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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1985)
Wednesday, January 23, 1935 Pago 2 Daily Nebraskan Who' s i v" ! ' X Nei 1 V " 1 if r. 1 1 rCIT Am I orrtn, QcinrltAinh I Purchase a bag of chips with any 0 0 sandwich and got a email drink free. H H OFFER GOOD 6-9 P.M. DAILY 11 n1229 RSt. 435-6850 n Ll3 L23 C3 EH3 E3 EZ2 LI3 H3 ETJ CZ3 C.J ET3 C.1 Z3 TU ET-J f 77 , J! to J I'M c Presented by: Two O'CIsdi Ccn&s&er lUtzl (Olh a M St) Dccn Opea si 1:33 PM " Co-Spoascai HOLWAY RENT-A-Htt ' UNCOLN TQVZ A TEA VEX lUTLEi ns:o70C2Anr dskectiveseeauty SPECIAL MOMENTS BSEA COMPLETE MUSIC MAWKAYCQSMFnCS CAKES fc, Stek (SJ PRESTATIONS Eowere DOOR PRIZES REFRESHMENTS TOSSES THE ATRIUM 12C3 W j v 5 UNL was her.crcd In December 134 tit the National University Teleconfer ence network's recent conference la Tu!sa, Oklx, for last year producing a Ulecc a which was the nest rrnf f.Ma for NIITM rSCsMllM SitCS. The teleecricrcnce, on "Strengtn end Ccnditloni.n," featured UNL strength coich lisyd Epply and strength coach t!iis Artier. Tha telsarlercnce v;ss received at 14 sites screes tha ccur.try. NUTN b a censcrtium cf mere thm 100 universities, which v;crk tcjether to bring nstiend speakers to sites fecress tha country via tdecorierenc- until - - - communications to deliver prcgrams from the site where the brcadesst oridns.tes. NU Foundation President Bill & and his wifa. Jean, commit ted $5,000 to the university for scholar ships in the of their parents. K&lf of the annual gift to the founda tion during the next 10 yesrs will be used to support scholarships for high school graduates from Munich County in honor of Mrs. Wenke's parents, Donald F. Sampson, m$ the late Ester Hoes Sampson of Central City. The other $2,500 each year will be used at the discretion of CoSiege of Law Dean Harvey Peadraan in commemo rating the law career of Wenke's father, the late AcMph E. Venke. Candidates for the Merrick County scholarships, which may be used on 'any of the university's three campuses, will be nominated by the Merrick County Foundation and will be selected by the university's General Scholarship Committee. Clr ytca II. Yeutter, leader of the world's second largest futures market, has honored his wife, Jeanne Vierk Yeutter, with a $50,000 commitment for home economics fellowships at UNL Yeutter, president and chief execu tive cHIcer of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, established the Jeanne Vierk Yeutter Fellowships with an initial gift of $5,000 to the NU Foundation and has pledged a similar amount each year through 1093. The net income from the fond will be used annually to provide fellowships, assistantships and other financial assistance to graduate or undergradu ate students in the college of Home Economics. . with a growing state-wide electric utility On-campus interviews will be conducted on Tuesday, January 29, 1885. Electrical and instrument and control engineers. Prefer engineers who have nuclear Navy or power plant experience. Power Plant Operations (nuclear) Power Plant Design Excellent working conditions - liberal benefits -with an employee-oriented organization. Ruth Lind, Recruiting & Records Supervisor Nebraska Public Power District P.O. Box 439, Columbus, Nebraska 68601 "1 Nebraska s Public I i i 1 5 J j District ' An Equal Opportunity Employer ft w; " n n n. & :j j War WASHINGTON The nttion's econoiry rwa its bsst r?rfcrmance since 1851 tad grew 0.8 percent list yssr, tha Ccraissrce Department said Tuesday. . ' .. .... .... "If this were almost try c.:.:r cc"-;7 in us ucna, tr.s economic cfth4 United States we.dd b Urmttl a rrdrach...," White jlcuse spokesfssa Larry S?:d:ci sril 'T d;at ?.y msasare of the itf. erfthmns Larry S economy, 1334 wast year ci cuts.j u.a Th reoort on Gross Nations! Predict, m:-il:.t the country's total production cf good tnd services, ILlcd t;'?its in and on Wall i i..iora reacted street. Stock prices moved higher in m to the favorable fibres. 