The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
Thursday, February 14, 1085 Daily Nebraskan v - i v. .' u ft i ..TJTT WTl (3 Vi ft- sirs h i I 1 V-V tJ fc 1 M e.l 1 JUL LIN VJ Penis off" the competition!!! V J.J. Ctcls, l?c.d far Head East Head East shakes the walls, thrills Royal Grove crowd . By Troy Park Stiff Eej-arter The lights at the Royal Grove Nile Club dimmed the smoke-filled dance floor Tuesday as excited fans rushed to the front of th3 si?-e. Hie group Kidd Blitz had just finished playing its two hour set and excited the crowd for Head East, the headline act. Members of the band cense on stage and the roar became louder. The band tore into its first number, which thunders fourth from the huge Marshall stacks flanking both sides of the stags. Head East had arrived. Head East is currently on a Midwest tour promoting its soon-to-be released album, "Choice of Weapons." According to keyboardist and group-leader Eager ' Boyd, the tour has been an excellent chance to break in new members lead vocalist J J. Steals, bass player Kurt Hansen and guitsrist Matt Stewart. Drummer Steve Houston co-founded the band with Boyd in the eariy '70s. The current lineup has played together for bout one year. Head Esst hss recorded eight albums, the most popular cf ?;hkh is the group's debut effort, "Fist As A Pan cake," in 1975. The band elso has enjoyed hit singlts such as "Lcvs Me Tonight," "Since YoiVs Been Gone" and "Never Been Any Besson." Head East met the crowd's expecta tions; The shew 'was loud Easily hz The incredible volume gave the feod's hai'd-driviRg scrj an added intensity as the group crashed from mm scitg into the next J J. Steele's lead veeds mA stage presence' propelled the group's in tensity even fsirt&. With one. foot propped 0Ti a monitor, dressed in tight . red sp&ndex pants and a Mick and white stripped vest Steele's gwgst drenched face reminds cue of Van KaJen's David Lee loth. Steele is an excellent fronlman. Other new members Stewart and Hansen also stand out. Hansen's bass lines shook the floor, walls and ceiling. Stewart is an excellent guitarist. The biggest response (and big it was) from the crowd of about 500 came when Steele announced that the band would play its biggest hit single "Never Been Any Reason." The people went wild and so did Head East. i! . I o m 1 M " Vw ,, 3 i: i t" ( I i i r r I Nobody, even comes close- to the Curtis Matkes'Rent-to-Own Prices! Tr T 7T r .9" TV Portable sa 25" Console m a1 1 i lllfl'?lfi, QnN Don't Miss This Exciting 'Retail Event of the Year. THURSDAY-SUNDAY Gateway Shopping Cellar 1st 8s "O" Lin-:1a f1MT T7 Air A Tf AWV1? Al. Entertainment tfV.Ztz) ? CURTIS MATHES Center ereo 'Their Prices May Vary Slightly from store to store. Comparison List Available. 467-5555 Call Immediately For Best Selection. 443 N. 48th Lincoin, NE. (Just North of -Target) nn S deai( for r'wuti I HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 4 little more expansive... but worth it. J PADRE ISLAND What's the difference between the Banzai Pipeline and the Sand Dollar Hotline? . .. " They're tc.:h hsk. But the Pipe line is a high-risk surfing spot, white the SandDollar HolUna is a risk Free rental reservation number. If you're going to vacation on South Padj-e Island, call our toll fret Ho&Line number to rent a condo minium unit or to order our free Island Rental Information Packet. in Texas, call l-SO)-S27-C294 and out of 7e2s 1-8QQ-S31-4541. On the island, ca!i (-512) 543-7557. Of vMSe to PO. Box 2163, South Padre Island, lexas 73597 1 ,N ' f i I I I TpfFpFTl j, 1 1 1 j j r H J . 11 C lL II t" I ,--. u Sly , I I I 1 v : OF Trie ..llflC- .. --n 1 V' AfiM OH. I i ro ui-r hhr nlOVSS, SCOttKJ Q Qtt. , I coldwey fz t -t :::v.valk level - cemtrum" cs coio tr-t 11" ! i h-i 1 j Pago 1 1