Friday, January 10, 1935 Daily Nebrccksn Pago 3 'olice Th following Incidents were reported to UNL 12:44 p.ia. Radio reported stolen from police between 1 2:35 a.m. trd 7:44 p.m. Wednes- Bancroft Kail. S:SS p.ia. Tools reported stolen from 825 12:23 a,su. Misdemeanor assault reoortfld v i .k J. at Pound Kali. 4' 12:43 a.n. Security alarm reported ":29p.ra, Fire a!srra reported sounding at sounding at Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery? Rarper KaJL mZQ sum. Belated report of bicycle tires 7:44 p.ia. Medical emergency reported at stolen from a bicycle near Love library. the Nebraska State Fair-rounds. Person Injured. - Setting it Straight An article in Tuesday's Daily Ne- legal department of The Bakers Life braskan on Vice Chancellor for Student Insurance Company. In addition, the Affairs Janet Krause contained several Student Assistance Center would in- mistakes. Krause's doctorate is in Eng- elude the Learning Center and some of lish, her parents did net attend UNL the Admissions and Advising staff, and her daughter-in-law works for the Professor pursues lost texts Paul Schach, professor of modern languages at UNL, is appealing for help in locating three books of medieval Danish manuscripts and accompanying notes and translations. Schach said the material dis appeared sometime In the last six months from the UNL City Campus, possibly from Love Library. Police searches have failed to locate the missing bocks, which represent more than 10 years of Schach's research. Anyone with any possible leads on the missing books is asked to contact Schach, at 472-3849, or the UNL department of modern languages, at 472-3745. MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE 1 The Navy's Health Professions Scholarship Program is available ;' to college students working toward a medical degree. Upon completion you will receive a commission as an officer in the ; Navy' QUALIFICATIONS !! Be a U. S. citizen II m -- Less than 34 years o!d upon graduation i Acceptedenrolled in an AMA accredited institution in U. S. or Puerto Rico if Medicine or Osteopathy f f For more information contact: I! Mm Elflsiisd Prsffsms II i Li Jhieads Aogetheg MOVE UP. TO HEADS MIC, formerly of Hair Express is joining the professionals at HEADS TOGETKBi Call 4754902 for an appointment or just stop by. 17th & R Street. fl s NEE Baa .HBfe. ana I i Sw J2? n I inn NEW MOW l-W ! "0-3 E NEW YEAi? Become a regular plasma donor and earn $20 per week plus $10 bonuses!! Ifs easy, ifs relaxing, and it pays! Bring in this ad for $5 extra on- your first- visit WE PAY MORE incoBft FjmGma m Q n 4 Mon. Wed. 9-5 Tue. Thur. 9-6 Fri. 8-4 Sat. 8-2 nnmnmmm 2021 "O" 474-2335 free parking in the rear 11 O. 4 1 .1 LJ n i 3 1 w- " 3 0 FREE PARKING NORTH OF BANK .. 6 OLUCIIS SHHTII HF HIE CTUBEOT UOTCM! : NT r -t H h i i : . ... . 1 - -! b Tl. i WW! IBW':- . , 4 U - til - 4 i i ,1 4 2 City Bank a Trust Compsoy of Lincoln 14th end f.l Slrests Phnm: 477-4:31 Lincoln, risbraska SS503 R&mber F.D.I.C. V,, n: , f 'A'A' n A e vtt. A v'i B fe i s ,v ,K w w v v , I