The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
iluesday, February 23, 1935 Daily Ncbrcsksn Pano 11 gifts, gifts, cufts CliH'i Sstoke fine UiKTO" U. J.f -v'g Record 521 S. 11 W bey, I- I. fJ trS'Je SOX tOX 7V. and fcJa roc ft roll Adoption, Financia'ly acur couple offering fwarmtn, love, and S 1 't'':uon lo rwwbcrn or I mfnt Lag' tnd All Kp'inses paid. Please Ciil collect !01 7.J-1-.-.J. 110 off all wicker ordsrt. tnrouch March. I would lik lo share this and our ho'es c, t plan with you. I f also 00 weddina'siiowar P" : ( s call 4J3-2122 t pr leave message. Thar youll ! . .... . , Cow, a nel about IN farm program Otcte, In Wasiion cun.a and partiCiwMi in A(, t-OHUM -ftj ?Ti'i,"ev- Ma'.e? " 0 m Ktwsa bill and futiir Agricultural f-oi;cy. P'',T r-JCAK SFCCJM 5 HUr.HYH J :. ' je,.J i..,ftCJ C"t'l ftft r--.Hf $ii To IN Msm ami Woman of rlarpsr-Sehranm-SrnitH: Equal Fights!! Unborn Rihta?! Pro-Choice or Pro Liie, com voice your op-n.on, and team mora about the aborion lesuef WrJ. Fab. 27th. Union fcSain Lounga. Earn monay tolling your atertes about how you handm peer pressure. Call 472-344. Corn Cfcba ' Meeting today tit 4:3s). Important that averyen fee trteret IC0L0S3T TJ 3T ny a tlfo'-a tooy of a e'bcrlpt!on to JQ'A't MilM at k-.r. cookw, 140 N. 1i. ' tiNL 4-M Mealing ton'fmt, 7.30. taat Union. Exec, at 7:f.O. Ering Niiiiotai H2!a!!ul!on. Alcohol Misuse In tha Hornoffcila Communi!. Feiturwd tf-snkor. Conoid W.liiam. SpooorjJ by GayLebin Stuint Awociat.ort. Andrwi Mall 213, Ip.m. Tnuraaay. r 15 jr. i " v awa ima 4 avast im Hi tar awt aw U linn n "1 ( 1 v LOST; Gold wadcing band w engravingi. Call 472- 0271 or 47W234. iiufis". FRANCH3SS CtUfJ t-TK-as Rem") bar to Qtt your sir,iicasiona for Inter nahipa turned into the Iniernah.p oiiice this week. To IN n and Women of ANI-Sandoz: Equal Rights!! Unbcrn't Rijta't Pro-Choica ef Pro-Lit corna vice your cp.nion and learn mors about th abortion issue! V d. IFb. 2V'ih. Unicn Ktein Lounge. AG FCU:.! '25 Open forum Discussion concerning N 1C65 Furm Bill and future etjricurtural powy will be held Wed nesday, March 6 at 7.03 p.m. in the Kytxtika East Union. Featured panelists: Rrn Frtcha Nebraska Wheat Growers President; Ricrwd Gady ConAgra View President of Economic Research; Brycc Netdig Nebraska Farm Uurauu PrauMdant; Rger Wehrbain Nebraska Livestock f-erdrs President Moderator Tad flartur'a. Dean of tN Collage of Agriculture. Sponsored by Alpha Zata and tha UfJL Young Farmers and Rancher. Lullaby with Gamma Pnl VmM 5. 6, and 7th from 7-11 p.m. Want to have your friend, sac rat lova, sweetie, or Psych T.A. sung to !esp. Grab a hold of a Gamma Phi an J let us do It for you. Ful'y eouippad witn pijamas, bedtima atGry, tongs, and treca. P S. Tickets on sale in City Union Feb. 27, 23, and March 1 from 1&-3t t Open stage night, Tuesday from 9-1 at Chesterfield. All types of acts, mustral, and otherwise watcoma. 475-6307. Thursrjsy. FiJ. 23 6.C J in ih Union Topic: Hmm Car Marketing . .. J sk9 i U o V (fcg. 155.95) Put some bounce into your hair before the sale ends, February 28, 1985. This offer includes a free hair style. Call Dave, Annette or Brent for an appointment. Buy 1 regular priced item receive equal cr loss vcJuo for 1 cent . v EsAr S's OPEN: Mon., Tuss., & Fri. 3 am-5:3G pm. Sat. 8 m-4 pm, and (f Jow Also Open 8 sm-8 pm Wed., Thurs. . 