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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1985)
Thursday, January 24, ies5 P33 2 Daily Nebrsskan ' 9 .. 1.1. i j 11 IL 1 . -A t. ft m . I U (? flf . f . D Pet Kg; SSiaSjlsdj It hcp3 both CC0R3mi23, liliU said. Labor may cost (22. an hour in Soath lioi-ea should eiH&l Us Biar '11 til &ra 12 in &pan, but It kct, but not within its borders, said a iOU' visiting prefer front a South Korean Dak-Cheer 1'.::. F::::rr tf to nc-ics tt C:t:r: Ur,i;:r.lty la Cea-al, JV--'o f market is r-:i:i, C.e c:::.try ihcild expand Its r.::h:i i:.t::-:'::-::V.:-.:n materia' to South I"cr:a to b3 u r- ! costs $3 la South Korea, Kim said. This attracts other cortrfa to South Korea, Kiza's kctar3 ti tha Celled of B'sl- icti cxr,x.r.C4 t..v J;7an, to 1S23. Kctt, Kcrsa is th3 Uni ted Stiles ssventh-brt trz?4 psrtscr. Klia hs cxpscts c.iiit I I I ! J I I I r v - 474-2111, ext. 310 24 hr. or less turn around on 10 pages or less high quality printing 2nd paper storage for up to one year revisions while you wait 30 paga maximum CrSsne for. text typing 1S?!i:;3 for statistical typing 4page for copies - tiller & tame Nebraska's QuacUy Department Stores 9-o th Kcrcsii exports to ths United SiEtes to triple by 1831. Th2 suth Koresn governiaent esapliislzca caspstitiva sntEll- to msdium-sized companies to prevent monopolies froni being created, Km ssid. Ftr.iiy oT.erjhip of business is limited to SO percent. South Korea's population is III edacilsd, Kin ssld, but tht is chang i?4 thrctsh a reverse bnin-drdn into his country. This Cow of foreign know-l-1- ir.ta fbuth Korea ks3 been im- t crtmt to the country's economy t:cc:3" ts tegan io us c;i r::2 prci-cticn, Kim said. In st:id, r.? is emphasizing 1 V. .A ' v w Cira e::d n:ir.:;;rs should knew . ... "y t:.2 v.trt iney 5:erk. The South Korean economy has con timed to grow, Kim said. Per csita lnccD has gone from $85 per person in m to between 11,80.0 and 12,000 in lSs'l. Although Kim has achieved success in business, ha says he has no personal laotlvction to accumviate wealth. He doesn't circi 07 stock in the compan ' ies ha directs, he sdi, Kim said he lives sknply od drives a small car. After rfl, m he said, "I m an economist" - . Kim works with the Daewoo Corpo ration, rsi&ed 62fid amor Fcrtur.o Eas?i!sa's top iZQ corporations in the wcsld. Care ' About People . a' University Lutlieran Chapa Sunday Services at 820, 10.00, H00 Topic for next two Sundays: Dating cnd'Marriags 1 51 0 Q 3t. 477-3997 t ' ... w-, - - Chili supper this Sunday at 550, Cost $2. a ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod - i..iii J Li LJ I ! ' r I - clx Ani ym csx $?jdy vJs yam -d$ni. Hi Ike tsksPAID TO STUDY. t fir - c J w s irnh,'i"f ruririTai' i'-,nr,'i 'VifniiiTir'iif'mi-iiiiA I3ctol':r ' wkhmi fattrfsr&3 wi:h yopy ee$2&n$a. - Setisfitt&n of kmwiKx ytm tpmtS ' big iksKcak dfag ta-smthtmo pkiZi erf ofcr ittzsm. UMVEESiTY PLAST.M 1442 O Street f,1so. Tysn., Thtirs., Fri. C:.C3r. to :C3 pm! ;V;t Cat 2:C3 t C.C;) pm1. Co 4 5Dt Gemid: poet's cpj Ha,- w MBijr' -jJ: V. BONN, West Germany Went C:r.:.::y h:.t cltair.rd a top-secret Soviet directory cf Moocovs p'.irvj ti a:r e::.Lr::;d Vtstcrn tech nology ranging torn n.iaai!as to traottra, t.s ,lr.t::::r Ministry said Vedaesday. The red bock, the tiae cfat:!:;h::5 d:::tir, U:ai tho information Moscow expects its ir.t:::i;ar.os C--"- b C : J tl 3 Y.':lL Tcp priority is given to acquiring ir-arrr.atica cn r-:::.'j r; as r; :t;:r3 and micro electronics, lar.-e ccmputcra, r: !:rcr.J rrahtt t:;--.!:;;, ;r.d anti-tank and fnti-submarir.e y:t:r.n, tl.o i:.t::!:r 1..: try :i i:i a report. The report coincide with Saviat D;;; rr.:.-.3 1 :..;.:..t:r AbxioAnton cv's visit to West Germany. Cold weatlior dekgro op ce oh utile HOUSTON 3N NASA said it was conS&st fee spsca shuttle Discovery, carrying a top-secret military psjica, w-iu inciieu maay tmer Wednesday's delay caaacd by frjssir s v : -'h-. Discovery was due to biaat c.7 C ; 3 , . i 1, tut cr.eials were concerned that too much ice would V:'U W) c -i t'.3 l.u!3's enormous external feel tMk when it vu p-;r.'