Dally Mcfcrxskcn Pes? 9 Personal, school records broken -W 'V j.bt . i--U- x" - ' - '-v ' "- Tuesday, Jsnicry Z3, KZ5 r d almeet Great overall competition" was tha LiLii.tVt f its AritTJiSS-t lnvitt.l'fl ji nifa""' v I track meet, add Jsy Dlwrea, assistant men's end worsen s tnex coacn u t.ne I University of Nebraska, Th meet fea j tared the reipicg indoor men's and women's rations! ch::.:;!:ra Arkansaj won the Ken's nctt with 1 130 points, v,'hi!s -KoiKa fc&fced 1 second with 63 points. Eleven tesss 1 competed in the men's nctt. V) tzr scores were kept for the r no jt, which had competitors fcent 13 dlfTcr j ent schecb. Plrkssa add no csxpfcssb v9. nut rjoa itm scs&2 ia tha meet. Neither Netrsrlca teon trct tJl its competitor AEda ?&&er cud Rhonda Dlanford rrro in ffev York compete in ths MUlrcss Gases. Oth ers stayed h Lincoln to tn'n or ccr pets in the Huskr rttatMra. Tiicrs Vvho did well in the women's meet included Mejrcia T;te, Sha-ri "Pendleton, End Deb Sntith. Tits qvili fled for the nstlcn&l ctajior.shlpa in the EDO-netcr ran v.lth a time cf 1:10.53, which is the third fastest time ia the world. Lesa DeMa cf C'J.her a EtLte wen the recs ia La Ar.erieea record time of 1:09.33. Tate also ehered the winning 4 by ICO relay teen. Fend slton set a new school record in ths triplJump with a jump cf S3 feet, 3 inches. Smith set a personal record ia the shot put with a threw cf 43 feet 7Vi inches. For the men, Gerard O'Cdlufhaa, Glea Ggsstastea tad rprfotera Keith Jests rs2 Anthony Small ran well Jones fad Sm?dl finished first sad second la the 55-meter dish, while O'Cali&sh&n firdshed second ia the two-mile. Cunningham won the SCO-meter run, ia a rata merred by ta cScisi's error. An cHcial rang the bell scaling the final h? cr.e la? early, ceueir.j sor.e runners to qsit it 600 rr.eters. Cua rJr.ghan continued and woa with a ti:..e cf 1:51.7. ii (m i f r A- Fresh and silk flowers ix fTlany varieties of blooming replants W a: Vl-i.- fc, "This wo only the second meet cf the year," Dlrkeea said. "Sorr.e cf these athletes will qually for natieaals later on in the year." 3 'A Of Scoreboard j Men's Baskets! ' S!-m Alpha Epsilon 47 (12), Boy?? 43 (2.2 1 Abfll 23 42 (4X Aici fb 12 (4) The Outsiders 47 (4), l':n Without TrJis 8 () ' Csther 93 57 (3.6), Ctthsr O 27 (3.3) Gunners 48 (3.3), Draak adl Saupidl 37 (3) 1 Gather 43 58 (3 a), Sctera IC3 33 (0.3) Ganste of Criiae 72 (3.1), Gimics 5i (3) Northwest lai Express 43 (3,S), Comb Squ.v 38 J Abel 11C 39 (4), Schramm 4C 17 (4.5) I The Shemps 44 (12), Dunks Unlimited 32 (3.2) Abel 3C 44 (3.6), C&ther tC IS (3.3) Cather 7C 35 (2.3), Seiifcck 82CSC 28 (3.3) j Savage Dogs 45 (4), Cadsrer Patch Kids 15 (4) Abel 2G 28 (4), Eeilsck 22 (4) Cather 5C 50 (4.3), Eisrr lsi Ess4 C 22 (4) Dream Team 57 (2.5), Kf gh Fiw 41 (3.2) s Scum of the Earth 54 (2.7), Gizry't 45 (2.5) J frB-Bones 23 (3.3), Backet ffigade 20 (3.8) I Weed Whackers 62 (4.3), Peper Chasers 20 (4) Silver Bullet Express 47 (3.2), Ec-ior and tite E3rbarians40(3.3) ! John 3:6 41 (3.5), (lcknhesi 23 (S) i Dribbling Drea&s 13 (3), The Ptosecabfa 17 (3) f Lea's Leapers 71 (4), Los Clones Gi-andes 41 (4.3) Obulars 58 (17), Fsidsars SI (3) Sb3s"1 Fr7 Scum of the Earth 2 58 (4), Gather 9 82 M) u Alpha Epsilon 28 (3.5), Tteta Chi 25 (12) G.i Phi 44 (11), EC Boys 34 (12) tU Krr Psi 59 (3.6), Sigma Nj 33 (16) Delta Tau Pelts 42 (12), Thunder Chickens 37 (34) Animal Science 1 38 (13), Chemistry 25 (3.6) Psycholof? 42 (5), Clowns 17 (5) Anomks 37 (18), Forestry 27 (8.6) AJphaTau Omega 54 (4.2), SSgaa Alpha Ecailoa 2 24 (4.5) Slna Phi Epslloo 55 (4), Theta Xi 33 (42) Temporsiy Heroes 43 (4), Sc4s 19 (4) Schmism 4 37 (11), Pork Chops 84 (2 8) Phi Kappa Psi 23 (2.3), Triaftglo 10 (16) Over 50 Scoring Implosion 3 (3), Mark's Marvels 38 (2.8) Volleyball G.L Express dcf. Schramm 4Schramai 7 9-15, 15-3, IU Fun Bunch Det Trianjls 2 154, 154 Second Cfentcc dsi Scfersram 9,Schrafnm 1015 2, 159 Floor Dangers il Lambda CM Alpha 15-7, 1&5 Greatest KiU det Pi Kappa PhlM Cslts 152, 15-13 "For some ressca, we tlwep geeai to bring out the best in E-ma," Hill said. "Both teens brir. cut the best cfereh other. They're a m dl scrappy tea tad s thfey usually pby o pret cless." Hill said the Cycler. :3 ro El;3 N ibreska does tO'Ccsapenscta for little'" -height Baras rzd seliea-used Ks.thy O'NeiU, who i3 6-ar3 the only Cjxloies .taller thsa six feet. I Nebraska's only plgycr taller' th.sn l foot is freshman. Lisa LaGssidia, only- begaa sscing placing time aver Christmss lrsak. UGudia plsyed 10 minutes against Cclcrsdo Wednes in Kill said Saturday's runaway victory ever Missouri wes a good Dcrale bocot for the 7-10 Kiskers, especially altar th? home court less to Colorado. 'It's pretty disheartening to lose to a teara yoa beat t?,1ce the yeer before," Hill ssld. "We were real fkt, (the ccrxhes and the pleyersThursdeyraora ing.) But we decided to play Missouri like we had' nothing to lose, and Mis- we used hear to get some height pgamst Lisa VinGoer. VeaCeer isn't "he quickest player, and m- thotiglit isa might neutsslke her a bit. I bought she (LaGoardia) played very 'velLM Tim ttzkn Mm is now Ss:p!ing tpplica- tlsnsfer cf0c3sp:s3lo iasteisp:r 10-03 1 ."l :'" l i t i Q - "if fliK Add passion to yom punch with Everclear 190 proof orain alcohol I ! c"j i I i i --A ""--x I K ' ' I i i i J tag at 333 N. 14th. All recognized I student organizations &m wslcorna to apDlv for sea I. ranK Kuhn or Dary! Swanson I m Room 220, Nebraska Union, for s 3 I aitional Information or arrar.g- f i ment for en on-sitt inspoction of I j j property. Floor plana era available 1 1 in Nsbrsska Union, Buli3 220, upon j 1 VT. . H , yuur crgarsiiaiicn 13 ifUfcressaa m obtaining tpac, plsase pick up snd return en application to tht Nebraska Union, Suit 223, bv 5:00 p.m. Februarys, 1IS. AppSScetSons received hwth; -.-Mati'':i I priority for enansament illllilll H0T Elf II . 