The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 21, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
Thursday, February 21, 1935 Daily Nebraskan Pago 1 1 Milofcky i3 director of writing pro grams at the University of Denver and news editor of the Denver Quarterly, a literary magazine. Nikki Craft, noted radical perfor mance artist, will speak tonight at 7 at the First Plymouth Church Pilgrim Room, 20th and D streets. Craft will present her slide shew, "In Defense of Disobedience," which cut lines actions people can take against "the gioriflcatlon cf violence and cb Jectlficatlon cf wcif.en" In the media. The slide show Is free, donations will be accepted. Her appearance Is spenssrsd ty Lin coln Women Against Pornography, Preying i! Erfada-Onaha, Lincoln Legion of Lc:t!ar.3, UKL's V.'crr.en's Resource Center t?.i the Women's Journal Advocate. The 185 schedule far the Nabraafca. Literary ncrito Association's Pcctry and Fiction asiiea fallows: Tcdr: Ebb Ucten Maxell 21Jc!h.n on April 18: Ehirky Eacttaer May 6: Jim Lmsbfee Headings xtil be in the Heritage, Room, third floor Dennett Martin Pub lic Library, 14th and N streets. All read ings are at 7:30 p.m. A study skills workshop will be today in the Multi-purpose Room cf Selleck call m-zm $2 50 minimum charge per day on commercial ad. Ten words included. $2 00 minimum charge per day on Individual and student organization eas. $.75 billing charge on noncommercial ad. All personal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted tree of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). PINNING CIGARS Cliff Smoke Shop 1200 "O" St. Full sire mattress & box springs extra firm, 3 mos. old, $75. Call 477-2091 after 6 p.m. Rust couch with matching chair i 4 ottomans. Call after 5 p.m. 464-3639. Pair of size 10 Kllly Trappeur ski boots. Very good condition. Call 174-20271 INVESTMENT opportunity while attending college. 6 one-bedroom condos for sale; walking distance from downtown campus. NlFA funds available. Co signer considered. $23,00O-$25.00O. Call SHARON ADEN, 423-4S92. or WOODS BROS REALTY, 423 2373. For Sale: G A P S. LSAT Review Course $120. 474 7117, ask for Randy M. SYNTHESIZER .Brand new. Brand name. Cell Mike for Information. 464-34M. MCAT Review Cours Notes For Salt (one set) Call 472-9000. 73 Mercury Cairi. pood Shape, one owner, vinyl top, snow tires, $300. 477-2582 anytime. CHOICE LOCATIONS We have just the right apartment for you. One bedroom from $225. Two bedroom from $275. Call us for more mformaiion. AUSTIN REALTYERA 409-9305 EAST CAMPUS LOCATION Three plus one bedroom, fueolsce. $550. Available . now. Call Austin BamtuFOA i :i-C m .Inhn 477- I J S067 evenings. 1-Bdrm. $250 plu deposit. 535 N. 23. 423-3814. 488-4589. For rent, ideal for single or coupie. 1-bedroom duplix, large living room, kitchen, showerbathtub, walk-in closet, all electric, fully furnished. $235 plus electricity. Call 435-6US3. .. t CONTEMPOLINCOLN Mobile homes, clean and in good condition. $225 and UP as available. 350 1 N. 1st or call 435-6633. Condo for Rent. Ski Colorado Dillion. Priced to Rent. 463-4342. I Tired of commuting and cooking?? Double rooms 1 and limited number of sina'e rooms ere available in , -",' nai;s. uai! Z-Ssil for iniormairan. East Campu Apt. Sun-porch Kitchen, 1 bed. 2nd floor, quiet, bus Feb. 15 furn.unfum. $U.),$i55 475-iS1 days. . 1BR, balcony, c!o?s to fsmn Off-strN c-srkir3, "ke new, coin laundry. S-a N. 24, 477-JS40. "1 mm 1 1 ,1 Quadrangle. The workshop, "Mastering the Objective Test," will offer tips for passing multiple choice, true-false and matching tests. All UNL. students and faculty are invited. James Risser, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, will speak on "Journalism and Public Policy" at 10 a.m. Friday at Nebraska Weslcyan University. The speech Is cpsn to the public. EJsser Is Washington bureau chief for the Dc3 MoSncs Register and soon will become director of the John S. Knight fellowships for professional journalists- at Stanford University. Ke and l.ts wife, Sandi Elssar are Woodrc.v Wikon Visitiaj Fellows at Weslayan participating in class discussions, pub lic prcgrtr.3 and Informal gathering. Mrs. Risser is assistant director cf public affairs for the League of Women Voters la WssMngtoa D.C. Prc varsity cf Pennsylvania villi gpeak Fri day cn "Chemistry and Physics cf Liq uid. Ideas from van dor Vaals to Feynmaa Revisited." The speech will be given at 3:30 p.m. In Hamilton Hall room 102. Coffee and tea will be served at 3 p.m. in room 135. Hi People's City Mission in Lincoln will have its regular meeting and lun cheon today at the mission, 124 S. Ninth St, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. HEALTH CAREER OPPORTUNITIES An exciting challenge await ttudentt interested In a health carter. A new program in Occupational Therapy will begin August 1 88b at Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions. Applicationa are being accepted now. For more infor mation wit) Agnes Riedtnann, Craighton University School of Pharmacy A Allied Health Professions, 2400 California Street, Omaha, NS 60176. or call (402) 260 2950 or 2475. and rhythm guitarist needed for ambltiou heavy metal band. 472-8619 (Troy) or 474-7524 (Doug). Assistant to the Managing Editor of Bimonthly professional Journal. Responsible for copy prepara tion, design, and support services. 