The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1985, Page Page 8, Image 8
Wednesday, February 13, 1935 Pcgo 8 Daily Ncbraskan MAKE I I. l .111. .111111 ra nun. 11 I (lltlllll! iitiuiil I ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M M 1 1 ! 1 1 ! nihil ..1. ft i I t k . V .V" 1 i t 1 V" IK ' X f s LA- f ..... ; I r.sio by Dsn UuSsnr Capitol BaiMiEU femrgaMe Sos Ellen Ostrsadcr cxpkkss era of the history f the cssitol to the fosxth-srsds cl3 cf Ilcty Oz Electestssy Scbcol cf Os&s&a. IllllllHlJ lllillliJ lilllllllJ 'l J 'Future legislators' explore state capitol's marble halls By Ann Lowe SZ&St Eeportsr The state capitol gets pretty busy ft TKat'a Jnct 'oucfl nf all Hip mnnov " The childrert seem to have a?, idea 01 A UUV OJUkJH VtoWUV V v v ) r his friend Kevin Capece says. hovv things work. Bat some facts get The children follow Ostrander from cone this time of year. Legislative aides oni a hftnAM nf nPAnt .hpmnAc "Oh, no. They're taking us to the shuffle piles of paper as senators shuf- Some children stick close to the guide, Supme Court. I'm innocent " fie from the unicameral floor to meet- a,i,in, mmo nitionc ntw ism Ostrander asks the children who d rooms- behind, paying little attention. their state senator is wm W9nH thmnh th mar. "They get tired," says teacher Salva- ' . -b'his have never seen the cap itol tore c- Sampugnaro. "Discipline gets Kerrey," one ciuia says. c.8 naus nave never seen mo ttiiui r r miPst or.s rnnt niuv Hn Runrerne f before. But they are there for a reason, to be a problem sometimes. Eut they Cwrt ude? w v wto? whv ara thpre ! Theyjust might be senators themselves really enjoy it." Sofffl y t one day. Sampugnaro likes the field trips too. - Some 50 fourth-graders from Oma- Ha's been taking his classes to Lincoln A. . . . . w . 1 ha's Holy Cross School are visiting the tot four yesrs. The cMldren learn a lot uu?",ucl 3 UUUf " ' UiC ctpttol for their annual field trip to by seeing the places .and things they Usicoln. read about in school, he said. ?02S? VSC ud8an ly'8 cr n?e t(? top, but Ostrander promises the chiid- Ahout 450 school groom tour the Teacher Virdnla Holm agrees. HoLv ren they can see the top if they ccr.:3 capitol each year, tour gsiide Sue Ellen Cross fourth-traders learn Nebraska back 1th their parents. ll Ostrander said. Ostrander and four history and government. Thatosirs help "You guys have been really good," other guides lead public tears daring make their lessons mora interesting, sne says in parang. 1 nope aa 01 my j- DRAPE YOU R SWEETHEART! IN DIAMONDS AND fl LUXURIOUS MK GOLD, i V. I WVJI IIWIII VA VI.WIWII W! ' I I I w 1 1 w pendants in many different styles. Now at 30' off their regular . advertised price. Remember your Valentine with a diamond pendant from Brodkey's Jewelers,. v s I Wo pzr rzz?s rr rpz n r nzn fa If- l. -E iy - E L E H S most of the year every hour in the shesajd. winter and every nan nour in tne . summer. Fortified with facts from an informa tion manual, the guides lead these groups on hour-long tours of the Capit ol's main halls and legislative and Supreme Court chambers. Normally adorned in uniform plaid jumpers and blue slacks, the Holy cross students wear jeans today. Some are chewing gam. Several are carrying old Instamatic rameras from home. The children sit in a circle on the marble floor, gasing at the vestibule as f Ostrander points to murals and Vene tian marble pillars. "Each one weighs 15 tons. Can f anyone tell me how many pounds that is?" Ostrander asks. jj A hclf-dczcn hands shoot up. . . "Thirty thousand," a blond boy 1 aasfers. - ' Very good," Ostrander says, "WMt a smart group ycu are." I groups are so goes, "1 "MEET THE BRODKEY BOYS. . .WEAR DIAMONDS' Centrum-Skywalk Level member: Jewelers of Rmerlca ymsemmmemsmgmm f r ; ? i ! (t t If j ft i i ; n '( 1 f 1 , & 1 n I t J i i The children ask questions., too. Lets cfthea. How iasay peopb dees it take to clem the capitol? Two shilb cfcjsta dusss c8H the builiisg ccch for eight hours & day. . - . S- 1 I'M' U that red gold on U19 ceilisg? .Yes,, bat it's net solid geld. It's csSe'd gsld leet - . - gsa th cspitci fcercrsEs ssys he likes ths dc-ms the best "becauss it's a Klca colcr it's gold." Edsa ssys he might like to be a