The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 22, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
Friday, February 22, 1835 Daily Nebraskan Pago 11 Condo for P-enl i Colorado - DiHiort Priced 'o Cojy Baar, Renl 4S3-4342 I wuv yout til Campus Apt Sun-po'Ch kitchen, 1 tJ iind tloof, qu!t. hut, yard, feo IS urn unlurn, 18J i6i - 479-SU01 dyi IBfl, balcony, c'ote to t srrrni ONst't pursing, ,ke new, coin laundry 12( 5, N 24, ill 340 $t00 for single furnished room and eoarcl 478 2583 Brown Palace I9U0 B! Cuddle Dug Darcy, Thm I hava those special qualities you're looking for Likt lo meet you. Robert Cr'am L K K (White) Ueolechnie ol hoimtn, OK Predicts rift fissur. nq accompamad by Epic Seismic destruction within 2j0 rmie raJiui ol Ovachila tall Popu-S'.ialua Rport You re at doomed a doomed can ba. you know tdQ Jack I Records 371 S It 43S-21S8 We huy, tail, and trad SO. 6J i. u i. and tot rock A roll . j i . j H i : i I : i J Beautiful raw 2 bedroom apsrlmenl In duplex Be tween eampusaa, naar grocery, and on busline Much mora. Available now IJGO. 4&-S'2 WILLCWH4VEM CLOia TO CAHJ New, affordable, enerijy-efS'elent apartments, tfcw utiHM. 1 Btrttoome. fy isiHroem with shower. All aoptlancaa. Fetiece. Niih fnl, J03if rt 1. HiAM CO. 4T4-1SSI i i ;'lf HEALTH CAKtEfl OPPORTUNITIES An exciting enalien(;e awaits students inturs Had in health esreer, A raw program In Occupational Therapy will bffainAuoual lijBl Crehion University School ol pharmacy and Allied Haah Pensions Application are bemn errsp'ed now t or more infor mation write Asm fc;dmann, C'ihton Univarty School Ol Pharmacy 4 Allied Hoalth Professions, Ji'ij Caiitornta Street, Omaha, tsS il 79, or call (402) 2950 or 2475. Assistant to lh Msnaijing Editor ol bimonthly professional journal. Responses for copy prepara tion, dMion. and support services. 15-20 houra pf wMk. $4 iS P' hcur. 472-0000 Lwslie Bishop. COORS CAMPUS rPP-..tNTATiVS POSITION A.aSLAjLS Looking lor Individual, 21 year old and interested in taiea and public relations. Call Lois at 47?-S2fia by Fab. 26tn. Soronty Hasher needed to work 12.15-1 p.m. A 5-6 p m. M-f . Call 475-3506. Tuition due? Window-shop lor part-time employ ment on the Job Board at tne Job Locators Financial Aid Office. 112 Administration Building. There are) many jobs available. One is just right lor you. Cirl at Et John s, Ann Wednesday. I raiiy enioyad laming to you'i I only with we could have continued Mow about comg to ms with ma? Mjybe we could even arrive on time and park normally! Guy in White Jacket P S If you wonl go to church with me, I guess I'll settle lor dinner and show. ATOs. We can't wait to meet you "South ol Ihe Border" on Saturday night, A Phi l SPVN. Happy Birthdayl Now your over Ihe hill tool Hai Ha' We love you" CB, A 4 I Man in light blue coat, Would like to know who you are Saw you 221 In Union at 10 15 Pleae rponjl Girl in purple pinstripe pants! Joet I (AM) Congratulations on being selected at an Innocent. Your Ofothers Happy birthday thumper! Love, Kathien-OI Harvey, S'"'na Chi ACTIVE . , , . , nothing better) Love ya, Frieda Curl with brown hair, blue eyes that works at CPPC I've noticad how sweet you are Would love to meet you. Are you available? FtvP. Interested Adoption Financially secure couple offering waimtii, love, and (joed education to newborn or intent. Leal and ontujantnl All eipenses paid Please call coibct 201 7U MVl 10 oil all wicker orders, through March I would like to share this and our hostess gilt plan with you I also do weddmgshowar parties Pleas call 468-2192 or leave mescje Thank you1! 