The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1985, Page Page 17, Image 17
Thunrd.v, February 14, 19S5 Daily Nebraskan Pago 17 " whara r yoi bn th Pl yer7 I mia ycut Hippy Vin!ir 0y Uovs, O B. Advisor Courke, Hepjy Valentino Cay! Tnank for all your help" Your loving ton WarkW (FH) The hot Padre Sun would Iov your reeeading haitliP almost much tva I C it Sig'i up now lor the PADRE ISLAND trip tutor it ft too late1 Mom Hudson L. 4 it a.-, TYPING . I! 'nClud';n9proo,,,(ji"a -K551.e.m. 8 p.m. 7 days a weak. Maynard' Initiation Rg 8 VogueGQ FUN Omaha Kansas City? Who a Stock anyway? Boo3oo YOU WRITE -f TYPE . ' Ik' " need - ,,om "" PP' to resumes, choice of word procewer or IBM Seieetrie typ.wr.taf. Low prices. Contact Bern?c. 474S MakajSiiS Ee i tutor. Advertise your services with ieU Ml you " CUM"'e1 'd 472 2588 ,nd Typing needed? Call Barb, 466-6290. . MUSIC EXPRESS Specialists in wedrfing and school dances. Call 477 ZS'36 for your brochure. Pcrtcer V.'crd Prccs3$!nj3Typlj!3 W?y r- ef 4M-7057 Typed on computer with bt lattar quality printer. All pajes proofread. Minor corid-ction and editing by experienced teacher with MA in English. Free storage o! your manuscript on ttia for quick, easy revision. Reasonable rates! Resume compostlon Word processing class papers, theses, dissertations, books, letters. Am 464-0775 TYPEWRITERS RENTAL SALES SERVICE BLOOMS 323N. 13th 474-4136 L i V&LZUTiy.Z'Z DAY SPECIAL 0c:c3 $37.CC fzr Cozzn, $10.75 f;:r half cbxen, C!n!:3 C3.50, C:!!ccn Bouquets 10.C3 p:r dczen. CsEt to reserve yours 47S-1123 or 474-CC30: Ws deliver! . GIFTS. GIFTS. GIFTS Cliff's Smoke Shop 12C0 "O" St. GAME GAL-RY TOURNAMENTS TROPHIES Every Monday Video Sports Every Friday Football Stop mat 14th & "Q" For details and registiation 475-6525 Bring this Ad in tor one Ire token. One ad per person. I CAY 8TC tr.df.tX'i CUWSJ February 17-21 (Sun. thru Tlturs j from 7-9 Qj PM in theSick Multi purpose Room. For r7;trlion information call that Community Halth Dept. at 472-50,0 or com to the o'f c next to the Mulli-Purpoee Room between 81 00 daily. WHAT A SUPER VALENTINES DAY PHEScNTIH "Espresso" your love wit gift box from the Coffee Trader. Open tonight till 9 00, Sky-walk level Atrium. 477 2015 r LOST. Pearl ring with 2 diamonds, one on each side. If found call Karen 0.. 474-9213 Reward. LOST: Wed. 10 20. Brown tcntt r Kalian glove (7 12) between Woods and C3A. 472-9341. iff Farmhouse Frat. Who loves ya? We do!! Thanks so nnjch for a super job at Feb. 9 party. Frtenrfa o( Phillip Jy V V Vfu. Brian, Since true perfection is found only once, you are much more special to me than I could aver express in words. Happy Valentine's Day! Love Always, DiOi Janet A. (Gamma FN) Have a great Valentine's Day. You're a great frinnd. Love ya. K G. 1$ r JAPS. Surprise! I couldn't resist. Would you be my Valentine? Please? Your "Bum" P S. Don't forg6t I'm madly in love with you. Dick. Roses are red. your eyes are gray, I'm lusting for you, this Valentine's Day. M P S. The tub's waiting!!!!! f ("Vx Tracy VV. (KAT) Happy Valentine's Day. You're a real sweetheart. Love Ma VP DeAnn. happy Ya.entin's Cay. I love you so much, ysu msan the world So rr,. . LcvaBrid Jane K. (G Phi B), Won't 'cha b my Valentine? Thinking of ya . . . D. Svoiski V Joe. Thank you for ail the wondarlul times we've shatsd. tou re very special to me Love you, 'Doll Faca x 6 Janet M. (DG) yo'uTs ,r9sh,nan ana mY hometown w 30 mi:es from Yoi:r TKF. Sweetheart Stacy E. (KAT) Day my on,w l,r hope you have a happy Valentine's Love. Big B.'O i K'mmer, IT, r Ftoppsr, Happy Va!entine's Deyl Be mine. LOVE YA! P.S. I thought Td go for originality. Harvey. Happy Valentines