15-20 hours per weak. $4.25 per hour. 472-3000 Leslie Bishop. Wanted: Guitar player for original and Top 40 band. Call Jeff 484-5014. Need 1-2 non-smoking rocmmate(s) to share large spt. Call 468-1 188. Locking for 1 or 2 roommates to share a house. $175month, paid utilities. 467-1477 Terry. Male roommate to share 3-bedroom duplex. $100 plus V, utilities. 474-2808. One responsible male wanted to share older home near campus. $100 plu 14 electric. 474-6092. Sunshine: the four day you'll be away won't be the best for me either. You've made me realize the meaning of love and that there's more to love than four letters. I know our love is a very special love and although I can't be with you, my thoughts and love will bel Sweetie ' r mmp mm B t i . r " v. v 1 - ; I f Sho Special speaker will be Sally Bates of St. Monica's Home. The membership and board of direc tors of the Association for Retarded Citizens-Capital will meet today at 7:30 p.m. at 6000 A St. Concerned about the impact of fis cal recommendations submitted to Gov. Eob Kerrey by the Department of Pub lic Institute, parents cf mentally re tarded children, members of the Asso ciation for Retarded Citizens and in terested citizens are meeting to analyze the extent of the problem, discuss alternative approaches and develop a unified effort to minimize any Impact on vocational and residential services. For additional information, contact the Association for Retarded Citizens at 477-6325. M An open meeting to discuss profes sional certification and quality stand ards for day-care programs will be from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the Rath Staples Child Development Lab on East Cam pus. David Milofsky, novelist, short story writer, journalist and critic will read from his new novel, "Eternal People," in the UNL English department library, on the second floor of Andrews Hall today at 3:80 p.m. Dear Notre Dame Bound Boys (John, Joe & Larry) Get excited for some real fun as opposed to unreal fun. Also, I talked to my lawyer & he asks that you bring a copy of said contract. Love, Mary & Julie P.S. John don't fogel to pack your baseball hat. 'SIX PISTOLS" ROCK! Eartikins You mesn a lot to me tnd I LOVE YOU! Dellkins New Pledges of Phi Mu, CONGRATULATIONS) and welcome to the familyl Love ya. Your Sisters Gail, Here's tc bad jokes, bsd kitty, JoJo the Wonderman and all the help you've given me. Hap&iy B-Day and Thanksll Jennifer Glen C. Happy Birthday! We hope you have a great clay! Eph. 1:3. Girl in green sweater at Love library, afternoon of 219. I'd love to meet youilj RSVP ON Your Admirer in Blue Shirt Ha Ha Boo Boo Let' have the time of our lives this weekend. I hope you are as excited as I am about the road trip to Col. Love, Yogi To Girl in red sweater sitten next to blond in Mon. -Health 170 Reel. Let's get together and practice C.P.Ft. How about it? From the guy In black jacket two rows beck. R7P Bernard (Ne intime Freund) Dobry dent Mejte stas'.ne narozeniny! Nefcdy musime tancovdt. Ryba, ryba!! Skippy Klokanova a Biartca Medvedova Anne P. (Chi-O) Congratulations on making Innocents what an honor!! We nil love you and are very proud. Your Clii Omega Sisters Get ready for Friday, Chi-0 and DU Kids! It's a world of laughter, it's a world of cheer . . . It's so much that we share and it's time we're aware, "It's a Small World" after all! 1 M . t AWV Ag woes. Continued IYcki Page 1 At November's Midwest Governors Association Conference in Lincoln, several fanners crowded those same steps to ask about the same things. The Holiday Movement scheduled strikes in 1932, but these efforts were not carried out uniformly nationwide. They were more a series of strikes in different areas. Violence broke out when some farmers tried to market their goods. Still, the Holiday Movement was moderately successful. Farmers battled foreclosures by "detaining" a sheriff, " 0.1 Ci3 J li. f3 S p-t0 pV tio coopon necessary) 120 N 14th ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft PATTY DUKE at 8:00 Mm') CHANNEL 8 (I OTHIllIiiII!Il Ol m m o t: til ill m. m. m o C3 Ci o ti i III lilllllllM c'::;;:n A'M lit V'-- vjiwJ- J W '1; .. 1 rfBfc 4. 4ft fe tt.MV ill jjjMIMaMMeMMi"wy-3,'H Th "OOT-PAFMOJ7E" Store Don t throw money sway" Ft qiahrv designer frames t HMf tf rmc youd tat eHewher kNCLUCIfa FRAA&S BIFOCALS jfl JtCiCtQYy 1 gBesr-1'''lk ! ! who conducted farm auctions, for one hour after an announced auction time. Sales by law had to begin within one hour after they were announced or be re-advertised. Another technique was the penny auction, where farmers would bid pennies for their neighbors prop erty and return their purchases at the end of the day. Pratt's essay offers a piece of advice to the delegation: "But the 1980s are very differ ent from the 1930s, and these dif ferences have deep implications for contemporary activists who seek to defend the family farm. N-i in ms ,t, -Jfe- fe 5k ,4f 4 i from rn iX ii irHi DON'T PAY MOKS . . . 1.003 frames to choost frcrr?. Fisfiisn and quaiity from Halstsn. EiiS EIso. CWcfKt and Yvtt Saint taurefit. THE OPTICAL SKOP J33 N, 477-934? aton.. Tue.. Wed.. M : 10-S. TSwrt.: ftoow S, Sat.: 10-1 Or3ha:52SH.72mlSSret o 111 IO o o o c !CI t) i ( O o o 1