'sm' FOUND Women's watch in City par ing lot soMtn of Denny a Call 44-3eiit. Find out in May or July, 1833, If you have been warded a two or three year scholarship Students, ai 17-23 with GPA above 2 3 can apply AT NO OBLIGATION. Oo to Rm, 110 MtN Build ng or call 47i-5:62 Student Court Positions for the 19SH38 academic year art available. The (udtcial power of the court emends to matters concerning organuatione when referred to the Court by the university adminiitrationa. the Student Senate or an individual student. Applica tions available in 1 15 Nebraska Union, Deadline Feb ruary 26th. CA3Y CLIVS will be speaking on "Getting Healthy View of Yourself Friday, 7 30, In the Union Room will be posted Sponsored by Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship. TYPING 1 1 25page including proofreading 4C8-8651.8 a m, 8 p m. 1 days a week. YOU WRIT - I TVF! Typing for all your needs from term papers lo resumes Choice of word proceer or ICM Seiectric typewriter. Low prices Contact Bernice, 474-2129 TYPCWT!FR3 RENTAL-! .E8-SERVICE PLOOM'S ' 33 n. iy.n 474-41 M Typing neetd? Ca!l Btrb, 4C8 6200. SEWING JOBS?? Ca'l Fringe I Tassel. 735 "O" SI.. 3 day ziteratior.s. r?:rs, oesigns; 11 a m -8 p.m., 475-tb81. OLDTIME TUX RENTALS Oldtime rat's complete otitift with lilting $28; Call Fringe & Tassel; 735 "O" St., 475-98011 4r SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES The Young Men's Christian Association Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is sot-king applicants lor the following positions; Boy's Counselors. Girl's Counselors, Lileguards, Water tront Director. Wrangler, Asst. Wranqier, Crafts Instructor. Maintenance Person. Head Cook, Ass t. Cook & Nurse. Must be available May 23-August 12 Call or write Camp OJfice, 1039 P Street, Lincoln. NE 68508, (402) 475-9622. Adroirrrr, SsfxJ ma privata letter to the Dai'y Nebraska. Girl In given swstM Chl-O's and DU s- You are invitkd to I nif)M of animation, maie and drarrs-com-tru at Ihe "It S Snia'i World party lomghtl Walt Disney To the men of Phi Gamma Doita Thanks for thinking of us on our founder's day Feb. 14th. The cake was grentll The womon of Chi Omega Hey Stud, Thanx for reading the personals for me. Did you find Typed on computer with best letter-quality printer. All any interesting ones? See ya Monday hopefully pages proofread. Minor corrections and editing by with million dollars) I miss you and I love you! experienced teacher with MA in English. Free storage Forever yours, of your manuscript on disk for quick, easy revisions. The high rollin' honeybunnies Reasonable rates! ,VilMtff Wanted: Guitar player for original and Top 40 band. Call Jeff 464-5014. NEED CASH? Dirt Cheap buys used records and tapes. Looking for 1 or 2 roommates to share a house. $175month. paid utilities. 467-1477 Terry. Male roommate to share 3 badroom duplex. $100 plus 13 utilities. 474-2608 One responsible male wanted to share older home near campus. $100 plus 14 electric. 474-6032. Roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apartment at 20th & "G" St. Really nice!! Call 477-4969 tor details! 