The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1985, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, February 13, 1985
t Daily Nebraskan .
The meeting mill be at 3 p.ra. In the Public Folky" at ID ira. Feb. 22 at
Nebraska Union. " " Nebraska Wesleyan University.
UNL Chancellor Martin Massengala
will be the Sf gma XI scientific honorary
society's speaker tt the Ltaccln Cop
ter's meeting Thursday.
Massengale's topic will be "The Role
cf Eciar.ce tr.i Cssearch in Nebraska."
Sigma XI is an honorary society for
students v. La have majored in the
sciences. It is the t-.'y s-irty hi K::th
America dedicated to research in fill
the sciences, both paw and applied.
The society v.i:i celebrate its lOCth
aanhmary in 1SS3.
James ESsser, two-time Pulitzer Frtia
winner, will speak en "Joansallsm and
Rlsser is Washir.on, D.C., bureau
chief for the Dcs Moines Register. He
end his wife, Sandi, will be Woedrow
WUscn Visiting Fellows at Wcslcyan
University Feb, 17 through 22, parti
cipating in class discussions, public
programs and informal gatherings.
,-ndi RIsssr is "assistant director cf
public affairs for the Leagu cf Women
Voters in Washingioa
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7C1 Ccurt Shet
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of deceit in
WASHINGTON - A b'rrtlrn c;
WASHINGTON - A t'rrti;:.! ccrc." :-.vj c ::. ? Fi:::i:y reused
the Beas atfstir.:str;tica cfd:eth.4.r;,-T.::::.v 1 c . ; :t e.3 U.S. nUlitary
rot la JfcU Safcsder, a chr-s ths al:.L-.::trr
T.;s rc?c:t by a fcr? ci L'.-:cri::: t'ii:;-....:i cr.rc:;-ga
said P.ea2aa8 strtrry r.e.t c:r.L'.u:i b tl.-.i ccur.try It
accaed tha adsn!t!:tnica cf c;:r.r.r: r. . U.D. r; I f:-;3 f;rr.tan
nurr?eses and cr f sccr '.r r a I.:-': uu n. r-;r ,1 ir
But Steie Departr.:nt t-zczzr-z. Fcrnrrd Hi' : c c-i -.3 zz&zzim
cur sirse m Li i-jizzzt n cv:r.;..c.r.:r: y r..;: x'" scid th
aGmlK5trsuon fcaa ret cxcccr.;a i..e cn k.u r.....::.7 trHr.c-3 and
that the ether American rJlitary people in Ci Gsli-Edor were Marine
guards, embassy staff and members of medical tsass. Ka sad Congress
Had approved $321 million for eccnomic aid to El SaMor this year
compared to $123 million for military aid and the adainiatration has
asked $351 million in economic arid $1 33 million in allliary aid r ?xt year.
The report, by the bipartisan Concessional Arms Gcntrpl and Disarma
taent Caucua, is an indictment of U.S. involvement in the Sahradoran civil
war, lsfdch has cost Washington billions since 1SS0." It sap that the
adminiatration, contrary to its assertions, has invested most of the U.S. aid
in military uses rather than economic reforms, that it has almost twice the
number of military advisers in the co&ntry as the 53 it has assured
Coitjrccs were assf there, that it is er.csurrcir j a lU; ped up air
war in El Salvager.
M&2 eayo enemy niiralj 2ra cllsred
NEW YORK A former' aide to Gen. William Westaoieisnd said
Tuesday he lowered figures on the size of,eneiny strength in Vietnam
because the U.S. Vietnam war commander said the tree higher total was
.-'politically unacceptable.';
In some of the most damshur testlmonv vsl ta WftstmismiRnd'a 'i.m
that he was libeled by a (DBS television decumentsry, Cob Gates Hawkins
said both Westmoreland and his intelligence chief, Gen. Philip
Davidson, told hha to conceal the higher figures. Hawkins, who was in
charge cf preparing enemy troop estimates called the Order cf Battle, said
he presented the altered figures at a meeting at Ceitrd Intelligence
Agency headquarters near Washington in August 1SS7 even though he
believed them to be "crap."
Westmoreland is suing CDS for $1 20 million, ssyteS it libeled Mm in the
10S2 documentary "A Vietnam Deception: The Uncounted Enemy" by
claiming he deliberately underestimated the size of enemy troops poised
egalast. the United States arid its allies. :.
' Eeagan cdntinueo'ST7arb push ;
NEW YORK President Reagan was quoted Tuesday as saying he '
intends to press ahead with Ms Star Wars anti-nuclear missile .research
'project no matter what the result of upcoming talks between Secretary of
State George Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei' Gromyfco.
In an interview with the New York Tines. Fier- rsds it clear his '
jpa ce Based Defense plan rsJi not be a bar gainirg chip is the Geneva "
talks, and said the research priest wmU ccr.tL.-i3 if the two
superpowers agreed to limit thair r.uI. ar errs c-idt y.
Policemen char jed In GandM death :
NEW DELHI, India - Two Indian paliccnaa trJ a r:vcrr.r,ar.t ccial
were formally charged Tuesday with murdcrirti FifcB riirhter Indira
Gandhi, the Press Trust cf India said.
The news agency said a Delhi ma istrate w:r.t ta Ls r:;:sn v. here the
three men were being held to irni them cf t:.: which also
included conspiracy to murdc. The tkee men, all SikhjsTwara nar ! as
oatwant Singh and Balbir Singh, both pollcar.;?. ard KtiuSlA a civil
servant. v n
feS.lnF'1,'8 io-Jis, was i:;:rzi trJ tt$ accomrlice.
assault cn the Golden Temple at Amritsar i-t J
extremists figMirg for a separate 'i;h sts.
U.S. agency oeelis Soviet air time :
5 f 2S? ?s!d:nt H: , to r !lv.:3 the '
sesior i ..m L , .5;r!-i f 'J s n E0.a
Cteenko would be allowed to r.cip.-acatj ty a'." . ::: ": r.Ar
In the letter to Soviet information c::f Lc- i V
ovuauie'nssonandmtheSo''-'l'T 1 , . '-!
away to a fair challenge and lYif 3 hp' y lS I V t
contest of ideas with th! USsM " 4
KfdfJ Qastloring from repcrtan V r' i
authonty to ensure tht U S tr lV.?r . ? t;3 r'JV
a Soviet leader's speeS
Brezhnev und f. n i r 4 v J l- u w 3. . tl. . i U -
..! J.
reshnev and former Frssicient Ki-n -;
-vmw c"a J-J qr mutual acccri-
-W V . ,
e.:t H;:t J-, Ud; Hr-; - - :V;"I:y
b:i inrrri "- 1. -ri te
tt;. ":rr;r a c J?-rti in t.3 iii-j c:-, , v,: . ; ;;;; ;, ;1