Day Stud! K.C. here we coma -Yeah! Love ya, Prieda To the BLUE PENTHOUSE foies. Happy Valentines Dby you guys! Love ya. Dona Mul Broom Hilda. Luv & Kisses Priscilla JOMrS GOME, BUT THE DREAM LIVES 0m T.K. You are simpiy the BEST!! Thanks for everything. B.K. Dnrlene D. I cherish every moment we spend together. Love. Scott H. Amy (AOTT) CA Roses are red, Violets are blue. Hafipy Valentine's Day From all of us to you! . Love Ya, Scott, Cassie, Chelsea V .A Marcv. Ycu will always be the only one for me. Happy Valentine's Day! Love Always, Rod Kitty (KAT) You're a doll. Thanks for being my personal Ann Landers. Happy Vals Day. Love Ya. Me Dear Sua. Happy Valentine's Day Love Dave To ail the men we have loved, Happy Valentine's Day! XXX 000 The Women of 914 GQ. Deep down, we know it's for real! Thanks for waiting. Love, 33 4 Dana Sue, Trvinks for all the wonderful times and for always being so beautiful. (But I guess that's just natural) Love ya always, Mark 19 Ray, My heart belongs to you. Happy Valentine's Day. Shelby Acacia Men, To the guys with the biggest hearts Happy Valentines Day ! Shelby (ftp Paul Hanpy Valentine's Day, Sweetheart. I Love You! Brenda Bill M. Happy Birthday !! Hope your birthday is as special as you are. Love ya, Kathy Mv heart was True, when I said I liked you! Linoell AngieP. (DG) Clue 2 Roses are Rod Violets are Blue There's a good chance That I'm shorter than you! George Your TKE Sweetheart Betas, Thanks for being our special voluptous Valsntines! We had a great time. Kappas Paul M.. Jeff M.. John F., Welcome to Lambda Chi Alpha!! Your Brothers We're not Hmtolcgiis We're Party-Goers! "Be My Bloody Vacant!.- in (5 Phi Kappa Psi Kappa Kappa Gamma Pi Beta Phi Sigma Phi Epsilon Chi Omega Acacia Dear Sue Happy Birthday Love Dave Chris E. KKG Can't wait till we go South. You are hard to get a hold of. 50) Richard. Thanks for all of the special years. I hope you'll always be mine. Love, Jan 1 Getting Attached, Thanks for everything, it's been great! Happy Va!entine's Day! Keep attached, and I'll see ya toni jht. Jay B. thanks for a great yeart I love you! Haepy Valine's Day! , . . Love Always, Kristin Loveyduck. . You'rahot. You're awesome You're fine. Won't you be my Valantine? Love You Loads! Babycakes G0 Dana W. (DG). Thursday night: Look for the cardinal cause he'll be flying" II he don't meet you soon, he'll be dyin" (me too!. Happy V-pay, Your secret sweetie Paul(AGR) Happy Valentine's Day and anniversary too! Love you1! Carol XXOO Sandi S. You're the GREATEST sister around. Happy Valen tine's Day. Carol XXOO Coke What would I do without you . . . Love ya! Pepsi Yogi, f ha picnic is on m.! Happy Vaiantins's Day! Love, Boo Boo Weiner (AOTTt To my favorite Ne Active. Happy V. Day. P.S. Do you wittle 4 r P Lisa (narly one). Here s that Valentines Day personal that you never got. Have a wonderful and remember work with me baby. An anonymous photographer Audrey, Today is the day, "Typewriter Day!" Happy Valen tine's Day!! Be Mine. Shorty Sherry B. (Goldon Heart) Roses are green and so is my spleen You're my new little sisier Isn't that keen? Green Eyes 3 5? Happy Valentine's Day to the most important hearts of all, the Goldanhearts of SPE. Love. SIG-EPS Rhonda, Just a Valentine's Personal to say thanks for all the good times. You're truely something special. Daryl Maggie, Locking forward to Saturday night. It'll ba a great time. Happy Valentine's Day!) Love. Tim ..fa 1500 ' ; f :. Happy Valentine's Day. Darling! I love you! T100 3 Chinase Girls: .... Happy Valer,i?ne's Dwy! Virgil Panky-Pound II. Don't know what you think of the buddy system, but I think it definitely has potential. So what