The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 01, 1985, Page Page 10, Image 10

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    Pr-310 Dsiiy Nobrcskan . Friday, February 1, 1S35
umii u,SLjlJiiiiLiiD.S
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Professor devotes life to music
tot promotes so
CyCkrbVT. McCain
Stite Fir.e Arts Protrn, a position he
has had for the last four years and ore
that he siiJ takes half his time.
to finance its tour. The glee club no
longer receives university funds.
As director of the Varsity Men's Glee
Club, the Scarlet and Creun Singers
and the Wesley House church choir,
Ray Miller has brought the best cfUNL
to Nebraska and the nation for almost
20 years.
Miller, professor of music, came to
UNL in 1668 after teaching thr ee years
at a college in North Dakota, and three
years at a Colorado high school. That
same year he became the director of
the glee club and the Wesley House
Miller formed the Scarlet and Cream
Singers in 1971. He said the original
idea came from a UNL dumuus who
asked Miller to organize a singing
group to act as a goodwill ambassador
for the university.
Miller is also the director of the All-
Miller's groups have performed for
such people as former President Gerald
Ford and composer Meredith AYiLson.
The Scarlet and Cream Singers have
appeared at many Ccmhuskcr bowl
games and have toured overseas. In
1SS3 the group went to Japan for two
weeks and last summer it toured New
foundland and Greenland for the USO
for three weeks.
Miller said several of his students
have become professional performers.
Bob Buchholz is working in New York;
Ken Goodvnn performs professionally
in Dallas; and Carrie Solomon has per
formed with Norman Lubcff and Fred
Miller said it has become more diffi
cult in the last few years to take the
glee club on tour. He said the univer
sity formerly provided the group with
an annual budget of as much as $1,800
Miller said he continued the annual
tour with help from the NU Foundation.
Eut with the rising costs cf lodging and
transportation, it's becoming increas
ingly hard to tour. Fortunately, this
hasn't affected the Scarlet and Cream
Singers which is financed entirely by
the alumni, Miller said.
When he was younger, Miller said, he
heped for a career as a professional
performer. But he said hs likes what
he's doing and has no regrets.
He said he enjoys all kids cf
He said he gets as much pleasure from
performing a progressive jazz piece or a
Broadway showtime as he gets from a
classical mass.
Miller's programs are designed to
appeal to a wide range cf ages and
tastes. Miller said he believes music
should be fun, and he tries to make
each cf his shows a fun time for the
audience and the performers. "
'Sex' leader mimics Talldn
Professor Hzy tlillsr
af)7' ngTiEgr'ia?na-iBi '"MT'ffig'g Bfr!; gitj'?'''1!" fTy
g Heads
By Paul Llcrki
Staff Reporter
Steve Sheehan, lead singer for the band Dig
ital Sex, has released a four-song extended play
, Digital Sex was formed in the fall of 1 082 and
has been playing together, in one form or
another, ever since. Two members of the band,
John Tingle and Dereck Iiiggins, help Sheehan
on this EP. -
REV IE Wfhs 1 f iTIH-
In a telephone interview, Sheehan said that
he wanted to control all facets of the EP. That i3
why it was released as a Sheehan solo album
instead of a Digital Sex group effort. He wanted
to showcase the talents cf different artists and
fashion songs around those particular talents
Digital Sex broke up while Sheehan was
recording the album, but now is working "mainly
as a studio entity," Sheehan said. They currently
are producing an album that Sheehan thought
might be out by April.
As for Sheehan's EP, titled "Recovery," there
is constant interplay between a synthesizer and
Tingle's guitar, with some simple and steady
bass lines by Dereck Higgins complementing the
sound. Steve Warsocki, formerly of Lincoln
based The Click, also plays bass on two songs.
Sheehan has set a definite mood by mixing
tions to the vocals that David Byrne cf the Talk
ing Heads is known for. One can't help recogniz
ing the similarity between the EP and some
earlier, slower Talking Heads material.
Sheehan has set a definite mood by mixing
. some strange, non-musical synthesized sounds
with bare and sometimes apathetic lyrics
("Avenues and boulevardsleafless trees in a
rowYou can stay if you think you shouldbut
you'll never have the chance to know my soul").
Sheehan's EP can be bought at Pickles or Dirt
Cheap record stores. It can be ordered through
any record store that deals with Important
Records of Jamaica, New York or Rough Trade cf
San Francisco.
lf i r
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Around Tgwii
Wiiy Net, an up and coming local band,
will play tcrds.t and Saturday night at Chester
field, Bottcmsley & Potts, 245 N. 13th. Cover
charge is $2.
0 1 Hissing Bird Uyztziy, featuring the
muppets cf Ses tme Street, will cpert at Pershing
Auditorium, Centennial Mall South 228, Satur
day and Sunday. Tickets are cn gale at the Pend
ing Auditorium Box ofiice, Brandeis Ticket Cen-
ters. Pickles or Dirt Cheap Records.
The Nebraska Educational Television
Network is recognizing Black History Month with
savers! programs about the achievements, issues
and concerns cf black Americans. Tk Acto
bicsrspby cf Miss Jesse PitSzaan airs Sat
urday at 8 p.m. cn Chnr.ol 12. The film encom
passes the life of a 110-yesr-cld woman who was
bora into slavery and lived to see the birth cfthe
civil rights movement. ,
ans waiK into name
X... ,
Got those mid-winter blues? Feet cold? Well
you can just dance those troubles away at the
Drumstick tonight to the original tunes cf the
! It
rhythm guitax. Drumsner Jon Donltn and
Eenes, keyboard and vocalist, are
majors. Bass player Andrsw Chishokt, a m
education major, completes th foursome.