1(X) cofioru It's purple with red and white Everclear logo. Grix V Please send me ' v i ouANTmr S M L XL. Everclear 'Purple Passionate" T-ShMs for a total of S. Ssruimowy order or usa your MastercantD VaaD Ao. ' 1 ! 32 fry Sara S.'CJiur , 1 ' MA& TO: Tirpt Piwnas' 500 3?d Av. W.. Sattl. WA 831 19 A3w te 6 week AeBw Cttx sood in VS only. CZs k1 wiwr prohibiJad by hw. taad othirsB watrlcted by law. Kb pme parch raossazy. Everctear bsaSsd by Worid Walt Pisjca Oarwy. & i-11 '!0 S3"3- 7 .4 Art I1?-:? 1 .u sotui pleyed like they weren't .really ready for us." VMe Iowa State will give the Hnskeis a short respite in the perpetual height disadvantage problem, Kansas wil give it back and then some Saturday. The Jayhawks start a 6-4 freshman, a 6-0 All Big' Eight performer and bring a 6-6 aenior off the bench. That gam will , start 'directly before the men's game. i i " mm Acacia(3i Omega del Quotation Karka 15-3, 17-15, 15-8 Netbusters II del Pound 2 15, 15-7 Abel 5Sandoz 4 def Harper 7Smilh 4 15-7, 15-7 Classics dcf. Ag Econ Club 15-1, 15-10 Roily Polly Fbhheadsdef. Barely Legal 1&4, 15-12 Abel 7 1 def. Awesome Acers 13-1 1, 15-12 Just Dirking Around del DTDDelta Gamma 15- 1,1114,156 Chemistry del The Crocks 154, 15-7 Bob's Team def. Delta Upsslori 1 6-fl, 1M, 1S-3 Eolysmokers Vagabond def. Phi Kapps Psi- Gnmrr.a Phi EtU 15-10, 15-10 PI Kappa PhiKappa Delta del AfTtOTC 154, 1510 . . Just KinkiRg Around del Floor Buyers ! 5-!), 156 Leitoers del Generics 15-0, 1510 Excai'.burdsf. Acacia 1 15-9, 15-3 Acacia 2 det Theta Chi 15-7, 15-12 . 8351 det Wicked Wendy 15-8, 12-15, 15-2 DTDIkita Gamma det Acacia 15-1, 15-8 Sigma Phi Epsilon del Hang 10 15-7, 7-15, 154 AGRLitt!e Sisters del Love HaUAil2-15, 15- 14, lf9 LainMa Qti 'Alpha det SksacneH 15-13, 12-15, 15-4 Sigma CbJAlpha Omicron Pi det AP 5 and Co. 15-13, 15-11 v y j' W- -,nr J k-j ' ' M - ! i - . . . . . ALL EYEWEAR Student LD. required Offer good thru Feb. 28. 1985 i if If ; I AN OPTICAL DISPENSARY , DQUA1ITY, PRECISION LENSES D PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED 03 DUPLICATED LATEST DESIGNER FRAMES S SUNGLASSES FASHION TINTS SPORTS EYEWEAR CALL STYLES BIFOCALS AND TRIFOCALS ia FRAMES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY v Mon-Fri 9 to 5 Sat 9 to 12 HE Pizta tltli Souih 1913 So. th, Suli 203 tUi to ths Eye !nst'!uta r; - r' L 1 X. I ,. : - ' ' A f' I - Vvt i ji f in Daytona Beach Don't miss Spring Break at Americas hottest beach. .You'll bake in the sunshine and sizzle in the .moonlight. There will be concerts, games, parties, exhibi tions, loads of freebies, go"f, ten nis, Jai Alai, saiiing, surfing, fish ing, motor racing and great night life. Hop on a tour bus, catch a fiight or set out by car. Just call a travel agent for free reservation sarvicc. Then pack a bag and head for the beach. i ! i. r i Send my free official Spring Break Poster, Name Address. ' City State Zip ' 1 1 i 157 1 Day1or.aBschResortArea.P.O.Box2775.D3v1onaBeach,FL320l5 I 1 L : - . i.i, 1 It