Tucsdsy, January 22,1935
Pr.rp 2
Daily Nebraskan
b. . a t .f -ri ft .
H 1 m n n i
wee pot it all: f
with a minimum purchase
Sun. R.7
Tues. 12-2
Thurs. 5-7 X
(l 1 "required" ae 21
V Weekdays 10.;0-1 r.m ,
y. Saturday 12-1 am
U Sundav 3-11
V '
. . J
I Jo
facilities include:
Weight room
Running track
Aerobic classes
5 Racquetball courts I
I J p"
I 475-9322 1039 P St. r ,!
Hi " ' !
2. V .
Sun Vc.!ay Cud t Nkl
YMCA Special
College Membership
Jan 15 -May 15, 1985
No refunds
Sign up Jen 14-31
Student ID required to enroll
" Must be full time student
3 Limited facilities use:
all times except Mon-Fri
1 1 am-1 pm and 4 pm-7 pm
lb44 r T. I J. J J'J. i
Uli &) 474-6593
(The Student Survival Store)
We are stretching our hours at
ISGsmta. For your convenience.
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-1:00 a.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m.-1 :00 a.m.
i is V ,
madmad yrf
Buschi2pk. $3.S9 I
ir" . WAV
i t ... . .... A U
1 VvWSr I
rr:V I Castelleni Asti I
. v. H I 750 ml. $3.i I
11 ) I VivantoWine I !
' I I ! ' 1-5liter ' 2.99 J
- I j Barton's Vodka " I
I I . ' ff 1 I' 175 liter . $S.S9 I
I I I ' I I "
I -sr'j I Barton's Gin
I f 1.0 liter $4.40 I
f (t .,- 1
4 p" A y"" .'ZIT mmA
y mm. 'CSy Captain Morgan Rum I -
Vf" i.o liter" ' L
i ff iiiMimiiiiiiw iiiwinMiiiiiini,jwM nw gfJ
6 pK. cans warm or cold $1.99
Sisidl's Wins Coolar warm $2.1S
6 pk. can (Red & White) cold $2.43
Offsr good thru Jan. 26, 1S35, or whilo quantities lest
The follawir.g Incidents were reported to UNL
police hetueen 5:37 nd 4:45 p.n. Sunday:
C .27 o-ra. Security tbrai reported sound
Irg at Sheldon 5emoriJ Art Gallery-
m i a.m. Vehicle reported driving over
pH'jr'.j meters in the lot across from Selleck
Qvdianle. Four meters were reported damaged.
2:02 p.m. Parking permit reported stolen
from a vehicle parked near the Home Economics
Euilibj on East Campus.
4:45 p.m. - Pars reported stolen from a
vehicle parked east of C. Y. Thompson Library on
East Campus.
lv4" Tae pieketers pthzr around tho
clinic's fenced-in pexking lot, trying to
stop pstieats cn the way in, asking
ihem to rcconsidsr their decision and
offering brochures and pamphlets. The
picketing is continuous and has in
creased slltly the lsst fov weeks, she
said. Because of the picketing, she
sdd, center workers taking appoint
pints "always let the patient know
that there alvays will be pieketers" so
they won't be scared or surprised when
they com to the clinic.
Dixie said she thinks picketing is an
effective way for anti-abortion groups
to make themselves seen. However, she
said, what concerns her most is the
actions taken by state and federal
legislatures, and the "conservative
climate of the present administration
concerning women's rights and abor
tion rights."
Got a Minute?
how lo priitwl
Crime Tip of the Bay
If you are responsible for keep
ing your department's petty cash
or coffee fond, then you probably
also are responsible for the
security of those funds. Kejp
cSce cash under lock and key at
all times. Make frequent depos
its to reduce potential theft loss
and keep accurate accounting
records separate from the cash
v fit 4r ,
6 .tw
tsa-&ee i-mimm
RS makes
forms 'EZ' .
New technology will be used to pro
cess Form 1040EZ federal tax returns
this year, according to the Internal
Revenue Service. Internal Revenue
Service Centers around the country
will use Optical Character Recognition
scanners to process the specially-designed
1040SZ forms for the 1984 year.
The Form 1040EZ is a one page form
used by single taxpayers with no
dependents who have taxable income
of less than $50,000 a year. This income
must be only from wages, salaries, tips
and interest income of $400 or less with
no All-Savers interest.
On the Form 1040EZ, taxpayers can
not itemize deductions, report divi
dend income or take extra exemptions
fwswblmdnmKowewrFoim 1040EZ
filers may tske the allowable part of
the chadt&bte contribution deduction
for non-itemi:rs, up to $75 for tax year
The IS million taxpayers who will
use the Fcrm 1040EZ to file their fed
eral income taxes will need to use care
when filling out the form. If at all pos
sible, filers should use the peel-off
label provided by IBS.
The CCU equipment "reads" the
numerals and characters on the form as
it scans over the page. To help the
machine pick up the correct numerals,
the Form IG4SSZ has pie-printed boxes
cis esch line that guide the taxpayer in
H!r4 cut the form. It fa important to
keep the numerals ia fee preper shape
cm arjrsr-
ibost cef Itiki the form.
