PfiGO 0 Tuesday, February 12, 1CC5 Daily Nofaraskan f ' fi ""9 S Tl TB Ef: 1? "Tit -"J i" 4$? jf" ""a jfflei W" f s UiSIUjll USLglOs ZlVVd,lb x n started." The EuSTdoes dso are tryiaj to got Nebraska men's tad vsreraca's feci- f:r,i3 lcrj strtik last irsdBj la ketbali teams trad to Colorado Wei- &s'.:r usa th?y to Etaie. Rcsdtj n!i for what eodd be the Its t: j that plrjir-j trt the Ed3 meet feapoiast gas-as cf their cos- 't t the EvortsCcr-f :r.a3 Ccaiarrsa't tora serosa. - . ts t-.yr;!:r teI.V,r::!:a than lUas ilea's Ccsch Vat lbs, rhe tssia at teC.3C!:r::. tho rashly prc:3 teasbeta ikria?, "Cc!:;a !; t ;a t :a r !7ir.S vcnrcll said the gatse ti th-s feSloes mid laE:.:i Ihasa!! 4Vair tea &p csir.EqrwiiarpffCiVss;caiiJtraa put s little eot esphisb on the Nebraska psse. We're gala to Rted e "The Cclor&b fS5S3 i3 VCHl VSrV l!tt! st? rf?f;rlw k R.-Ef tepcrtsat for us bscsuss ws cesd to . lbs said the Elg Eit is & fcdnctd gst cm Erst read ia I'd pt sonsetbinj coafercace this sasssa. MAay. tesra la this ccrisrcacs Is to 3 cvt cf p?clf tad got m issay the to? four cr Cvo ia ths cc:.5c,w enable of bestirjtay olhsrto,M Its vktcrto ts psibit by the end cf the WiltM. crca rrcMerj." Vvtlls the Kusksr mea try for thr cviisat cf it, luil tziz, tuc nr.u;c:3 liters :!:d 0s EJcos i-c:ad iria t?i!a:t Ccisndj, the ebjUthsircctrrcs SKTcfiessalaUasalla c5.Vf t:a hcj:s to brctk t to rivsjs. fddiSdfew3th3fc--st.3cf js l'n t 6vcr.:s t C3-S3 "hebdy la the ccafeupc5 U the r-r.3, but tiicd thit cr.s iscs to the Uiy Eu!:. b Uaccia rJ&zi us this S;J tr.i jist d:dds the catccas cf the rest cf mtzt &h utzsx "V Jast lost itss red the 225. ' laettCcbio'aEiiatesa brsLxcrs.- ' ' 'Wrenststocatocurbhst- r.4 Usi VwGocr centred !of U Cr,a cf the pt a bsll tea tad tsy, 'Hey, you to ts ida poists. Nstrka Coach Kelly Kill, a 3-64 lecs to Gsfcsosia Etite ttury cad. 'Oar totas kao's hr isajcosat t;.'j g xr.a b." tud ViiGo:r i3 the key to tiarJa!. The CiiLsrs. v '.d ere- 7-14 cvsnl tna ilea im u usy &i ror si ) : w:y Ue vrlth llisscuri tad Isrva Ctite p'scs la the E! Eiht v.1th a 2-6 for third p!ace la the conference coricrsaca reccid, tra "la a rausS-wia msim trd!lr'"3 with a 4-4 record. "Vcu csa't T.crry tbout what ether people sr ddng" Ibassld. 'Tea have eituiilca." Hil! said. "V.Vi havs to beat Cclei-iD to stay out cf seventh place and gti back into pail it cfT." Ta Icit tlist ess ft the f;aa thrc;7 ,1 Ens," Kill t-Jd'cf the IVrJ-zx czxrA l::3 10 1;,3 uTrij u.i3 s::::sa. ,3 they did cad cane bt;k f;c:? tea points down. Wc had tho !sst shot cii 3 chance to tie it, but wo Juct ccutda't ama warns : iW7 I Tues.&wed. 10:00 m 7;00p.m. W.w'aBj wiiiiiiiih I,-.,- ?.' M 21 rf'lBSSSaJSESSSaK- a.v3a- .e Tuss. & Wed. 10:45 'lr 2 Thurs. p.ra. l . li" ! Features David Hngi prfeddsnt c! Cteccis .; ' Cj tor Vcmen; a naUonicl? placxmsxjt ssr- V vico'2oi women.' 15 inin ; - . & Ji Toes. & Vied. 11:00 a.m. J Thurs. G:C0p.m. & 1 ITcSssSisrt FcsiCT Usrul Our second soluto to tha Fleisdhox broth' ers with Esttv Boon' end osccrnts from . Wf ON ""r W1 MAUI it i Jir &. s i.-y a.m, 1 Thurs. e.-Sfln 1 ;rfer"'-5r.aE?s is It Tus: & Wed. 12:G3 p.rn Thur.:'-V: -0:C0p.rn. Z:. fimrMtislc ct its best. llMUMll S y u.iw w. - .. .. : A , 1 1 It M .1 Ji- '". a '' . ' - V, - .- - vx- . , v rr J ' " - "."ij jl n Irsssr mi m 4 rnlddlo cga 30 Li3 aatettcs cf ft h7Q i Tus.& Wed. -1:30 p.m. V f Thurs. 10:30 p.m. ill v Y n (j ' QxlcagoFllsa Fes! cTord winner ciiui y oi a raaioactiTo wasts damp in Etrcrbano, Pa. 30 xnin - j tlj Czfzzn T.V.-C::y Ur,!-n r.!i:n Leu: w if n 9 ( ..I Tnm PWw If LJOii j &aMj3 111 I f V FLORAL COJ.2PANY 'Feb. Mill- ,::": X "4 4x.., 127 So. 13th 476-7a)2 x i. f j p-i . 1 ji ft f i s a Wit