The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1984, Finals Week Edition, Page Page 28, Image 28

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    Pago 28
Daily Nebraskan
Monday, December 17, 1034
7?e Srg?f dea
13th & P Streets Downtown
Weekdays 10 am to 8 pm
Saturday 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday lam to 5pm
i in . ti ,.a m
....... n 3 r.-.-a
OCS (Army Officer Candidate School) is a 14-week challenge
to all that's in you. . . the mental, the physical, the spirit that are part
of what makes a leader.
If OCS were easy, it couldn't do the job. It wouldn't bring out
the leader in you, or help you discover what you have inside.
But when you finish and graduate as a commissioned officer
in the Army, you'll know. You'll know you have what it takes to lead.
And youH be trim, alert, fit, and ready to exercise the leadership skills
that civilian companies look for.
If you're about to get your degree and you want to develop your
leadership ability, take trie OCS challenge.
Call your local Army Recruiter, and ask about OCS.
In Lincoln Call 402-475-8561
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Architects and interior design- The American Institute of Steel 63583-031 1.
ers are invited to submit entries Construction has announced
for The Creative Ceiling Awards, eight graduate fellowships of The Nstiond cowgirl Hail of
two design competitions sponsor- $5,000 each wffl be awarded in p and Western Herita Cen-
ed by Corporation. 1985 by the AISC Education ter ia accepting names of women
Entry kits can be obtained I by Foundation. who can be considered candidates
calling tonwed at 1-SQO-32S-0497. The grants will be awarded to t0"be of Fame honorees
TreatlveCeiIte3Concep"the fduate jMarutuTA Candldates must have back-'
first and more creative of the two engineering students working to- M cow'rls or must have
competitions, calls for entrants ward Ian vmcdnUttd iflcanf contributions to
to design a ceiling using Conwed to fabricated structural steel. , VVfst?rn herit" through their
designer ceiling products. A se-' Feow.h JSSlS
parate category for students has the basis of the candidates pro- torians missionaries, doctors,
been incorporated into this con- posed course of graduate study, -rtMq n?rtter author and
test, which runs through Feb. 16, scholastic achievement and the J-" pacesetters, autnors ana
l9$' rm.r .JT1"' Please send names and biogra-
"Creative Ceiling Construct- .Wf- .... . phies to National Cowgirl Hall of
to professional architects and de- wore than 250 colleges or univer-
signers only. It evaluates actual sities or may be requested from
projects completed with the same the AISC Education Foundation,
Conwed products at the first com- 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago,
111., 130G11.
The deadline is March 1, 1985.
Fame and Western Heritage Cen
ter, Box 1742, Hereford, Texas,
petition. Installations finished be
tween June 1, 1934, and Aug. 15.
19S5, are eligible.
Three industry experts will
choose the winning entries. Twelve
concepts and six constructions
will be selected, with cash prizes
totaling $45,000.
For further information, call
Conwed's public relations depart
ment at 612-221-1102.
People's City Mission, 124 S.
Ninth St.,will have an open shop
ping time to pick out holiday gifts
Nebraska 4-H members will take
a mid-winter escape Jan. 12, 1935, for members of poor families who
. ' ' . mi l !.i! sit
to learn about leadership and neeaneip. ine snapping ume win
careers and do some skiing as be from Tuesday through Thurs-
weiL day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.
Hie 4-Hers, ages 14 to 18, will
go to the Eastern Nebraska 4-H
Center near Gretna for the annual snow shoveling can be fun win-one-day
Leadership and Career tPr exerHs for som. hut for
The Committee on Institutional Training Program. The youths may others it can be dangerous, if not
Cooperation Minorities Fellow- ski at Trail Ridge and stay over- impossible.
ship3 Program, sponsored by 1 1 night at the center. The American Red Cross Labor
Midwestern universities, will a- Cost is $10. Youths should reg- Co-op Snow Shoveling Program 13
ward about 50 fellowships to ister through their extension looking for people to volunteer to
members of underrepresented office. shovel snow for others who are
minority groups seeking doctoral ... unable to do it themselves and
degrees in social sciences, human- Anxious about taking Math 100?' who can't afford to pay to have
ities, sciences, mathematics and A RnpHfli prtnn h hn the work done.
engineering. up just for you. Contact B.J. at
is for four years. For 1985-86, 472-5448
each award will pay full tuition
plus a stipend of at least $6,000.
Fellowships can be used at the UNL researchers are seeking
University of Chicago, University people with physical disabilities
of Illinois, Indiana University, Uni- for help with a nationwide study
versity of Iowa, University of of family strengths.
Michigan, Michigan State Univer- The 3-year-old project studies
sity, University of Minnesota, the strengths of families with a 1985, at 7 p.m. in the Conference
Northwestern University, Ohio disabled family member. Room at the Bennett Martin Li
State University, Purdue Univer- Volunteers will fill out a questi- brary, 1 4th and N streets,
sity and the University of Wis- onaire. All responses will be con- A lecture on preventive medi
consin. fidential. cine for natural healthy living will
For complete information about Those interested should con- be given Jan. 16, 1985, at the
who may apply, exactly what dis- tact Lois Schwab, department of same time and place,
iplines are covered and how to human development and the fam- For more information call the
apply, call 1-800-457-4420.
For more information or to
volunteer call the Lancaster
County Chapter of the American
Red Cross at 475-5581.
A lecture on "Naturopathy andt
Homepathy: Alternative Holistic
Medicine," will be given Jan., 2,
Home Economics 140, UNL library at 435-2146.
East Campus, Lincoln, Neb.,
1 liUf .nil .e, ...Amu
CA for ftee 1 Mstfl '
To wish Lincoln citizens a happy
holiday season, the Lincoln Trans
poration System will offer 5-cent
bus rides on all regular line ser
vice Saturday.
The Lincoln Division of the Col
lege of Nursing will have its win:
ter honors convocation Friday at
2 p.m. in the Nebraska Union
Georgian Suite.
Employees taking too many copy breaks?
Those long lines at your office
copier cost you more than we do.
We copy fast, our prices are com
petitive, and our quality is excel
lent. Sometimes our copies look
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reports, legal briefs, catalog
pages, price lists all featuring
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copier-duplicator. Try us and find
out the difference.
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"I met my wife while waiting in
line to use the office copier. "
The Citizens Commision for the
Study of Higher Education will
present its report to Gov. Bob
Kerrey at a presentation cere
mony at 1 1 a.m. Tuesday in the
East Legislative Chamber of the
state Capitol.
The report is titled "Toward
the Twenty-first Century,"
Continued a Pass 29
Gir Bpoody Printing Cantor
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