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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1985)
Friday, January 18, 1985 Daily Nebraskan Pago 5 Letters " USA Student says abortion hurts several people In response to an earlier letter by Steve Campbell (Daily Nebraskan, Jan. 16), I would like to say that Campbell does not have a "lack of respect for life In general," only a lack of respect for life In particular." Campbell insisted that he was ultimately concerned about the "quality of life,' but it is obvious from his comments that some lives are considered to be qualitatively different from others, and therefore these lives are a "burden" and worth terminating. It is not "humane" for one person or a segment of society (regardless of the conditions) to take it upon himself to allocate the innocent and dismem bered bodies of "unwanted" or severely handi capped children to an incinerator or refuse hesp as is currently the practice in the United States. There are many facts about abortion that Campbell has failed to recognize (or i3 unwilling to recognize). First, abortion is violence. It is the shedding of innocent blood. If there 13 any dis agreement on this point, I suggest a conversa tion with an abortionist whose job it is to tear asunder, to disembowel, to crush the skull, and then to reassemble the lifeless shards of limbs of a child (suction abortion). If the child is born alive (saline abortion or hysterotomy), it is an abortionist's job to either cut off a child's air supply via strangulation or to place the child in a pan in the corner of a room to gasp his last. Second, as a psychology student, Campbell should be aware that resorting to violence is not a solution, but a precursor of greater violence in the home and in the world at large (view the situation in the Middle East or Northern Ire- land). All violence, abortion included, must be decried. Third, a pitiable reference to a study indicat ing that unwanted children have problems in later life is not a sufficient defense of abortion . If it were, then sufficient reason also would exist to terminate the lives of those found in high-risk categories as determined by demographics or assessment techniques. Finally, empirical evidence does not indicate that abortion results in lives that are happy for all concerned. On the contrary, abortion weak ens rather than stengthens relationships and produces irreversible scars of guilt, deep sorrow and regret for men, women and children. WEBA (Women Exploited Ey Abortion), a national self help organization, is a testimony to the severe problems encountered by women and families that have been traumatized by an abortion. Moreover, a psychiatrist, Dr. Philip Ney (1983), has been studying and reporting psychological syndromes in children ("abortion survivors") who are well aware of their mother's abortion and who perceive abortion as a disaster. Evi dence aUo was provided that child abuse is more frequent among mothers who have previously had an abortion. I hope that simplistic answers to the world's problems such as abortion will be rejected in favor of these that truly take into consideration the "quality of life." Christopher Milne graduate student counseling psychology Parents say university needs child-care center I am writing to urge the Union Board to permit the University Child Care Project to stay at Commonplace through May 1988. As faculty members, my husband and I rely heavily on the center, where our daughter goes each day. Before she attended the child-care center, we took her to a neighbor's house which was full of candy and the television was on all the time. She didn't get much attention either. Qual ity child care, with teachers and staff who care about the children, is not easy to find in Lincoln; the only places we considered suitable were Trinity Methodist and the University Child Care Project. Both had long waiting lists, but we were able to enroll our daughter in the university center by starting her in the summer. My husband and I teach mathematics to a total of 150 students each. In order to do a good job, we need to know that our child is well-cared for, and we need to depend on the child-care center to stay open each day. We have been extremely pleased with the university child-care project. They are always open even in blizzards and during exams. It is convenient for us to come for visits, such as for lunch. The teachers are terrific and are assisted by many warm and lov ing student helpers. Both men and women stu dents work at the center, and they appear to be enjoying their work with the children as much as the children enjoy having them there. I recently completed a four-year term on the Chancellor's Commission for the Status of Women. We surveyed faculty, staff and students to ascer tain major concerns. Needless to say, child care was one of them. As a result, we formed a task force to study child care; I was a co-chairwonr . with Barbara Kerr. At that time, we had no idea that the University Child Care Project was in danger of being terminated; we were concerned then about the inadequacy of available and affordable care even with the university center. As I mentioned before, the university center has a long waiting list. Also some students can't afford it; several years ago the university pro vided some subsidy for students, but that has been discontinued. Now, with the rise of non traditional women students, child care is needed more than ever. I know several such students who had to drop out because of their child-care problems. Thank you for your consideration of the child- care extension request. Sylvia Wlegand associate professor mathe rustics and statistics Student defends rights, choices of fetus 'motlier I would like to question Jim Rogers' editorial (DN, Jan. 5), "Unborn fetus deserves human status." How do you label the status of the mother of the fetus? You said in your article that abortion was brought upon U3 by the "denial of the legal status of a group of Homo sapiens as full persons." But did you ever take into account the rights and feelings of the mother? Should not she also be considered a full person and have the right to make decisions about her own body? I am not saying that I agree with abortion as a form of contraception, after the fact. But I do think a woman, as well as anyone else, has the right to choose what happens to her. I also do not think that you realize the implications of making abortion illegal. Whether a woman can get one legally or not is unimportant. If she wants to end her pregnancy, she will. Either on her own or with the help of someone else. It has been going on for centuries and will continue whether abor tion is legal or not. I think "civilness," as you call it, will have a better chance of surviving if a woman can make her own decision about her body, without the intervention of government. No one has the right to dictate the morality of anyone else. A woman cannot be forced to have an abortion, and neither can she be forced to have a baby. This issue challenges democracy in all our lives. Therefore, should not we be allowed the freedom of choices. S.L. Tesarek junior m&n&3iant It's no secret that voalpuzzglsnacht is coming Jan. 25th. Look next week for details! rvf 33 w h - "nVYY .HAM SHOW STARTS AT PM 322. SOOTH 9Xi STREET, L1MCOLM ,NE 66508 476-8551" m. 0 ?rA i CAth'T. 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