Friday, January 18, 1985 Page 6 Daily Nebraskan (TTUNCHEON SPECIALS LU -J CO LU CO 111 -J CO LU -J CO LU iu CO LU -J CO -J CO LU CO LU -J CO LU -J CO CO CO Mini pizza only $1.85 with all you can eat salad bar $2.86 Lower Level Glass Offer good 11 AM-3 PM Monday-Saturday Menagerie h SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALEJ? fn I (cr o rv ly U Hy hi y V lib m CO Inventory Stock $HILE. a on m m o Reduction Diamond Dinner Rings it Diamond & Gemstone Rings .... v Men's Diamond Rings 3 Diamond Watches Diamond Bracelets Diamond & Gemstone Bracelets Diamond Earrings i Diamond Pendants Birthstone Rings Pearl Strands Gold Chains, Sale Lasts Thru n n n 5c 5, n 0 f 0 f 0 f 0 f 0 f 0 0 0 f 0 0 f 0 m CO r m CO m CO CO m CO r m r m r m CO CO 2nd LEVEL CENTRUM 475-4101 SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE r m 1 J f I, V V V ' Mark DcvlsDiily Nebraskan Rloorainsrdde. left, and Fritch stand before debate trcphics while taUng some time out CO from preparing for this weekend's debate tournament D ebaters prepare for meet ByAdHudler Night News Editor science mjyor. "For one thing, you But it did send a group to the national learn how to use a to championships two years ago. I'M research, and vou reallv learn how to earned a 4-4 record there. think on your feet." "We do pretty good really," Fritch The words will fly this weekend at Fritch, a junior speech communica- said. "We are in a tough region." UNL, when teams from around the tions major, said debating "teaches you Oldfather Hall 410, the forensics region come to Lincoln to compete in not to accept statements at face value." lounge, is plastered wall-to-wall with the Comhusker Debate Tournament. The topic for this season and for this trophies and plaques that UNL's speech John Fritch and Dan Bloomingdale, weekend's debate is space exploration and debate teams have won. two UNL debaters, will be there to strut and development. The tournament, Fritch and Bloomingdale said debat- their stuff. which will be Friday, Saturday and ing experience should help them get Fritch, Bloomingdale and other UNL Sunday at Oldfather Hall and the Col- accepted into law school, should they debaters have spent up to 40 hours a lege of Business Administration, will decide to pursue a law career, week preparing for the competition, draw teams from Wisconsin, Minne- "A lot of law schools are starting to But that's nothing new debaters sota, Colorado and other North-Central look more and more at students' extra spend that much time preparing all plains states. The University of Iowa curricular activities," Fritch said, season long, Fritch said. and the University of Kansas, two Participants in UNL's debate team It's the research that makes tre job regional debate powerhouses, also will earn two credit hours per semester, so time-consuming. Debaters pour over compete in the tournament. Students who want to join the debate magazines, text books and government Just because a school is big doesn't program must be undergradutes enrolled documents to find supportive evidence mean its debate team is good. Fritch in 12 or more credit hours. for their arguments. and Bloomingdale said. Some of the The long hours of work pay off, Fritch best teams come from smaller private and Bloomingdale said. colleges, they said. "You do really get a lot out of it," Nebraska doesn't boast one of the said Bloomingdale, a senior political country's best debate teams, thev said. "And we don't cut anybody," Fritch said. Professor Jack Kay of the UNL speed communications department cuaches the group. mmM 101 N. 27th 476-1566 Mil 1 ESI cold 6 pk. warm case inriifi uuf a baa ife I m ms& j Liter j 750 m PI OLD reg. & light cold 1 2 pk. 03 "O .fUt '1 IbtJIkl d BLUE cold 6 pk. warm case 17 Ullil Liter yOOD WHILE OUANTITIES LAST! VACATION GUIDE mm Put your promotion, com munication and decision making skills to work as a Nebraska Vacation Guide. Duties include: speak with as many travelers as possible to influence them to spend more time in Nebraska; insure that information centers are properly stocked with travel information materials and keep records of materials; and assist the Division of Travel and Tourism andor local commun ities with promotional projocts. Qualifications: Able to pro vide own housing near the information centers; provide own transportation to and from work; a;td be able to work any dry during ssvw day week. Temporary fu'l time. May thru SejstenUr 2, 1S35. For appSksticn and question naires contact: Stats Depart ment of Personnel, P.O. Box 94905. Lincoln. NE 68509; (402) 471-2575. Cfcsmg date: 28S5. X Mtcm Mini Pizza 6" Hot Hoagie 16 oz. drink 16 oz. drink Potato Chips Served 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Mon.-Sat. Now Through Jan. 26 Only. In a Irarry? Gil ahead, well have it ready. Here's your chance to beat the high cost of lunch and still enjoy a complete meal of good, nutritious food. J5 m VDIDCBD ULLC K " ( tr Computers $109.95 g i Atari 800 XL 64K g 9 Radio Control Boots, n Cars, Planes n Model & Building Supplies n n n n m m i 130 N. 13th Downtown 47S-3SI3 esth & o East Park Plaza 4S4-2S58 4344 "O" St. 475-400 4120 So. 48th St. 483-2881 n UULJLJUUULJULJtJtJ