The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1985, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Daily Nebraskan
Paqa 5
Tuesday, January 22, 1985
By LIi2;e Rclliey
The power forward slot cn Ncbraj
ka's men's basketball team has faced
many question marks this season.
Nebraska Ear.ltttball Ccach Moa Iba
fielded mere qucctier.s ca tha slot
when he spoke at tha weekly press
Information luncheon t tha Nebraska
Nehrsaka Women's Basketball Coach
Kelly inU, however, was concerned not
only with the ploy cf the forwards, but
of the entire team.
Kill Said inconsistency in the first
two conference games a 74-67 win
against Kansas State and a 04-80 loss to
Oklahoma State in Stillwater is the
team's weak point.' .
"Stacy Immirg has been our only
player that has showed consistency in
our two games," Hill said.
"We Just need to get mere consistency
from the ether pkyers."
Imming, a sophomore from Kearney,
doubled her noncenference scoring
average with a pair cf 2 2-point perfor
mances against the Lady Cats and
"Stacy's shots have been going down
for her," Hill said. "She's been our
leader out there so far."
Hill expects another tough contest
when the Huskers host Colorado Wed
nesday night.
"Colorado is a good bail team," Hill
said. "It's not going to be one cf those
games where we just show up and win."
Buffalo center Lisa Van Goor sat out
13 COT Q
Cather Six B 57 (3.5), Abel Ten B 38
Abel Ten C 36 (3.5), Abel Three C 23
Harper Nine B 50 (3.6), Abel Seven B 48
Schramm Two B 63 (3.6), Selleck 8200
39 (3.0)
Selleck 8300 29 (3.0), Burr Three West
C (2.3)
Schramm Four B 34, Heppner Three B
Cather Eleven 43, Cather Six C 26
Snow Softball
Phi Kappa Psi won the men's div
ision cf the snow softball tournament
Saturday at the 18th and Vine streets
softbali diamond.
The Phi Psi's best Alpha Tan Omega
22-15 in weather that was so cold, the
covers cn some of the seftballs split.
The Birds won the co-rec tournament,
defeating the No Names in the finals.
Phi Kappa Psi was Chris M&ngen,
Shawn Olson, John Pritchard, Jeff
DeBoer, Matt Smith, Eoger Miller, Bob
Armstrong, Doug Eshrens, Dave Chris
tensen, Syl Orsi and Chad Wallace.
The Birds were Dan Anderson, Don
Anderson, Teresa MendMk, Lis Jones,
Bill Lyons, Vicki Bathman, Mary Beth
Pruaa, Dctti Hill, Pat La;.i3,JayBchlken,
Amy Pkitner and Greg Oberg.
'NOTICES Men's Indoor Soccer
entries are dm by 5 p.m. today at the
Campus Recreation Grace, 1743 Vine
St. lien's and women's pitch entries
also are due today by 5 p.m. Pitch
entries should bs turned in at the
Manama's meetini for indoor soccer
will be at 4:20 p.ra. today in Collsssan 7.
Fridsy is tha last day to sii up far
, the nojHedit waii training class In
the Csmpus Recreation C-Ice. The
crcas country skiing scrrdsar at llaplelag
will accrpt entries until Jan. 31.
hem ns cover you.
.. .. . . re
the first part cf the season with aca
demic problems after missing last sea
son with a stress fracture in her left
foot. Iliil said the 6-3 All-Dig Eijht cen
tor could pese problems for the Huskers.
"Lisa is a Intimate All-American
and All-Big Eight candidate," Hill said.
"She has a lot cf experience and Is a
very good past player."
Iba said he has been concerned
more with the lack of point production
from the forward spot.
"We just had a terrible time with our
forwards down in Stillwater," Iba said
cf the Huskers 63-C5 loss to the Cow
boys. "We've had to score more points
than we did a year ago, that's why we
need more points from that position."
Suter, NU triumph
Nebraska's men's gymnastic team
rallied behind Wes Suter and Neil
Palmer to defeat Oklahoma and
Iowa State in a triangular meet in
Ames, Iowa, Saturday.
The Huskers were second after
four events when Suter scored a 9.45
on the parallel bars and Palmer a
9.7 to give Nebraska a lead it never
The !Iusker3 defeated Oklahoma
by a score cf 276.75 to 274.9. Iowa
State had a score of 274.5.
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' Senior Ronnie Smith and sophomore
transfer BillJackman have both assumed
the starting role opposite Curtis Moore
this season. Iba said he is considering
giving Jackman the staring nod ever
Smith, who started against Oklahoma
State, when the Huskers play the Colo
rado CuSfaiocs at the Dob Devaney
Sports Center Wednesday night.
"! expect more cut cf that position
this year with the players we have," Iba
said. "Anytime we get eight or ten
points out of that pc ition, it doesn't
matter who we play, we're going to be
Although Smith may not start, Iba
hopes he can contribute off the bench.
"We're not going to give up on Ron-
"This team really impressed me."
Nebraska Coach Francis Allen said.
"No matter how far back they were,
the kids never lost their confidence,
especially going into the last two
Suter won the all-around by only
a tenth of a point, 56.9 to 56.8 over
Oklahoma's Mark Oates. Palmer fin
ished fourth with 56.3.
Allen said the team will put their
"noses down to grindstone" in pre
paration for the Penn State dual in
two weeks.
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nie," Iba said. "We hope he can come
off the bench and help us with his
Jackman, who has averaged 6.2 points
per game since transferring from Duke,
could make his second start in a
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Husker uniform. The 6-9 sophomore
started againat Wisconsin Stevens Point
earlier in the season.
"Jackman, on a given night, might
be the answer to our problems," Iba
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