The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1985, Page Page 19, Image 19
say-as? Artws- Thursday, February 14, 1G85 Daily Nebraskan Peg o 19 VIC XI N. To the bail roomie I could ank for Remembur tN TlNLS DAYI Tnw summer we-II novr forgat! Togas, Towsrs, Tyntisl The beth Party n comln' up! I know the number - Hello, s plaaiel Htsothemenlhstloveus , W?ntVuBr?r ' U"H,Ul '0f 'Uf phon bil11 Ortil picturss - Oh Yeahl Mondays squat 4 mors days 'till Friday! a it time to e uo yet? Let's wrile a novel on our lives! And to thirm it was sil fstet Lova ya, Lewta f A smell personal (first') to try b&t fileml. Thnks! Have Hippy Veltnime S Day! i love, Davit Bright Eyes I'm sorry I keep chasing rainbows In my mind. B Jt heyl Time Is on our side so why rush things? Your Sunshine P.3. Be my Valentine? 3 3 Sue. Renee, Hoses ae rd Violets sre vnite Super B s srs goat When you send the night! there is no one else I'd rslher welt for. Ste ya at mldrvghtll Love ya lots. Mark P S. Happy Valentine a Day!! 3: !KKO, Slfl f p. Chl-O, PI Phi, Phi Pl, i Won't you be our blocdy V -lieMinos? I Th Bleeding Htirti of AKAK Jarpe Tod and Kelly Happy Valentine's Day!! I wish you both tn bait of everything, Love, Jen Irfan. Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks for your help! To my Delirious Roomma-- Cslhy HW Binngiiy 10 yuui u jy, are w gcma to nave Dn tonight. Hoping to be p'etiy tranhi ,.tr mar ,tnta (el Chi Chi ?)! let's have a good ones! Your ,,ily real roommate iron Shelll. I hope we never run out of (KM) canfy hearts. Happy Valentine's Day. Love ya, Bruce Dan J (Pound 1014), 0$ Be Mine? 1 i i on fcruu, ruut t cji'srng oris. Amy L. (DO), Hive nPfy veiwusne uyi Doilfice, Would you? Could You? Be my Vslentlnel! love, J.A.P. 0 nbbie F.. One year, six months and 15 days! Lookout, tha cast is yet to come. I Love You an.d Happy Valentine's Day! Rob Snugglebunny Where's the ice bean? Forget tha lea. JuM be my ygientine. Love Youl Guess Who, H.K.P.a. Gertrude, May your burnt yet crispy erundias turn to the scent ot a thousand luscious rM rosa on this Valentine's Day. You too, Frank WflL. Let's have a terrific weekend! Happy Valentine's Day. Love Ya. SKM PS. Thanks! Dsn, Happy Valentine's Day! I lova you very much!!'! Diane V (Ink IOari Wishing you a Happy Velsnline's Day frcm Sidney. Mona. Stella and myself. With I was there to Ml vou how special you are and how much I LOVS YOU!!! Anne (Drew) Lisa Surprise! Happy Valentine's Day! It's been great these six months and will b (or many more. You're the best!! Love, Dave i rtatllisa Chamberlain G.. . he months together have bran terrific. You're such t vita! part tl my life, I know I could rsaver live without you. Happy Valentine's Day Sweetheart, never torgtrt how much i love you. Always, Leila Kathy H. (AXO) Happy Valentine's Day. I Love You!!! Stuart O. (SigEp) Paul(yoti) This personal's tor you but not from you. Have a nappy Valentine's day. You asemeti dasparat tor (and warn!) ma (not you!) f C7 Jr. Bacon and Mr. Cresmat jana. ' I You're both on tha chubby aid but thwj are plenty i f' ,one,y valentine hogs to pork to take it my wey you can get it. Have a VD party M Michelle. f i-my ,0l!y wi,ft ,0 b-Mai Vou slwayt remember I ft never forge? how special you era to m. Lev, always, Rick Li 1 ear Tracsv IJHappy valentine's DyUhem' mors toconte! I love 1 kMIGQ 1 .'viij. Hmlng was crest tmes wst to! yl-ma, anypisce a long as it s you. 