Ifaza describes the bsnd's rscs!c as
music" with the goal cf dsncesMlity." Bsaes
Cccef.isd it as
i t
The band his opened fc? the Kslsons of MTV
fame md the Model Citizens Club. Mere recently
they have been festsred st Bill's Saloon sad
Chesterfield, Bottcmsley & Pott's.
Tha Pedestrians hsve been in tha fonsstive
e since June. A tzvt. row avslkbla at losd
record shops, was released in November. Avail
able for 14, it festUK'a such trscs as "Dark
Secrets," "Can't Stand Ycur Friend." "Ore Sided
Love," and "Queen of" The band plays
mostly original material but also plays "Johnny
Phota Courtesy cf Tl PststrJan ,3 Good" and "La Eamba
Tha Pcdsstrliss
CALL 72...l
$2 SC. minimum charoA pr day on commercial tdi.
Tn wordi Iftclurfed.
$2 00 minimum charg par day on individual student
and aludant oroaniiation ad.
f 75 billing chargs cn ncncommrcial adt. Ail
psfnonai i1s must tm prepaid.
FOUND 4 may b aubmittad re of charoo.
1 p.m. day bfor publication (Monday through
Tha Cily Ne or askan will not knowingly accept help
wanted ada from busineuta that ara not aquel
opportunity amployafa.
.. 1 1
t .! S! th teinps you no long m nad. Csll
to p. eta your 3 in th Lu,.y NSbraskan
Pio!Mlonal!y types!,. $15. Daily Nebratkan,
basemsnt of tla Nebraska Union.
Dirt Chaao's Annua! Storewida SaleH All LP'a, tapw
& comptct discs ar on arJa thru Sunday. Top 25 LP s
- $5,7711
Coff tabi In oood condition, $15. Wall plctu-e
$7.C0. Kitchen stool $10.00 or offers. Ceil 472-2533
Tues. & Thur. 11-1 p.m. or 74-2481 after 8 p.m.
Texas lntrurrit TI-J9 Programmabi Calculator
with printer. Full rang msih function. A must for
Architects, Englrwrs. Hs Farm mocluia i:h 200 pius
pronima. $123. 63 column Card for Appia tie. $43.
Excellent Income for prt t'me rsome a; Nimbly
work. For infa. call 312-741-84C3 xt. 1367.
UNL students. Art
Classical LP & Taps Sal
All clessicel Titles on Sie at both Dirt Cheap
Record Stores.
The Pedestrians are a local band made up cS
f f W.I. ffc
Mesa said the band tsses the "comminist
approach is 80RSwritlr,M by which he mesas
that the bsad works together in a eclkbosfike
effort to produce n preduct. He sdd Ejjssa is the
main contributor ta the brlcs.
Tha band practices tbout toe tln gxxi
in an esort to progress to a better scd. E
said he 1i-.vs h.s psxtidptlca "cs s er
cuibt to escape the uniformity prcd vjrea us
by society." t
113 &q?4 "Qaeea at Dcvissca" exprefscs bis
unrequited gJoriUcstioa cftacthsr UKL studsst
This, in a sens, places Mm in tha trsditica cfi
renaissance mm folllni the traditien cfDsnte
and Perr2,ch.
Mesa and Defies said they were committed to
further developing the sound and style cf the
baud, "no matter yhat it takes."
Tie Pedestrians will play at the Dp.ii
toiilght. So go dance the winter ssrey.
. -.2
Cliff Smoke Shop
1200 "0" Strest
We have just the righi apartment for you One bedroom
from $i5. Twp bedroom from 1275. Call us lor mere
information. "
Ford E?;P (Sporty modal of Ford Escort), 4
sop? J, Front wheal drive. Low miles, Wsll cared for.
Excellent In winter, fire mileaga, must 47J-07S2
afisr t p.m.
1?30fswry SilAlrej. RsHsltliHowntraneportatior).
f 3!.CO Cs!! 4?2hb:;.
Thrse plus one tisdroom, fireplace. $$50. AveJ'ahta
www. Call Austin RealtyERA 8-t363 or Joitn 4?.
608? evenings.
1-Ed?m. $230 plua deposit. 555 N.
23. 42a-33U.
Zen, tVmost new. 533 N, 24m, w or wout balcony
$335, coin teandry. 477340.
An up-acale, quality oriented, Mexican fes's-foe!
restaursnt is now hiring. If you are an rtgrassiva,
custoi'ner-oriensed pwsan, we tve ect' t part
time opportuniiia tor you. We offer cosnpaiit'wa psy,
flexible acnaduling. and a positive worktng nvisw
ment for prodw'iva prformenca. Appiy now at
Amigo s 1411 G St. or 6520 O St. from 8 a.m.-5 p.m..
Mon -Sat.
Part-Tima Supervisor
Excellent opportunity scr Untversiry stutJsntto tem
manaament. aaiaa, aarvioa, and ecliacttona working
with young peopie. sarer,ts, and cutomrt ts a city
csrr'e-.' robte suparvtar. Must hv jcod communlca
tion akil!a, and be swei'ab! by 2:3C p.rri. (te'iy, 8:0S a.m.
Saturaay, and Sunday mornings, flaauirst ap
prasimataty 35 per awk rlu your own veMtfa
?!?h miiesje rn paid. nmt caii psonnat,
473-7412, for : sws.ew ar'Wtfmant
Journal-Star Prtnsirij Company '