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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1985)
Monday, January 28,1004 Dally Nebrsskan Pago 11 Cards & f i I i Domino 's driver refutes generalitia This Is a declsxstien cf lndepen- I dence. I am not the Domino's pizza guy, nor J any reasonable facsimile thereof. In I stead, I bring you a product you ssen to I desire (no nutter how much you j complain). For if you didn't want it, we wouldn't have a Job bringing it to you... 3 0 To all of the sorority women who asked if I had something hot ar.djdcy I for them (I khed,; it would j take longer than 30 minutes. to 3 deliver)... j 0 To all of the witty fraternity men 1 u-ifh rlflvsr witticism's like. "Hev. it's ff - - -- ---- f - V f the Domino's pirn guy"... We, the Domino's drivers cf the universe (except for Ursa MJor and Pleiadies) declare that we are doing a Job to bring you a product you consume at such an alarming rate that Domino's has become the 11,623 largest corpora tion in Lincoln. .3 .... t . - fviusi ci us maxe minimum wage (so In ranrA in - ,,, . . n tips would be appreciated) arfd are JV,S4? rflT U either students crnurUrr LvMt! mmQ First Ai&ir," I would like n Most cf us are extremely intelligent. An example is store No. 2145. lam the only driver and the store has one manager. Our combined I.Q. is 172 (mine is 184). ii aw. - x, i ; 1 v3 P.S. Esmembsr. our drivers do not f ? tee the store with more than $20. Li flTMlTO CDCPIAI CBS' 'First Affair' 0 " or JuiruL. q unfair to Nebraska G$i OFF An I fira& Sanriwinhy Purchase a bag of chips with any j sandwich and get a small drink free. . f D to ofTcr comments on the biased ners- pective cf the directors, writers and actors. 0 To all of the drunken residence hall students who constantly ask, "Is that for me?"... To the people who laugh at us as we pass, thinking how ignorant we must be. (Don't deny it. I've heard it. I have 2020 hearing)... So, when you see one of us walking proudly through your duelling, like a beacon of freedom in cur red, white and blue attire, stop for a moment, feel the electricity of our purpose, and smell the arena of that fresh, home-baked pizza that 5JU minutes ago was just an idea, albeit a damn good one, in your head. I thank you, and America thanks you. Kyle Elliot sophomore biological science and advertising Chi Q iff3 O It may shoclf many, but Nebraskans don't have sod houses anymore. The film showed bias on the dress, musical taste and even food eaten by the "typi cal" Nebraskan. Actually, we even have lobster! Nebraskans are not "unpretentions," to quote the words of Joel Higgins in the movie, nor are we naive peasants. By portraying the people of Nebraska as they did, the directors and writers shewed their own boorishness and lack of knowledge. Kathleen Lodl Graduate home economics OFFER GOOD 69 P.M. DAILY fl ( y" r"-f rv"" y f'--IJ f"r- f""n f 1 r""" j J k. h4 L-jm -i-a Lla.J tkM buJ i.-..-. lL3& ILmJ "jti. Jt ir4 A kw. S . j. LAST WEEK O SIGN UPS! CLASS!F!ED ADVERTISING call tn-tm $2 50 minimum charge per day on commarcial ads. Ten words included. $2.00 minimum crmrg pr day on Individual student end student ganizntiort ads. $75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All personal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge, DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). sr a 'lit- ' j l!liflftMs J YMCA Special Membership Jan. 15-May 15, 1985 facilities include: Cym Pool Nautilus Weight room Running track . A i i.ruuiu cissses 5 Racquetball courts 475-9622 1039 P St. i r L CLOVE CIGARETTES Cliffs SmoHe Shop 12O0"O" Street Classical LP & Tape Sale All classics! Titles on Sele at both Dirt Cheap Record Stores. Land & Sky, wutereloud, soft side, queen size wsterbed, complete. 4250 or otfar. Call 467-3218. 1981 Renail LeCar. 30.000 miles. New Tires. Call aft. 5:30 p.m. 474-1384. Sealy Posturpedic twin mattress & box springs, $45. Call 477-6259. King-size waterbed with drawers. Complete set, $120. 477-7666 evenings & weekends anytime. Airlines Hiring. $14-$39,0G0! Stewardesses, Reser vBtiomst! Worldwide! Call for Quide, Directory, News letter. 