'iu,.. . tova. A Not-so-Su Wit Admirer I ,t0u' tinted windows for your cw????? '!i Bill, have rsp dkate's tttat ywiH N th mwl hamfa&m siHLfB,y 0I'C U.N.U wiil iw i I'm . j and vw proud to t your sl fas1 Kit kiiftaiy Your TKE SwMtheart Susan Q, Happy Valentine's Day. I Love You So Muchlll Tom 3 Alpha Angels'! Hpy Valentine's Day. We Love Youltl Alpha Brothers c 5? Michelle (AOPi). Happy Valentine's Day from your ATO little bro. To the cute guy with iha cowboy hat and moustache: Haopy Valentine's Day! Keep giving those fantastic headlines. Your body copy is awesome. And your pica pole makes my pages burn. From the girl who loves to lay you out. Lettie. Here's to bairg enlivened with champagne! Love, Michael Scott Q. I'm really glad we met 'cause you're the greatest!! Se My Valentine? Erin B. , Patty & MariAnne. You guys are the greatest! Have a super Valentine's Dat Love Ya. Kelly Stan, (Harper S) Still Fickle? Qui aimez-vous?! Remember, there's more to live . . . wish I could show you. 8e mv Val-witlne? Gullible P.3. Still need a best friend? a' Btsy (KKG). Thanks tor being my Valentine for 3 years. I LOVE YOU! Adam (K. Sig) 4 Ruts, Fast and furious our relationship began, and ciill growing closer every day. You are everything I've dreamed of in a man. Togathsr forever we will stay. Sonya OS To my Pookie on Valentine's Day, There's something I have to make clear, Happy Valentine's Day, I love you! Let's make it another half year! Love, Subby Mike. Be my Vsilentins! And when you deride to be my valentine there Is a surprise In It for you. I wouldn't pass this up if I were you. Kaya P S. Ycu will bs nuking a big mistake if you spend Valentine's Day with someone else. r Sherte YY. (AXO). Happy Valentine's Day. I have a heart for you! T.K. To: Our big broilers who gave us the male stripper. Hre's to you, remember: Mr. T and lingerie (on Halloween) Ktotrtoser , . . Bock'n New Year's Eve Brskotfancing Pest blower (trumpet) on campus The Encounter . . . Wanna certs? Cookies a".d the first date kiss Uid.w partis . . . (orca sounds) liberal A- B Mi-y Lou and .Tiseing teeth M & M's supplier Pnsifv much . . . why? Hey good look'nl Trpils Mistie toe nd F beries he men parttee lncrirfiin:!rtjj photos What Heiing Bt bd on compus Piza Inn Bobbin with Rohbin Honaid and his smli hie taxusl Trivia - Ciilpmunk Punk Bsta Thsat who fk5as8ags Pieylng in the snow Bodysi&mming Greg VidtfO patis at &hr-t' Kpm Vshmtlne't Day! Ws lev you. you're She bss! (boy) friends wa ve eer Your 4 faithful Squeeze-me'sl c Doug K. Happy Valentine's Day!! I love you always and forever ... Love ya. Jen You are the on wito mkt ma happy. P.J. You have made an effective "shot" at my heart. Happy Valentine s Day! JR To: Kirsten 0.. Gale Z., Doors T.. Dorothy E.. & Lis B. A Valentine's wish for five paople I cue too much about to ignore. XXX Big Brother 3r Pally (FH). I hope you have a super Valentine's Day! I'm glad I'm sharing it with you. You're so spacinM I love youlll Your Woomen Sherry W. & Gail E. (AXO's) Be My Valentine? Love, Horsie F. Kim. Hey Sexy! Wanna be my Valentine? You won't bs aorryll Love you tons and tons and tons . . . Love, Rick A c Tft all Iha 4YrV. 1 Be our Valentine, forever and ever. From the Hashers with Love. a Navigator Women, We think you are just great. I wish they all could be Navigator girls. Have a Happy Valentine s Day. The Nav' Guys PERN ELL. Here's to our fifth Valentine's Day together each one keeps getting better. I love you. Your girl, Kim Melba, Be my Valentine? Love, David Deb.. You're a really special woman. Wanna b my Valentine? 4 Love You, Kelly LLS. You're still the cnei! BDF Glow Worm Head You are my Number one Erdlen Love. Happy Valentine's Day!! Love, Number 15 To all of my super friends at Amiga's: Hsppy Vsleritine's Day. Transmission Karen. Jitl Anne: Better and Better We'retsrowing closer day by day. With the talks, cuddles, kisses and hugs. We're partners in passion through phone calls snd litters. i Each time I see you, I'm mo?t in lova. Our lasting love is better and better. I love you, Lt. Sullivan 4P rsr Burt. Thanks for all the great times and the many more to comei Happy Valentine's Dayf Love, Stink Mike H. (DTD). Happy Valentine's Day, Whitford! I'm so glad you're mine. I love you, Earbiero LI-2 C. (Phi Looking forward to the great times ahetd, 90 wont you fee my Vienane. Doug C. (Gather 3 CornhuskV) Vioibts are blue. KetirasK is special. And so are