The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 28, 1985, Page Page 12, Image 12
Monday, January 23, 1034 Daily Ncbrask; 2SE2IS tYcu don't hsva o to run our j&a sey St" Pago 12 to O .... - 'jC i.i A V?V ttVaiLtaiJ J li f JJ CopyCenter 226 South 16th 475-5000 0G1CY 00GQG0 IS HERE And the world's best pan pizza concept is hiring the "BEST PER SONALITIES" (not Just people) for the following positions: o Counter C Kitchen Prep DslSvsry O Hos!$3i We're a jrowth-crionted team" operation that likes to get a tot done and have fun doing it. If you're tired of Just being an "employee number," apply now. Full and part-time avail able, all shifts open. Apply In "per sonality" to: ROCKY ROCOCO 211 N. 14"..t Ct. (r:t enSrsrsce) 8 a.m. to 3 p.n. Inlsrvte&s vM tw errs r,-; id. Z$"rJ Opportunity Err,r,!5j?r s T A b r" ViijoU o P: j A cUlo h i,J5. f) (7 ptpl T is utn rs E T A !$it oS,iyM T Z X olsffliuj? ; L, Plillte ttjlM' ' til, ? TJJL fclTj 0ft"T ; fllC JE J5 1 M REOPENING SOON! r EUROPEAN T A ti 0 P A 2nd LEVEL GOLD'S GALLERIA FOR MORE INFO CALL 474-E2S5 X 1 1 : ' . 4' 1 J CROSSWORD PUZZLE -lE2Ite3 fey EUGENE T. USALESSIA ACROSS 1 Chooses 5 Nine-banded armadillo 0 Distort 14 Kingly prociarr.s.ticn 13 Tomahawks 15 Coin in Fraha 17 Draftytpot 18 E.r.a.,e.g. 13 Spanish expjpr&r: ISth century 23 Desc&rtsw3 one 23 "Gafcrielle with Jewelry" painter 21 By - (KIEChiTii- ca!2y) 23 Peripatstic slespsr S3 Kinc(i?tr.d bam ORd7bscr Black Hawks Watery sound SSMfcaentrancs 17 Women's S3 Most western Alsatian island 43 Fill the musket 3 "I ICick O-tiYcu" Onisr 47 Redford, in "Thrc-sDays of thaComor" frolt 21 Fescftlia SiOL'S 3 Tcrssce's C3Cc::rcLtLi tilt. 2 Vote in 3 Listless: Slang CI Clinging plant C3 Bewildered CS Adjective for a cinch S7 Hence DOWN 1 Away ' 2 Warehouse . employes 3 Brownish gray 4 Mugs 5 Recreation 6 Outer 70ath3 (functioning well) "Anportin Sprout -9 Actor Frank from Bayonne 11 Soviet mountain rang 12 Clears 13 Shipping discount 21 Chimney sweep's bane 22 Strokes at ' Wimbledon 3 Buddy, in Bilbao 27 After thsta 23 Concordes 23 So S3 Shady square, in Paris' 51 Gsrm&n Polish river 52 Clever 53 Layer of ore 'S3 Mild oaths in SMjgo 41 Home of the Braves 42 River of Straihclyds 44 Spiky grass 45 Hurry-up rea. 43 Doesn't disturb 43 Emulate Fagin 2 Up and about S3 Squeaky. voiced comedian Arnold 51 Entrcsty S3 Step short S3 Followers: Suffix S7's ' grestteg 1 August sign "jTTl tlllj i' H f ? i l 11 I ii UL- J. J 4 ! ...... j .... L . i LJ , - I I ft i s . t s j j f ; ! I M j j ! .4 tni" j bi ""j ' '") j t t T i ; : ini- I l ;r p iT,"p y-p -j I Con-tittsUon to Itw Krw l Ks-p Ctol . Yelerdy will (orver bring tond memorwt to your" hMrtt. Get pyched lor tonignt't moelinql Lov, Your Ktpp DvM iistorj Amricn Jom: . Youor Amefan Swin. HthLntFliy cJropped by lately? Ah, you cmpbai: to mc (S P.) Tn Sm will remember you always, you live '.here ell your lile. Number One in U K. Bye-Bye Love, Yiur Amerlcefi elLte AOH PWni' We (re looking forward to t fun week with you ail. Get ready to turn in the wtieet be".aue toon you'll be Officially "bonded." Congraiulitionil Love, the Active Cheryl A. (Love Hall) You're extra i-cltHII John 14S7 UNL CMttlan f eliowanlp Lev Squad it . Bob A John (SAE) HIIIIII LoveYa, Cemo it, i: IjN-L Student for L.i.F.E. fr.eating Tuediy it 6 .TO In the City Union, r-'ilm k ditcuidon. GET INVOLVED! Money for col"e Full 2 ir.d 3 year tcnciarthipt aviiiie. 