Faulty taxieoiai iiimo 08
!b Nevada plane email
RENO, Nevada At least 63 people C?ZV,:xi:y when an airliner
ashed on takeoff from a Nevada gambling center, police reported.
a cnrtirwftmjLi for the Reno Police Department said the plane crashed
' w" ., " . . . . .... .."
in a field near a shopping mall on the outsorts
plane and airline has not been established, althoi;
the plane was believed to be a chaster r.:urrJ;:g f
She said between 63 and 68 people were cn te:: i
no survivors.
4,. - - v-wtv4
cf the city. The type of
h, the spokesman said,
and there appears to be
Court upiioMo Iimidictip RiiiEgo
WASHINGTON The Supreme Court Mcndy reacted two challenges
to a 1973 law barring discrimination against the hand!c??ped In programs
that receive federal financial assistance.
The first case involved a government investigiiioit into a 1CC0 com
plaint that Eaylor University Medical Center in Dsllaa violated the law by
refusing to allow a hearing-impaired patient tcccss to an Intsrpretcr. The
government filed suit in 19S2 seeking a court crier forcing Daylor to
comply with its investigation, saying the center's receipt cf Medicare and
Medicaid funds brought it under the 1873 law. The justices left intact a
lower court ruling that Baylor be denied federal finsTiCisl assistance as
long as it refuses the government access to its records and facilities.
In the second case, the court let stand a ruling requiring Pennsylvania
to pay for part-time readers for blind case workers in its welfare
Arrests mount in spy esenial
have been
NEW DELHI, India Five more arrests were reported Monday in
India's spy scandal as the government announced that a foreign agent had
left the country following the discovery cf an espionsg3 ring. The Press
Trust of India news agency quoted intelligence sources as saying that
officials in the defense and defense production departments were among
those arrested. This brought the number tfrfported an:st3 to 20 and PTI
quoted the sources as saying more were expected in what it called the
biggest spy scandal in India's history.
Man dies for 20-yeor-old crime
PEKING The killers of the family of Peng Pai, a Chinese revolution
ary hero who created a peasant movement before Mao Tsetun
sentenced for the massacre of dozens of people nearly 20 years ago,
Hong Guiwen was executed Sundsy for his part in the slaughter. He
hacked off the head, of Peng's nephew with a machete and hung it on the
gate of the southern town of Kaifeng, according to local newpaper reports
reaching Peking. Two other men were also sentenced to death but after
appeal Luo Ei was jailed for 15 years and Wu Niangsu for two years. Other
people involved in the August, 1287, killings were still cn trial, it said.
Opposition leader ends oxrn exile
MANILA, Philippines Opposition leader Jovito Salonga returned
home Monday after nearly four years of self-imposed exile in the United
States and said people must be willing to fight, suffer and, if necessary,
die for freedom. But at a press conference the former senator avoided
declaring himself a possible challenger to President Ferdinand Marcos in
elections scheduled for 1087.
Salonga, 64, partially deaf and blind in one eye from injuries suffered in
grenade explosions 14 yeara ago, was given a big welcome when he arrived.
'Priest's aMiietion not lone case
TORUN, Poland The abduction of radical priest Jerry Popieluszko
near Toren followed a series of non-fatal kidnappings in the region, and
this encouraged hopes that we might be found alive, a local cleric said
The Rev. Jczef Nowakowski told a Tcrun court trying four security
ponce c&icers accused In ropielussko s killing that the unsolved abduc
tions occurred last February and Maroh. Stmivwtf tttthm hannftri Solid
arity free trade union, of which Popielassfcb was a leading supporter,
reported that at least five people in the union were abdacted and beaten
before being released.
Popieluszko was kidnapped on Oct. 19 while drfYbg back to Warsaw
from the northern town of Byd&oszsz where he had been preaching. His
body was found in the Vistula Elver 11 dap Lt::.
Tenants innoi
'o de
OSSIPEE, New Hampshire A New Hampshire judge ralsd Monday
that three people were innocent of charges that they negligently caused
their landlord's death by arguing witti him tad preveking his fatal heart
attack. .
isband Perley
nampsnire s statute. mclet hwMA mtik
crunicen envers, requires "gross deviation" frous norrtsl conduct and the
reckless use of deadly force.
Carroll County Attorney TOsai Paine smied that the defendants
negigently caused the death cf 56-yssr-cld Donald Dodier last July by
provoking an argument over $80 in back rent while kr.swin t the landlord
nacJ a serious heart condition.
oanie! Moody, 19, his sister Lpda Byder, 32, tad her b
I ' rwm b"'d to have been the first pespU in the
charged with nedisent hamMr! e tn Menu t it
t ! J- , !
Kf?J - r local council in tea, & ccartal nzzA tc, ill
soon votethcr to order dcrlcys to wesr fc: to kssp streets clean,
bXrSf 3 Aed Doakc;-s Ucies
tr:? m cftrsaspcrt ca teu. Ihtztrda sre taar.sd cn the