1 ! GODDARD, Kan. A 14-year-old ley, tccus:d cf kiiiisg a school principal in a shooting spree vith a h!r;h-F-crc:rcd ria tt his school Monday complained the principal and students p icked on him, his mother said. The youth wa3 arrested about 0 minutes tiler the shoctin-s which killed James McGee, 35, prineips! cf Godiird Jun'cr IIlh School and wounded two teachers and a student. Folk stirs J tn Ml rifle, a .357-caliber Magnum pistol and dessns cf rounds cfrr.52nitica from him. Because of his sge, the younter canact t3 charged cr tried as an adult. The two wounded teachers and tha 14 v:ir-c!J womded student were being treated in hospitals and v;ere described cs t :!r in r:cd condition. ( Pfl ,J. mrnumx cutics WASHINGTON President Esa2a told thGUssds cf cheering anti abortion demonstrators Tuesday they were ras&og fi lot cf progress in their campaign, but he renewed his appeal for them to shun violence. "We cannot condone the threatening cr taking cfhinan life to protest the taking of humn life by the way cf atcrtien," Rsssn said in a telephone message carried by loudspeakers to demonstrators massed near the Uhite House. Turnout at the rally was highsr than expected cn a bitterly cold day. Police estimated the crevd at 71,5C0. Gip-iiizers had eipected around 50,000. The demonstration marked the 12th anniversary cf the Supreme Court decision making abortion lepl. Police gain righto in ear csareli WASHINGTON The Supreme Court gave police greater latitude in conducting drug searches of cars, saying, in effect, they do not have to hurry to open up packages suepeeted cf containing dnr.3. In a 7-2 ruling, the court held t?l a discovery cf marihuana could be used as evidence at a trial even though government agents waited three days before opening packages taken from pickup trucks without search warrants. The decision involved aa August 1231 investigation into sus pected drug smuggling at a remote private airstrip near Bowie, Ariz., about 50 miles from the Mexican border. New trial called for socialite PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island Socialite Claus Von Eulcw, whose conviction for attempting to murder ids wealthy wife was overturned iast year, will be put cn trial again April 2, the chief cf the Shode Island superior court said Tuesday. Justice Anthony Gk&nini said the trial would not be held in Newport, the site cf Von Bulow's fist trial, but in Provi dence, the state capital. He said it wa3 being moved there because of a two-year backlog of Newport cases. , Von Buiow faces two counts of tiying to murder Ms millionaire wife, ' Martha "Sunny" Von Bulcw, with injections of iimulin daring the 1 97S and 1880 Christmas holidays. She remains in m irreversible coma in a New York hospital, Von Buiow was originally convicted in but the state Supreme Court overturned the comiction titer rsllig the state should, have obtained a search warrant before anaJjdng evidence found in a bag that allegedly belonged to Von Bulcw. U.S. eiilb ereateo feecf enmlct ' " WASHINGTON The Pentegoa said Tussdsy thst both the United States and the Soviet Union may soon have to dmaatle scae existing nuclear weapons if they are to rejnsiawiihia the tizaits cfthe 1973 SALT-2 Spokesman Michael Barch was caked ?;hat action If cay the Pentagon would take to avoid going ever the Strstec Aro UrJiatien Treaty limits when a new Tiden ballistic missile scbssariss fceas sea trials next autumn. He replied, &s he hti in the psst, that there rere several options. He would not be specific but ether cSelais tdd th't ia the past older wesaons hava bcEn .fmtl In nnlftr to ivi vti'vJ u. j-ivvu tt vwv. a " v4.i,w Stay within niimfflrir?! Hf The newest Tridea sub, the Alask'a, will cny 24 launcher tubes, which would put U.S. strategic forces over the limits prescribed ia SALT-2. Both sides have pledged not to undercut the treaty even thaufji the United States refused to ratify it. Fi MIAMI A crop-killing freeze Uitsed the Florida citrus belt for t second night sad spread tuesiry kto v.intcr vegetable areas farther south. Another freeze, lees srcrewas tezczzt fcreariy today. o uraaaai signed aa er.srrancv crder liTvini wucit load unuw w RSiD growers SDsed frp?Ti .,, r.,.-!-f r.H ni veitett Dies to markets before wsna wtitbtr to ret then. About 75 percent of the 1835 orange crcp wts still to Iz ImizXti. The freese is rionoa-s worst in M L: J L