8ve LTw Snyder at M4N Cldg or call 4 Margo k Tanya 0 (KKQ) A grandma couianl k lor barter family. Happy initiation htilr Margol You guy are tha greatoil, Lo.'Yi, Grandma it i: Congratulation! to the Theta new inltiatetl We are so proud of you all! Love, the Acti.-si Diana, ' Happy anniversary. It has been the best year of my life. I love youl David P.S. I said it first today! Lynne (TC). Your special weak is now over. Congratulations on your activation. Love, Lorl Bearded man at 13th k R: The love ol Jesus Christ makes me smile! Blonde girl KsJIy, Susie, Ouraan, Cindy, Alt you Phi Mus did an excellent oo preparing Walpurglanacht, Love. Your Sister MR (Swimmer), Clue 4 I live In Able Sander, Timer Profetslontily typt, $1 S. Dally Nebraskan, basement ol the NsbraiKa Union. Single t Prtnant? Adoption la a caring alternative. For confideitisl Inlor rnation cull Ntbimt Children's Home. 463 -76711 FHCe PHEONANCY TESTING on wori processor Garb 465-820 i's 4 lor faat accurst service TVriNO $1 25psge Including proofreading. 468-8051, t a.m. t p.m. 7 days a wek. Figment? BIRTHRIGHT la confidential helping hand ;M-2Z01. JUST KV tH. 14 -Xir A program on bulimia and anorexia nnrvr will be preswtd by the i'ni-e.s 'y HeaHh Csntnr. Panh:iani Aasoeieuon, tM Fti'er.:e Hiiii Aftsca'-cnon Mowisy, January S3 Th &r ;.-rn will t h"'d In the Cen'enni'M Snom of the NdNa-ks Stu:nt UnLm rn Cny Car , I2:h and 'H' Sttavtd, from T:S3 p m. to 8 ':) p m, Featured tpuatert will be Dr. Kan Kelly, Department Chair and Clinical Psycholtoiisl, Or. Snulpy F i'ug, Fsychlalf!!. TYPEA'RITERS RENTAL SALES StRVlCE BLOOM'S 3?1N. 13th 474-4138 Typing on word processor, fast, accjrats, Barb 4C8-C2SJ alf 4:00. f I f . i j j s I $ i i i FRESH - COPENHAGEN, SKOAL k KEY Cliff Smoke Shop 1200 "O" St. 'A' it TSACZY HEL.COM, Congrsts Congrats Congrats Congra'.s Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats Congr;a Congrats Congra' Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats Cortgrata Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats Cong'ats Congrats Congrata Congrats Congrats Congrata Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrata Congrsts Congrats Love Ya, Stph k Dome it it VALENTINE CAKES Orris one now for your s:ne't. Call 4CS-75S3 after 6:C0 p.m. t i LOST; Blue hard sovsr 3 ringed foldar in basanwtt of Heni, If found call 435-23S3. r LOST: Glovts, nvyrnd. Oldfather. Rm. 123. REWARDilli 475-1 7S3. 435-2K2. Fellowship, Fner.duhlp, and Fun . , . Kjfya Phi Wonin's Club invitis you to Rrwa T We'.'nssdsy, January 30. S 30 at YWKiey Ho'.f. f ?? Ivtnij Cn' tf".'f t IMPORTANT mating Tus. Jsn. 2a at 4 00 In tha Union. New mtimtw!- wlf:orH CSC6S-CCUNTRY tKt EXTP.AVAQK2A Enjoy homf,-cooiid msi, saunahot tubs snd lots of suing during the Office of Campus Recreation's trip to Mnpieisg. Minnesota Fob -I r. For more Informa tion Call Mark at 472-3437. Registration deadline Jan, 3 ill. PH! CHI THETA January 29, 1983 8 00p.m. 182 Knox, Apartment 8. Business meeting with win sid Chees. party to follow. Ail membfs ple attend! AIESF.C (Tha Ints'riational Association of Students In Eco nomics and Management) Introductory MM'ing: Wtdneidty, Jan W at 3 8 Rm H2 CSA. All Studonts Welcome) GraJuating students nsed to etobllsh tonsomsr credit for financial and profewional status. THE COLLEGE GRADUATtS GU'.Dg TO GSTTiNG AN0 USING CREDIT fxpiains how to obtain credit. Buin now, ba'ore arsduatlon. fS. CAREE.H Ri'SuURCL'S, Drawsr 2852J-J, Richmond, Virginia 23:29. PKACTiCW'a tKZWZZ?. TALK afscut what to expect after graduation and how to prewar durirvg colinge. NSPtstudtnt charts' mealing: wad. Jan, 30, T;00 p.m., 241 WSSS. Frse rirj.imr!. ( varyona Waicoma. Wcaoa ai Crwl March 22-31. Prica 1223; wiih optional trips to Ditrmw World and Epcot. Mo.