124 North 12th JteSP' a i rx va wv.iv avt e k- -t t ;s "i-i i Vs4 1 L Ma, Lcrc est Seecflon of DG RED SOUVENIRS In the World "X - J V . t t-J'S-A r V . 1 ' i Hivs You Checked our Food Prices Lately? em "s ? i g nisi t-pv r J WwJU its ff'"' f' m- 3 jS 19 9 474-4455 !J n "It At SPR!fQ BREAK Hi DAYTOMA ESACK FLA. COMPARE PRICES GO FO THE REST?! IN CLUDES: BUS (FRCE Bttn ft PO!, 1ST CLASS HOTELS, MILLIONS Of BEACH PASTIES', AND MUCH MOREHI CALL PAM 4C4-r54 OR KAREN 435-5589. WstiftMtfav. Fa. 27 p.m. W$a'y hmiat UMtiE Rs5fhinenf f Growing ' To tN Men and Womta of Cs'w-Pasind-Waihardt Equal Rlghtail Unham's Pro-Choica or Pro-Life ccma cc your epioion, tnd team mora about the abortion tesust V.Vsd. F6. 27:h, Union fvisun Loung. Truly expeiir3e th Graitd Canyon by djctfK5!ng from tha rim. Dssspsd through bidsofi of years of geographic history and vxprnca tha msJssSy of a inner canyon. 0S tneHtdaa entire pasxsg. Trip is filling quickly! Sign-up s4iif la Thiiraday, Fabruwy 28th. For more Information call Mark E&ti at T. CLASSES START ANYTIME with lndo.ndrt study. Contact the indopendont study office, 472- 1S23. Tef will be a meeting tonight at 7:05 1 the City Union. A dacimkm on the space allocation of trta Commorpfea buKding will be made. The public is weicomt to attend. UPC's South Padra triji ls?ae In only 25 days! Get psyched! LIils u.iyn bbr? 'Jxv1 ; ,mnac 22-31 full pactjagos 0155.OS. IBlEMSUIOfS; Transportation by Motorcosch (restroom equipped and esr con ditioned) !UU! ViiUi:C Ul r I I i I tUlCIJ. . Accommodstions for 7 nights srtd 8 days. . Frea beer and pop. enroute to Florida. Optional Disney VorSd trip. Discount rstts svsiiable for those needing only transportation or hotel accommodations. No hidden costs or taxes. Compare and see whit you're getting. You get what you pay for. ' Spots Still Avcilcbta. Sign Up Now. FOB INFORMATION CALL PAf.1 AT484-7S54 OH KAREN AT 435-5503 awaawi r'i ...33af FOOD 4 LESS is the food store that brought low food prices to Lincoln. You'll eiways spend less t Food 4 Less. can tm.ii gayo st alls i $at m m ' f-j if w .--sitj w .4jy j rs55 fi a . . r, -' j if- !.f I n 5; '.f 3 Convenient locations with hours that fit yo"t schedule I 42th i 0 St - . 63rd & Haebsk Ave. 4th & Pioneers . ' Open '24 Hours K,1on,-Sat 7:00-10:00 , Mon.-$at 7:30-10:00 ' ' Sun. 8:00-10:00 ' ' Sun. 9:00-10:00 PAORE ISLAtO OH BUST . Get your tan betcra you ?o. $3a for 10 12-hour sessions. 1000 S. 30. $71-$SU. Speaker, Pan' Oieeisslon, Film. Prsnfstlona, Ait Dance, Musics . . . Art $ 8mm VmVU March 4 . 8. FREE, Rewarding, and EduCsiKMiaji . REVFLATIOM SSfiMAS: for mora information, tea ad in this paper! viz G ' 3-A sy k i lniOUHCES t TODAY THRU SUN. MARCH 3rd I J iwai mrvua mvmi rasa twm aitawi ae tarnirf 5 FUN' IN i SUM l T HI SPRING ' ,,,r' Cf flR rfT. f. ,sss. ,5WB5 p O COX 1-:7 t:i L- ;r-!i DiLLCf4, COLO C?4:3 ! . i t' t I V v I! . fmm p. n a ?a I I I S-t-i . f ? f, t a I 1 8 I I! lliil UwJ Lii Syaitl C.I k.. I ! Cyrer tfti'J W- C Frana IwssiiWrtta. Ine. a 4 w t ft rmf Si "S a' a w w N 1 f I t I ! ( f i I CThs Student ' m Survive! Sjore) iC5Vl f :. ) L I " ;':. 'y;;:;;- :- -. : ": ',. ; ' .. ,'.': K,:.''' . ' " " '-;' , t-i . v I if ' cef rss 1 . ' . ..