1 Cindy, What a weekend! Zeroxme tonight, Triad Formal Tomorrow. What more could a guy s for than to spend it with such a Sweetie. Gregg Ivor- Had fun in the snow, how about the rain?? B.K. V i I 1 H 'U. wqwi .11 14! ,f""' "itir j - sis J-wtai. it truh u i ii til ' rjAit- u ra jr n met -.WJ " ' C ,i T ' 1 ! '"i T "i j E-hsit !l! iTll f 'HI t irf-'-gtejB- jAjf . 11 Ji. Parks r Word PrccesslnsTyp'.ng Eety Parfcer 4E3-7C57 Granola. Happiest Birthday!!!!! Girls like Polo . . . cut it's arousing! Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a conlidential helping hand. 433-2609. Jewels Jay M. (Sig Ep) It's time for nude twister with Mazola!!!!!!!!!!!M!! 8 ft B(2) P.S. Your jeans really speak for ya!! L IMPORTED CIGARETTES ' Cliff's Smoks Shop 1200 "O" St. -r r"T p r? jr- r pT p p? fr w- V V issistan v rr IV. ; rr. r n rr, r-, fx rx s Ji n H 0f3it? Tlie Daily Nebraskan will be accepting applications for 1985-86 assistant advertising manager until Feb. 25. The position reports to a professional ad manager and begins in April and lasts until May, 1986. Vie assistant ad manager must be a UNL student with a basic under standing of advertising layout, copy writing, sales, sales management and the Lincoln market. NsbmMcaii Room 34 Nebraska Union UNL does not discriminate in the academic, admissions or empioymeryt programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to ume.' " ' '',") - 'V. if"x rx n rx rrrr r r.rr n; n rr, rx n.rx rr ri rx Gamma Tau (KU). Gamma Chi (KSU): Grab your dates, grab your ties, pack your bags, leave at sunrise, cuz when things get roiling at the Hyatt, the Delts will have one big riot! Get psyched for tomorrow night! Beta Tau (NU) Jim (Little One). "I laughed (sweated) my b lis auwf" Hope the Celtics clinch the title "Shut up and get back in your corner" Desperate for women Wanna make a bet? Regenerative gonads Looking tor oogonia Road trip to Oklahoma She felt the hardness of his ardor I'd rather wretch With your own personal, you'll go down in the snals of history. P.S. You didn't think we'd really do this, did you? HAPPY BIRTHDAY. X03OXOXO S. & M. SARAH'S SHIRT LETS GO TO CHESTERFIELD'S TO SEE NEW MOVEMENT TONITE AND SATURDAY NIGHT! -SARAH'S SOX JAM, FEYLIJJS, end tho University Program Council :.;ras?:n A 0 C P." T I O 11 :lPij:!:iil 011111 A ::::::::::: -j :;..... f I r - L- i'J c- . 1 W APHIL 17, 19 85 7:30 PM dos osmriiY sports ciriTiii University of Nebraska in Lincoln Tickets: $13.50$ 1150 Reserved available at Nebraska Union, Dirt Cheep Records in East Park Plaza, A!! Pickbs Record Stores, end c!l Erandcis Outlats. fcr Furtncr Information cell 402472-5252 u (I tt7, b y u Z.i-i'4. your tsth into th SwMt Potato Hand and FREE marpritsa tvary Friday aftarnoon. It ail kicki off at 4 pro. E,, ess -"0r.P-WTfc--s afBif- r--- -.V-,--aariv--ii!4aW. &&-im-&t'in&'?&rr --nmf.sxmmfr"' hi -if JL 12tf1 M mP tt. 477-1234 A FRIDAY Ei SATURDAY AT 12:00 MIDNIGHT SEPARATE ADMISSIONS S3 7b EACH ID RfO D fOH (R FILMS -NO PASSES- t. if amiiii; j j all: I'M Maroi,,, .Wir .'Jt?!gEv-BJafctffi3W--li SJIIB I ii Mil B-ill I wT I 'jaial 1 II q 'Piaiftj Eddie Murphy : -2 HILLS THE BREAKFAST CLUB r-, II M H H ji j M ? $ H i i4 ,"rTri irYir niJTfaiiiiarll-. "TVi i-a'tr- JJe-e---.-aa-al Grammy Award Nominee LUTHER 'GUITAR JUNIOR' JOHNSON Fri.-Sat., Feb. 22-23 - 3 Cover FACAT THE ZOO YJTH COCKTAIL SHORTY AND THE TABLEROCKERS , - 4:30-7:00 M Cover X .6 136 N. 14th i i 1 t s 1 i 5 . I. ? fi C3 ! . ' . ill C M T A T f O 3 t I s ! n ? av s Ewmg and ryoii Burgess f it Friday and Saturday Shows 9 & 11 p.m. No Cover! No Minimum! . . .Ji I 1 1 I i! ! C 17 i! '