The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 21, 1985, Page Page 2, Image 2
Monday, January 21, 1935 Psgo 2 Daily Ncbraskan GotaMinuto? l f . -a a a how u iroii 1 1 . ..........If 4l .' v 1 M I . L.-V " j f ' . i i j - 1. .ui ai4s v fa! In Cart Out0' Crime Tip cf the Day M ftftTnpnnfl m&kin9 VOU un- comfortable ty loitering around your cflice or watching your epicyess? uen 1 jusi sit inwe wcrryin. Ask the person if you r?v hn nf ss!sts.nce or direct the person to the appropriate ofr.ce. If you feel threatened in .a at tA.rk.1I anyway, ceil tr.e university roisce immediately. .-., -'.I'M . V "So competing end convincing you can't tear your eyes from tho screen. It i3 not to bo m!iscd." N4wswai(, Davtcl Artsvn "Tho bc:t fi'm IVo $ccn this year. At its best, movies just don't get any better" -Good Morning America. Joel &e-j) "Unforgcttabb. A movie to haunt your memory. One of the ten best of the year" -CBS Morning Nswi, Pat CoKins "One has to admiro the honesty of 'The Kiting Fie!ds.' C nature of heroism has changed." S u I -lima Mogozioe, Richard Schickel i C " J j J ymmmm!f- - - - 1 1 vi- ,- ,- 1 h I . I L Li I K t J 1.,, , ' J ni r?-'(s T7a 'W Ev r "r!, I r V 'f if "il H f EJ Wu Caii liuV4-iii iJiiiQ(niQ Urn? 1 1 !! . TONiGHT 7:00 P.M. & 9:45 P.M. SHELDON FILM THEATRE -,if.nni nrriu ahtw r?n fifniinn in iim?tfri and 011 a first coihq-first serve-basis. WASHINGTON Ronald Bssssn fcctr-n his second fcurycar terra as president Sundsy t!ter tskir.3 the oath cfcSIca tt a Ic key ceremony in the White House. He completed tH SS-wcrd tt 11:53 a.n., four minutes before his first term ended.'sn who took in 1SS1 and w3 rte'.ectcd b a landslide in November was sworn in by Supreme Court Chief Ju-tlce Warren Curger. Ee8n who will be 74 cn Feb. 6 and Is ths oMsst person to serve as president, made no formal remarks si the brief ccrrncny. 0orge Bush was sworn In for a second tern sa vice president Eecsuse the legal Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, fell cn a Eundsy, the public inaugural was delayed until todsy, when Rea-an v.i'l repeat the oath of CiT.ce and deliver his inaugural address ins!de the Cipitoi. Man arrested in clinic bombing WASHINGTON A third suspect in a scries ofbcznbiiigs cf Washing ton abortion clinics and family planning cLlcea has been arrested, law enforcement cf2cia!3 said. Tho U.S. Bureau cf Alcohol, Tobacco and llresma Identified the man arrested Saturday as Michael Donald Eray, 32, cf Eawis, Md. Two other suspects, Thomas Spinks, S3 cfEowie, tr.d Kenr.eth Shields, ZL cf Laurel, Md., were taken into custody earlier. All three were charged with conspiracy to vdckte federal explosives and firearms lavs and with making and using Improvised explosive devices to bomb eight abortion clinics and related centers in Washington, Virginia and Maryland since last Feb. 1 7, the AT? sdd. An ATF spokeswo man said there is no evidence linking the three to ether recent bombings cf abortion clinics nationwide. Houston squelches gay rights bill HOUSTON Houston voters overwhelmingly rejected measures adopted by the city council last year to protect, homosexuals from discrim ination against them in city government employment. Final results of Saturday's election showed the two prepositions were defeated by a margin of more than four to one. Over 243,000 ballots were cast, representing a turnout of 29 percent cf the city's registered voters. The measures, narrowly approved by the council last June, added sexual orientation to a list of characteristics, including race, creed, sex, age and disability, that could not bo considered in city hiring, promotion and disciplinary action. Israel begins ground withdrawal " SIDON, Lebanon About 60 Israeli military vehicles rumbled through Sidon, an occupied south Lebanese town, Sunday to start an announced Israeli pullout from the area, residents said. Israeli forces sealed of? roads and cut electric power In some areas as the convoy cf empty trucks and trailers moved through the deserted streets of the port city. Lebanese security sources said the vehicles were heading for Israeli positions at their frontline on the Awaii river, just north of the Sidon. outskirts and 24 miles south of Beirut The convoy's arrival was the first ground sign of a three-stage Israeli withdrawal from south Lebanon announced by the Israeli cabinet last Monday. t Mother Teresa seelis mission site FEKING Mother Teresa of Calcutta arrived in Peking Sunday and said she had come to China hoping that one day she could found a mission for her sisters to work among the poor and sick. Asked if she thought the Communist Chinese authorities, who do not recognize the Vatican, would allow a mission, the Roman Catholic nun replied.' "If it is God's will, no one can say no." China threw out its Christian missionalries titer the communist takeover in 1949 and Chinese Christians were severely persecuted in the 196S-76 ultra-leftist Cultural Eevclution. Bat the :vcrr.::.:r.t has relaxed its attitude and senior priests from the breatasy Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association greeted Mother Teresa as she emerged from a crowd of tourists and businessmen. ims believed to tie r?nerrillas STUTTGART, West Germany One person w?.3 killed and another wounded Sunday in a bomb attack on a computer data center in a Stuttgart suburb and police said the victims could to members of an urban guerrilla group blown up by their own fccsb. A statement from the state cf Eiden-Wucrtiambcrj? criminal investi gation office said the body was probably that cf a sr.d the wounded person was rentals. The center is locatedti a bulidtej in tha indsstrisJ district ofVaihin gen used by a large construction company asd the West German areo space research department. Daziage frcra the extkalca was estimated at millions of dollars, police said. lest-tube babies celebrate births . LONDON Two sets cf triplets and Ready S3 ether babies,- ail conceived in a test tube, celebrated their birthd: at a party in London Sundsy. The party was crg-nissd by Ian Craft, director cf sscolcqr at the private Cromwell Hospital in west Lcm5o:. who trc-lcd tho children's meters, lie told reporters he had held tha prty to show how much Happiness the test tube babies had brought. E2 sided that ha was in favor cr stnet guidelines for embryo research irJ crpecad commerdsl surro gacy, or "rent-a-wemb,'5 as it Yn bci d --