The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 31, 1985, Page Page 12, Image 12
Thursday, January 31, 1035 Pago 12 Daily Nebr&skan r ! I ,.-4 ... i s i ! -., m o Disneyland... 1 1 J W L.v U VjL - wl-.J V.... : A i ir . in ; i i ! i ' ! i t i Get an education without going deep into debt. The Air Force Health Professions Scholarship Program for medical school or The College Senior Engineer Program pays for you' tuition, required books and fees, and a substantial monthly allowance for living expenses. For information call collect. MSgt Robert Pond (402) 553 0715 t-uutyBreak lj'i)B ree Haircut with purchase of Shampoo & Style $13 Value MOW 05.50 SKYWALK O 477-6921 OR means Perm Special: New only $17.59 f f Don't Put Your Buy Health Insurance on Ice.. Are you willing to gamble that you won't have any medical bills during the remaining school year?' Why not buy Student Health your oads from Jinanci&l disaster or illness or nc.a After February 15, If 33 ell enrcEments ere FINAL! Visit the Student Health Insurance Office at the Health Center by Monday, February 15, 1GS5. A Student Insurance Representative is avs&sbte to answer, your questions Monday through Friday. For more information call 472- A 1 j x- 5 I v - TSgt Robert Voters (402) 471-5502 r''' '''' GeautyBresk BeautyDreak ATRIUM 477-8922 Decision to Insurance and decree 0il3, Tc2C-3 7S3w3 Ccr.tir.ucd from P-3 6 Asdrre scid the 250 millionth guest, expected sometime this spring (the co'jnt now stands at about 240 million) w ill receive, among other things, a 1035 Cadilkc Sedan, 30,000 iree air miles frcm FaclHc Southwest Airlines, ar.d CO dsys free admission to Disneyland. Disneyland orinsily was composed cf 18 attractions in five theme areas. Now the park has 55 attractions and seven theme areas: O Advcnturtimd exotic rericrjs of Asia, Afic3 and the South Pacific. O Bear Country & recreation of the American Norhtwest wilderness and home of the "Country Bear Jamboree." O Fantasyland happy kingdom of storybook enchantment. O Frentierland - exciting realm cf pioneers and a return to the heritage of the Old West O Main Street a composite of small-town America, circa 1S00. O New Orleans Square home of ghosts, pirates and quaint shops. O Tomorro'.vlsnd the world of the future, a panorama on the move. The attractions are constantly being studied,. updated and chared. In the late '60s Disney had to revamp Tomor rowland because progress was rapidly catching up to it. The rocket to the moon was a future fantasy when the park opened in 1655, but it became a reality in 1059. - But some attractions lasted. Fron tferland's "Golden Horseshoe Review," an Old West show, set a Guinness World record as the longest running stage show in history with more than 40,000 performances. Aguirre said he and many other col lege students have paid their wiy to school by working at Disneyland. Over 75 percent of the park's addi tional summer staff are college students. Valt Disney's original investment ki Disneyland was $17 million. That figure now stands in excess of $300 million, but the price for admission is still , reasonable, Aguirre said. A I i I I KtftTi'uij;.!,-' Allien. s dv'lltk 3? 1 'l IE I il .'it- LIVE ENTEHTAINIIEOT ' Bill's Saloon, 1020 P St. Tne Wrex Band, Friday and Saturday. No ' cover .charge. Ch'ssterHeld, ' Eottdaslsy &, Petted 234 N. 13th St. Why Net, Friday and Saturday. Cover charge is $2. . v ' -Dssserts 2.22, 222 S. 13th St. - Deanna Mumpsid and Linda Laessle, Friday. Mnis.garxd and Greg Talmsn, Saturdsy No cever charge. . Gitca Fig,-1010 P St. Alpha Street, Thursday through Saturday. No cover chsrge. . . Littla Dcso, 27th Is Comhusker Hwy. Oos?t Friday and 8s Cover charge Is 12. llkty . It&Iis&o, 6232 Hsvelock Ave. Cold Spring, Friday and Satur- df. No cover charga - Ilocstslss, 31 1 S. 1 1th St. : The ' New Highfliers, Friday and Saturday. Ccvcr.charge is $1., . ' ' -s Fla-Mer Dllsoa, W. O St. 