you. P S. You're forgiven Lorl. The Okie To: Julie. Brandi. Mary Jo Ells. Connie. Mary. Colieen. Karen, Stacy and Lisa. Wiii you be my Valantine? Love. Tim Sweets. Have a Heppy Vrientiiie's Day! Love, Hartan 0 ATO LITTLE SISTERS Happy Valentine's Day! Kathy K. (KKG). You're our special Valentine! Your Twin Brothers DMD, I missed you. Let's try again! Love. LAC Dana S. (723). N Let the Hawiian tide sweep you off that Table Rock and into my arms. Onad McKoob CO 1 V SHEEP IN A BAIGI We love your tskull. Love, Skulls Fred- I don't need to look through G.Q. magazines to find a good looking man. I already found you! Lovo, Myrtle rv Susan. ' Your mom really doesn't pay me. REO! Love, Jim CoriL. Theoretically. I think our gametes ere compatabie (Be mine!) Ejjora Stove O. & Stewart G. (SAE), Happy Valentine's Day to the sweetest big and little brothers evert 4 Love ya! Leigh Thank you to ail my old flames. Yours, Polka Koop Ruth (Sandoi 7), Would like to go cut sometim. Mike, (Rob's friend) c2 De!, Happy Valentine's Day to someone special, i love you. Rick To my love and my best friend, The meaning you have brought to my life and the place you hoid in my heart ct.mot be expressed In words, but if I could it would be love you. D.J. Once you were very, very special. Today vou are my world and everything in it. I love you vory, very, much . . . Happy Valentine's Day, Love. Dale P S. Will you please be my Valentine? c 5? Shurl N. (Pearl) , r Heppy Valentine's Day Lit' Sis. Love Alan B. (SAM) Sweats, Lisa P. To the world's lovliest Valentine. You've made me the happiest man in the world. You're my Inspiration, and no one r.sds yoj more than I. Love, Joff To the whole DN Start; I want to give you a big, wet, kies. Love yoi1 forever. Your head ed. To the cuie girl who quacks .. a duck: I'll bing my pica pole, you bring your propc.tion wtiei, hit's do some layout. Love Ed Vendo Mich&nl OsrrsL Ycy're o cuts I just want So tptvk you. Hsppy V-smino' Day. Wk (SN) ON Dar.: A poeni from your secret admirer: Dan the man, With your cute little can I want to throw you in the sand, it would be grsnd. Verse 2: You're so big and so strong, For you my heart lurgs, So sing me your song Here where you belong. In my arms, rich or poor, Right or wrong. Dave M (DTD), Happy Valentine's Day) i Leva you . . . Jesnctte (AZiD) Christopher R. W. (SAE) Have a jolly good Valentino's Day. Love, The Oversea D.G. Dear Joe (KE): Thanks for savon wondarful months! Have a great day and remomber t lova my Snugglebunnyt Lisa Mike S. (Omaha) I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day. I'll be thinking of you even though we're apart!! Love, Sharl N. Phil H. Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite Red-shirt. Mac Rum. Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you'll be my Valen tine!! Sheryl Shelly S. (DG) My ntrne has ten letters . . . I enjoy snow skiing and weigh 170 lbs Sheily's secret sweet (TKE) P.S. Have an awenorne V-day. see ya at ten. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY DUDE! Have I told you in the last 5 minutes? I mu GDFL! It is! And I'm yours! I'm glad it was fa Yeah! Thanks for being psSient would ya?! I Love You Y s Jesnatte P. (Tri-Dertal T Perkiness, Bulldogs, and Milk: The three ingredit of a Netti-Dult Valentine's Day come true. Jt Neocy Tomorrow Is our semi-annual and I Love You!! -Tk. Magic Rat. Cupid told me he's shooting one heck of an arrow into your little heart t neon today. His prescription: ettt 7 MAM's and ksa a certain blonde at least 7 times by midnight tonight. Happy Valentine's Day! Hugs and kisses, ' "61 Betsy P.S. I m on fire! Louie, , Happy Valentine's Day! Join me in ward 357. Bring siralghtjecket! XX 00, Cathy Kyle (DTD) Happy Valentine's Davit Low your litt; "a!, Tina it r ., . Here a the e-T rosea y-j anf'.-d :': P?" r ' : ? t 1 OOPS!! Fofjstt.i.-s. g.?4 you'll h" at'j st until nest year. T.O. I !UeVo:.;!K::2 I love you, Mark