-:d M c? . ; :r-cocl:d propellant. NASA said the chunks of ice could t:::': tlT cf . .r : 1 r. c2, damaging the heat-absorbing tiles that are cra:::J to Czz-Z rc ;lry cfths shuttle into the Earth's atmosphere. Some defense experts have ss-J :.y i: a satellite to intercept electronic feal3 torn the C-.LtU. ': r '.'l-j,Ueaoiarforthe United States to monitor crm3 aLtr;l C"-- - liirG3 oir tiravelers SAN FHINCISCO A Pan American Ml by a fttsk wind shot op 1,000 feet the height cf an 80-story laililr.j ia three seconds over Greened, injuring 13 people on board, ca aii'Iiss spokeswoman said Wednesday. The Boeing 747, bound for San Frariciseo fccra Lcndoa, was croising at 33,CC0 fes-t when the wind suddenly kcxe:-::d f.-o.-i 10 to ISO knots and sh'fied direction 80 d-atJees. the Phcav;G.'r..a:i sa!.d. - . Freak wiai Abductoxo return enecf o semdson MUNICH, West German Sven Aiel E;.ria:;:r, the grandson cf West German publisher Axel Springer, was found tlhra ia Zurich Wednesday after earlier being reported kidntpped, West C -rrif-aa police said. They said the boy telephoned his mother, Eeasmaric, at her home in Munich at 8:40 p.m. from Zurich airport. He told her he hsd been released and was in good hedth. Cholera infeoto EtMoina camp NAIROBI, Kenya Cholera has killed up to CO people a day at an Ethiopian famine relief camp and relief agencies fear it could break out at other centers, aid workers contacted by te in Addis Ababa said Wednesday. They said that the disease had broken out at Habu, a small relief center south of Dessie in Woilo province, 150 miles north cf Addis Ababa, where 6,000 of the country's 7.75 million femine victims are being fed. The workers said there were no reports that cholera, which is infectious and often fatal, had affected any ether cf the country's 200 relief centers. But there was serious concern among aid agencies in Ethiopia that the disease might spread to other centeis because of poor hygiene and lack of clean water, they said. To date, the Ethiopian government has not acknowledged the exist ence of cholera in the country, the aid workers said, aid there were no known plans to immunise people it risk, ..... Gsneralo charged in Aqon murder MANILA, Philippines PMMppke KiStery dddMisaVer, two other . generate and 23 men were charged Wedsceday in connection with the murder of opposition leader Esnipo Aquino. Ver, 65, and eight others wsr cbrged as r-secasrias end 17 as the principal accused, Omfcii&salfensiiof ttzzizi sddl.Jer, a kinsman . .and confidant of President Ferdtod r-J Vr.t ethen were also, charged in cosBSctfoa witidla of i:i CalzaVtheiBaa the militsiy said killed Apiso. Gsktsa shel i;:c:;::r.t3 Cm Aquino was mardered st Manila tirpcri 17 mesths o . Ver his been m less efetsenee $iss la jbrlictted la Aquino's death by an cScial teqsiry last Oet&kr, Ss tzi eiid fcawas not involved. Congress prapo223 pLt ' WASHINGTON - A bill to prsvid charpar ta!:;hcr.3 service to the pooTi aick and elderly wss ktrefeecd tf I? carcsa Wednesday. . The bill, supported by ccf.t:-:n til ccrxcz. zt prciecttoa organic .. tions, proposes the estsbEshsest cf atatj c:r..T..i:.:!:rj to provide a basic telephone service a Ihsittd nuzha cf lacai czHs "at discounted rates to the neeSy. Und ths ptsd lir. x,llth wssIJ cost an esu- . mated $430 ralllloa to bmkdzd a gma3 chi i?auld be Isvied on long-distsace eslls to f&d'th sarvfes. 9 - . mm 4R iored LOUISVallS, ly. E:pL;r t e2 j-. ; - T v-- Tifli n ErtLlcisl one nsy t3 3 reutirs fa 13 to 13 ; r-:: 5 :! r.r;:ry i3 to-ay, Cchrt?22? a!lv2 Lr r.:;: than H -4 vhl-h ! fctKrcst,L7C-'l:,fa: lh J.-r b zbiJjl Irgfar KidM ? tcsrd to bo :'r;' th:i r;. t t, ta.3 late:? fa L" ..: r':l r. c- tJ ':-o cvcr.U-