4
couniuywu, w
and much more. 60 min
Tues. & Wed. 1 'f)fl n m
Thurs. 10:00p.m.
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Thurs. 10:30v.m,
Th ESsi Test ! Si
Filmed in the Philippines, Martin Lucas
documents the murder trial of Wo minis
tsis. -20 min
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TAn Ssr:n T.V..
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cost vrrtp'j-
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