Thursday, February 14, 1935 Fcso 2 Daily Nc bracken ry 1 i 1 1 U Electronic Love. Post youi towes. tides, fob hopes, items lor sileon National Campus Classifieds herethwhoi . American student body can see them via. microcomputer Just ask nt I he Daily hobrasHart t classified ad oKice ... J Police 1Ctt The following incidents were reported to L'NL police twitwten 9:05 .m. and 3.23 p.m. Tuesday. 9:03 a.ra. Parking permit revolted stolen from a vehicle in Parking Area 19 between Ninth md 10th streets lie an T ta U streets. 10:23 Two-car kcciJent reported on List Campus Mill. No injuries were retried. 2 p.m. Forgery cf a check reported at Nebraska Bookstore. S:3 p.n. Acc'dent reported at ICth and T streets. No iurfcs ware reported. beautybreakbeautybreakbeautybreakbsautybreal 1 BEAUTY BREAK'S OEST PERM PRICES. The Cold Wave NOW $17.50 The Exo Wave . . . . . NOW $19.50 Reg. J24.50 The Aud Perm , NOW $24.50Reg. '30.00 TAKE YOUR PICK. Each perm includes a new haircut, a shampoo, and styling. Also privets professional EAR PIERCING. Wear your heart on your ear. CALL TODAY. 477-6921 or 477-6322. Skywaik Level Atrium Open Mon.-Fri. 8-9 Sat 9-5.33 Sun. 12:30-5 Long on studios end short of times? And Cc:h? Become a plesma donor! You can earn up to $95 a month, for just a few hours spars time and study while you're doing it! (And it's .much lass painful than a lobster on ypur nose!) $10 is paid for cash donation End you can donate twico a weak (but please wait 72 hours between donations). New donors bring this ad for an additional $2 for your first donation, Call for an eppointment cur monthly drawing! snd find out how yen cm win $100 in kiiaar LtiALA w si04& w'J. kVHf . W-W niiwy -- -,nJ . f ) if -6 m t t i3 r m si O Street 475-8645 MeaTnes., Thurs., Frl 8:C3 am to :S3 pra FSB SHALL Y tflSfSCTSQ" JKl 3 loV ! ! t 3 If Li V Vis L:' V3 u Middle Iscst comes WASHINGTON The United States and the Soviet Urdcn v.ill cpen two dtys of talics on the Middle East in Vienna on Tuesday, ths Etat Depart ment sdd Wednesday. The Esincuncener.t cane a flurry cf lAdm Et diplomacy Including an ijjeersent between Jordan .r,d the Fdc:t!r.3 Liberation Organization on a Joint approach to the ArtMsn:! dbputa. President Eesjin exprtsf,ed cptintbm tbout the t eentent, despite published reports cf provisions that hsve br; bc:a ur.icccptable to Wahintcn, Stte Department spokesman Kmcrd tzli the Vlcnsa talks "should not be seen &3 negotiations and v.a do not tr.t!ti;ate any agreements. They are merely an exchange cf vies. They do not represent any change in the U.S. position regarding Issues t&Alzt the recn, nor do we expect them to result in changes in Sovitt position." Congress attaclis foreign rid request WASHINGTON The chairman cf a ccr.c:;:!c::sl s?ibco;rmittee Vednesdsy accused the Eesgan administration cf ir.ccr.cisten cies" between its 1834 report on rights abuses and its 1CS3 foreip aid requests. Rep. Gus Yatron said: "I do not sse how the adirdnistration can propose $200,000 for military tr&integ in when recording to its own human rights report, grave human rights violations hive taken place" there. Yatron, head uf the House Foreign AfMrs sbccr.r.iitee cn human rights, quoted the report as stating that measures tdcen by the Chilean government under a state of siegs resulted in numerous violations of internationally recognized human rights. OMcer testifies on CBS's l?e&alf NEW Y0F.X A former intelligence oOcer testiSed Wedp.esdsy that he was given a job demotion for not following Gen. William Westmore land's "party line" on enemy troop strength in Vkir.rrm. Norman House, a colonel in charge of Army intelligence for northern provinces in 1S57, appeared for CDS television which is battling a $120 million libel suit by Westmoreland. House said that in August er early September cf 1957 he ordered by superiors to prepare a report showing the enemy was phasing back its troops in the area. "I researched all the documents I could lay my hands cit..ard could find absolutely no evidence to support the conclusion thai was pre determined," House said under questioning by CDS lawyer David Boies. When he reported this to his superiors, House said he was immediately transferred to another job with lesser responsibility. Westmoreland, who was commander cf U.S. forces in Vietnam, is seeking $120 million from CBS, claiming its 10S2 documentary defamed him by accusing him of deliberately undercounting the enemy to curry pciiticd fsvor and keep the war going. Tliree Mile Island Its illffS WASHINGTON Nuclear regulators Wednesday cleared a major obstacle standing in the way cf a decision on whether to allow a restart of one of two reactors at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant. In a 3-2 vote, the five-member Nuclear Regulatory Commission decided that no further public hearings will be held before it rules cn the restart question. The unit one reactor at the Middiefccwn, Fa., plant was ordered closed by the NEC after its sister trait was crippled in March, 1073, in the worst nuclear accident in history. General Public Utilities Corp., owner of the tee Mile Island plant, has sought for years to get restart approval, but the process has been mired in several lengthy hearings deding mostly with the company's Utteity and competence. NEC boards have yet to rule cn two issues, which have already been aired, dealing with whether operators at the ptesl we adequately trained and whether GPU President Herman Diectai? deliberately with held information on the accident. The NEC left mtdsddsd whether it would hold off on deciding the case before the two rulings are issued. .Pflnls U,S, ago in world marlict WASHINGTON A presidential commission warned Wednesday that American ousiness is felling the challenge of foreign 'competition and urged creation of a Cabinet-level department to promote research and development i Cpmsiission on Industrial Competitiveness, in a final report con eluded that the United States has ss years in its ability to meet t uiicrea a serious loss over tna m i 20 Ition. ine panel said a new Der&rtmftnt r.f s? p., ..m k estab ished as an MauthontaUve voice" within gweramcnt to promote and coordinate private research and development efforts. The report listed a series c, recommendations,- all intended to imprwe the way Antsrican m Perstfs in an increasingly competitive world economy. Most of tne recommendations .are compatible with President F.s."-an'8 ideas aout freeing private enterprise to regulatory hhteccs i-fj www J w JL? AiDo. AHIN.GT0N A test to screen blood for esposure to the dsdly iujM,rp is expected to be approved by the Food t?d DrjAdmiristra tisn in the nast tm ds. Apprs"El cosld ease anslsty emort blood .rH'jini no ay of screen!j5.2 den fcr i f-Mney tjuouvi, wacn Hi3 by oestrstath bvVg -, Hit e4 ao wul be avalsUe to cdYata fv'i JZ