1-(916) 944-4444. GOVERNMENT J03S. $15,000 iSO.OOft'yr. pos sible. All or cupations. How to Find. Call 605-637-6000 Et. R-S636for book. CRUISESHIPS HiKiNQ, $19-130,000! Carribean. Hawaii. World. Call for Guide. Disectory, Newsletter, 1(918) 944-4444. CHOICE LOCATIONS We have just the right apartment for you. One badroom from $225. Two bedroom from $275. Call us for more Information. AUSTIN REALTYERA 489-S365 EAST CAMPUS LOCATION Thre oius one bedroom, fireplace. $550. Available now. Cfail Austin RealtyERA 489-3365 or John 477 S067 evenings. 1-Bdrm. $250 plus deposit. 535 N. 23. 423-3814. 488-4569. Students! Co you have high rent blues? We've got the answer at Tne Cornhusker Coop. It's University approved Co-ed housing, close to campus and major bus lines. Furnished rooms, utilities and meals in cluded for as little as $ 1 99 00 a month. Visit us at 703 N. 23 or call 474-9772 and ask for Pat. East Campus, 1-Bdrm housa, $250 plus deposit plus utilities. Call 474-6881. No refund! Sign up Jan 1431 Student ID required to enroll Must be full tirna student Limited facilities use: all times except Mon-Frl 1 Tam-1 pm and 4 pm-7 pm OIUU P. Musi Limi I all timi n ci. 15 Passenger Vans 29 Pass-anger Minibus 47 Passenger Motorcoach Goodfifa Coaches 423-2500 Low cost furnished rooms available at Walden House. 476-2583. Need clean, mature female over 21. Roomy apt. $35month. Call after 4:30 474-7065. Roommate after Feb. 1. 2-bdrm. Apt. East Campus urea. 467-2317. Female roommate to share nice 3-bdrm house with two f un g uys. 474-5 143. Female, large 4-Bdrm. house $120.00month plus 14 utilities. 475-2188. toommaie moved" to New York. Nesd immed. a responsible, nonsmoking female roommate to share a ' 2 bedroom apt. $142mo. plus 12 util. Call before 9 a.m. or between 3-7 p.m. 474-4253. Male roommate, near campus, fireplace, $152.50 month plus 12 utilities. 474-7097. Need immediately, live-in child care help. 10-15 hours monthly in exchange for room and board. Leave message. 475-4997. Responsible female roommate wanted, $30 plus 13 utilities. Must be able to move in Feb. 1 or sooner. 477-4727. Fsmale roommate to share apt. near city campus. $S1.66ir,onth plus 13 utilities, 477-4727 Teresa or 1 oana. Bakery Super Savers for. the. Week coit Forces q $ fp) fFEgs y Li u i ,1 I I 8 " M i nffiif dnrnflz bp- m uw aa w via mtw . m S$K aV ' ! '-rollrjteh Glio h 71 Dodge Coronet, green. 72.000 original miles, runs excellent, heating & AC, Must see. 477-2383 till 9 p.m. 464-6615 after 9 p.m. Ask for Mike. Fr EI !! II i! Part-time sales help, Mon., Wed.; & Thurs., 10:00 3:00. Computer Works. Cell 474-7271 after 3:30 p.m. Part-time openings for day bar end wait shifts. Apply in person at P.O. Pears, 322 S. 9th St. Full-time or part-time sales management oppor tunities. Send resume: Sales Manager 5230 3. 40 T3 Lincoln, NE 68516 REWARDING SUMMER for sophomore and oldar college men in Colorado mountains working with children. Backpacking, horseback riding, crafts, wild life, and many outdoor programs. June 6-Aug. 23, 1305. Write now: Sanborn Western Camps, Florissant, CO 80818. 1 lllliitlllll komerriccb soups 11:30 AM-WOPM Met' IV: I 1228 "P 476-1020 (with coupon) Exp. 2-1-85 i I (with coupon) J Exp. 2-1-85 N NEBRASKA UNION I NEBRASKA UNION l L---------4i The Bakery Dozen- stamp card expiration Xj date is extended to May 1 0th. r Li y 1 1 i i I J l ! 1 1 r FOODS of MEXICO SOMETHING'S ALWAYS SPECIAL FOR STUDENTS AT TICO'S. Show student ID. for 1.5G off any meal Good through Feb. 1985 BLUE MONDAY. 80 Blue Margaritas on Monday. 17th &M 475-1048 10 M d MO M f ! I ! n n n y hifi?$l ml 1 SAT I srJ e 1 ? fmJh ' I P un ii TO '"' DOES YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION LEAVE YOU HOME AT 'NIGHT? Become a regular plasma donor and j earn $20 per week plus Ji0 bonuses!! j y n Ifs easy, if s relaxing, and it pays! Brlaq in this ad for s5 extra on vour V x first visit. lug hJJiiU a i .o.d a Lti Mon. VVsd. 9-5 Tus. Thur. Fri. E-4 2021 "O" 474-2335 n frea parking in ths rear li .f . t St i