do you say should you fee my valentine? Parky P.S. Hey Jim & Mike what do you gei when you cross a sorority girl with a Valentine? ! don't know either, but Ernie says they deserve it! Karen H. Thanks for the most wonderful time of my life. Happy Vaiantines Day. I love you. Love', Brandon From (Psu!) me. To mysalf throughout campus. ! hops i have a Happy Valentine's Day. I remember; all the times I Ve had with myself. Rsmembw: The Paris The Ducka Thewaikwe took Of course we took the walk after we tied up the live duck and threw it in the fire we built in the shelter. I hope I hava more times like that. Love. Paul (me) Wendy (ADPi). Since it is Valentine's Day.' Since you have been my toughest competition ao far. and since out of the goodness of your "Heart" you aikad me to your paity. even though I soundly WfnaterJ you just a few weks ago, I feit you deserved this Valentine's Day personal. Looking forward to tomorrow night. - Dad To my wife Cathy. Happy Valentine's Day! It's our first since we've bean married. We will have many more together in our life ahead. Richard To the Officer, Like HAPPY VALENTINES!!!!! From the AAAAA Where, oh where did my reindeer go? Gulp! To: Charles, Tammi, Ret and Val Roses are red, Corn is maize Happy Valentines Day To you all in Hays. Love, Dad & Mom Paul (you-not-me) Have the best Valentino's Day ever. How about a nice bottle of wine and a quiet dinner with yourself? Your heart is true to yourself. Us, (not you) Chakasari There's a vacancy love don't live here anymore. American Express says your account is delinquent. So cut out the private dancing and 1st us feeM for you. Madonna's Dedicatees i.e. Your Real Friends 6? Kellie S. and Jane T. (A-PHI'S), Hope you both have a very special day. Let's go on a study break sometime! SigEp Your Big Brothor Ann K. (D G.) I'm from Omaha, I like to ski, blow off school, and watch Scoobie Doo. Looking forward to meeting you. Your Secrat Sweet' (TKE) Joe! AGR1 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY Your Secret Valentine Goll, May our differences continue to keep us together. Many Kisses, Sally Chris & Scott, What the . . . ? A Valentine personal for Chris and a personal (yea his first) for Scott! It rules! Happy V.D. Deanna NEVER SAY NEVER You are the EEST Valentine on campus (among othe things.) - Deader Vern, To the bestest study-partner: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! P.S. Bestest friends don't send Bob signs. Suez fS Lisa F. (A-Phi), "But it you tame me, then we shall need &ch other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I .shall be unique in all the world .'. . You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed." , The other half of me. Susan (AGR Little Sister) Here's to: The cleanest apartment on campus, ugly pajamas, Risky Business, Shades, and fur coats, excellent cooking (Lean Cuisine), taking pictures of the other roommates, luxurious automobiles. Have a Great Valentines Day! The 2nd Roommate To the Goat Waver, Smarty Bouncelot and Dimplss: You're the bestest gang ever. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! The Original Lush Tan & Kim, To the cestsst G.t. road-trippers & 12:00 Broker busters: Have a MASSIVE Valentines Day! Sue To the Chief. Let's run away and leave them quacking. your cute little can Darcy D. (Garnma Phi) Congratulations on NSD! We know you will do a terrific job! Your G Phi Sisters Mike P Clark P., (FH), Happy hearts day you cut'es! I'm watching you! Love, Your Secret Sweetheart P.S. I'll tsll you who I am if you "tempt me!" Shorty, Just wishin' you a happy Valentine's Day!! "Liza, Rastus and Me P.S. Have any typing for me to do? L0V8. t;oiiy