'Orvi'ds Von Seggem, Saturday, 8:33 10,12:30 p.ra., 13.25 admission. Ernie Kuccra, Sunday . 8 to 10 p.m., $2.25 admission, P.O. Pesxs, 822 S. th St. The Battlers, Friday and Saturday, Cover chargsbll. . Eh-erjk's 1S20 . 0 St. I. V Bhncylznd opened its 2tc3 to a waiting vcrli c:i July 17, WM, jest ens year after constracticn ben..II-S7e Walt 1 Disney, tne iitnsvative genius who crested the p,dk, Y?ei comes two opening dsy visiters. Originally, and until & short time ago, a person could buy a book of tickets that was good for a set number of attractions cr rides. Now, Aguirre said, an adult admis sion costs $15 ($10, for children 13 and under) and is good for any ride or attraction all day. "There's no more walking around trying to keep track of a handful of tickets, as in the pjist," he said. Of course, once inside, people still have to pay for meals at the different restaurants and refreshment stands, which usually are decorated or designed in the theme of that particular area During any given year Disneyland guests buy: 1 7k ? If 1 1 Vir' p i I' ) I It ) ll 22 i j r I ( if M t'lKiitl) t M"M(t Bay Williams, Friday and Sa&urdsy. No cover charge. Eoysl Grove, 340 W. Cornhusker The Verandas, Thursday through Saturday. SUHM Elatro, 235 N. 11th St. Dennis Taylor, Friday. Chris Sayre, Satisrd. No cover charge. Spes&ear, 323314 S. 13th St. Brandy, Thursday through Saturday, No cover charge. Swscp Left, 815 0 St. Itchy Brother, Thursday thrcugh Saturday, Cover chsrge is $L TzzIlzt Inn, 3235 S. 13th St. iVccriia, Thursdsy through Saturday. Cover chargs is $2, first drink free. Ei?, 133 N. Uth St. Juke Jurrpcr?, Friiay and Saturday. Cc.'er chtft? !3 13, Thtsrsdsgr, to 'fee ns!airsce4 LI0V1E3 ' ' Cinena 1 & 2, "Night cf the Comet," 6:10,7:15 and 8:20 p.m.; "Nirfa III," The Domination 5:33, 7:35 and 0:43 p.m. ' . Dorsj 3, MHeaven!yBcdle3,K 5:33, 7:30 and S:30 p.ra.; "MIcki and Maude." 5:30, 7:30 and 9:40 p.m.; "Starman!" 5:20, 7:20 and 8:23 p.m. Eusi Fxk 3, 'Overly Kills Cop," 6:43, 7:43 mi m and 9:40 p.n "FinsceLio," 5:10, 7:13 End 9:10 p.m. "That's Dancir.2.M 5:20 7-??) m &M p.m. ',.., 9 I f- - O 4.5 million hamburgers. O 2 million hot dogs. 4.5 million orders cf fries. 3 million boxes cf pop com. 2.75 million ice cretin bars. O and wash it down with enough so drinks to fill a five-acre lake. On opening day Walt Disney said, "I think what I want Disneyland to be most of & is a happy place a place where adults and children can expe rience together mzm cf the wonders of life, cf adventure and feel better because cf it." Thirty years later, people cf all ages are still searching for the are and adventure of youth at Disneyland, "tha happiest place on Earth." ... t ... ,i I r J , i ! f . .. J Joyo Tlieatie, "AERcrican Drea mer," Thursdqr at 7:23 p.m.; "Pro tocoV starts Fridsy at 7:33 p.m. Flsia 4, '"Jehny Dan?ously,M 5:16, 7:15 and 0:15 p.m.; "Esverly Hills Cop," 5:30, 7:45 end 10 p.m.; 'The Biver," 7 and 9:45 p..m.; '.The Flaming!) Kid," 5:30, 7:30 end 9:30 p.m. . weekdays; 2, 5:10 and 8:15 p.m., Satur day and Sunday.- Gtssrt Thettre, Tassag8"to hdia," 2, 5 and 8 p.ra., Thursdsy; 1:30, 5 and 8 p.m., Friday through Simdsy. jus, A . Or "i,Ior,diy Tlia rjrads 8 p.n., Thursday thrown Ssturdr 2:33 pja., Sunday. Esserved settles. Fsscs!:3 Fees!, Etst Union Terra ces, Susdif 5 to 7 p.o, ' ' v;or2s-ia-rrcgres3. liond3y through Tnmsd- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Friday, 8 axi. t3 1:SD p.n. Elcvcst Etjpsct Gdljjy, S35 S. i 1th St. - "NewWsr'A New Feop!e.M 1 to 5 p.n, Situni: and Sundqr.' Flacky phctcgrsr-hs, UKl Faculty Ex hibition, Asaerfcsa Art Skco ISTO." ' -