-a info cil CAP at 472-2464. By UPC Special Events Hy The Faritssiic Foraign Film Serine presents tha Spanish Film, "Swet Hours," on Sunday, Jan. 27 and Monday, Jan. 23. Screenings (ire at 3, 7, 6 p.m on Sun., nnd 7, 9 p.m. on Mon. Ail showings are at it - Sheldon Film Theater. Tickets are $2.60 US', students and $3.00 general. Gordie, From then: Hcimes Lake, Fourth cf July, Motorcycle Rtdea, Labor Day In Shen Many fun partws, And New Years In Shan, Till now. It's bean a great 6 months. Have a very Happy Birthday! XOXO Kris Anne (KAT) Congratulations on initiation. Yc-u'l! make a great active. Lowe, Dave Erica: Have a better than average Monday! Love, Walla-bear Nica Guy (Paul) You're right, I was surprised, but I do retr.amber. Try using Alexander Graham Bell's Invention. Holly (ADPi) (P.S.) Thanks for tha personal!! SLUE3TEM BOOKS (Used k Rare) is now open Tues-Sat 11:00-45:00 712 "O" St. CHE3RY CHEWING TOBACCO Cliffs Smofca Shop 1200 "O" Street EO YOU HAVS TME EIST t JL m TKI Rf SlSEKCS NALLST Tha Residence Hall Association Is having an "Out standing S.A. of the Year" contest. Pick up contest forms at your hall's front desk. The winner will ba featured in Ha9wya. the RH A newsletter. It you h.ive a groat S.A., let us know!!) STUDENT REPRESENTATION Tha following committees have vacancies: Studant Life Commission Chair Student Court DAILY NEBRASKAN Publication Board Architecture Senator Agriculture Senator Academic Planning Heaith Center Parking Appeals Information and applications available at IIS Nebraska Union. Deadline January 2ih. UPC Arts Amatvur Photo CwiiMt pick uo information,! applications In the CAP office today! MODELS WANTED For Fashion Showcase !l sponsored by UPC Tri Cuiture Black Entertainment. Auditions will be held Sun., Feb. 3, 4-5:30 p.m. at the Nebraska Union. MASA (Mexican-American Student Association) Welcomes everyone to attend O'jr first meeting of 2nd semester this Monday. Jan. 26 at 8:00 p.m. in the Union. Pieasa come. Attention Teachers College sophomoras: If you have completed between 27 & 62 hours you art required to take the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST), basic tests of reading, writing, k math, to be admitted to tne teacher education program. The tosts will be given Set., Feb. , 188S but you must register to lake the tests by Tuesday. Fsb. 5, Vi5. You can register In Rm. 230 Nebraska Union wfc?re you wiil receive info about tha tests. There is a $35.00 fee. vivl A Chop Shop. cut keeps you - jV; f . !JK 'A bnt Walk-in or ffi tC $r) fof ppt- 1:1 ' .Cy ment.Cuts$6, 1 v' vt ' I Clock Tovrsr Plaza iO v , " 23-83S2 s;: " v-i . w r'v 1 ri KJ S s-. Dance to LIVE MUSIC RA THER THAN WA TCH A LIVE DJ. JAN. 2.8th THRU FEB. 2nd lfJ alC Hi FEB. 4th THRU FEB. 9th DRINK SPECIALS 4ltl X yUiutiiLi,Uii iwiiu;:uv.rwi; VlW.l ii 4V TSFCZ i r V iL r CFKAlSCf I earn armty. ttf-va '